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Everything posted by WExtremeG

  1. That's probably because they make so much money off of their clients that have them...
  2. I would love to see the idiots who thought this up round up livestock without the use of dogs...lol
  3. I've noticed in my area that dogs are a bit like the pirated movies... most don't want the shiny glammed up expensive health tested ones but will be quite happy to pay for less than half the price for one that potentially (lol to them anyway) looks the same as the more expensive version without the extra "add ons".
  4. Not mine either one bastard tom even jumped into our yard to attack our dog!!! How friggin' brazen! Our cat never leaves the yard (is supervised fully if he is outside).
  5. I personally would look past a dog who's parents hadn't been hip or elbow scored. Seen it too many times with friends who've bought byb or shelter dogs who had gotten hip displasia or arthritis in the joints young, and subsequently were laid to rest early despite all the best effect and drugs to keep them alive comfortably
  6. tough situation. See if you can find the cat and take it to a vet maybe?? Do you know where she works? I'd be telling her ASAP if I knew I could- also tell her direct rather than a note on the door. (but I can understand if you can't do either of those things). Goodluck!!! I am feeling for you right now!
  7. Yep, a GSD :D when I had her cross-tied, there was no way she could have gotten one or both hind legs over the side I made sure!!! (I would never forgive myself if something ever happened to her that was my fault)- we only went down our street as it was her first time ever (she seemed to really enjoy it ) Thanks for your insight though- believe me, I'm keeping everything in mind (: I'm thinking either removeable bolt on cage or anchor point on floor, in the middle at the front with enough chain to sit or lie down confortably without being able to move around. Leaning more towards the cage though, as like you said you can add shade cloth to protect against the sun and projectiles.
  8. Yes, there are side panels and we're getting rubber matting :) I do not want any of her body to be able to get over the side...thankyou all for your advise :) I do not want anything bad to happen to my dog. Would an anchor mount fitted to the floor (in the middle) of the tray work better than one installed higher up- or does it not really matter where it is (as long as it prevents the dog from jumping up)?
  9. Why's that Aussie3- if you don't mind me asking? I just get so scared they might fall off or get hung over the side etc. It just freaks me out Whenever I see one I get tense :laugh: Yeah, I know what you're saying- I always see dogs without any restraint- makes me so nervous that I won't be behind them (I change lanes instead) the dogs are walking all over the tray side to side and hanging over the back :/
  10. Thankyou for this story - this is exactly what I don't want to happen ever! How scary for everyone involved-
  11. Why's that Aussie3- if you don't mind me asking?
  12. Okay cheers :) feel like such a dill lol I'll look into both options- we got the ute primaryilary to move things as well as take the dog out to places we wouldn't normally take her in the car :)
  13. Dumb q coming up... How do I stop the cage (if I get one) from sliding about do I use rope to hold it on the anchor points on either side of the tray at the front or do I take it (the ute) somewhere to be modified? Cheers, never owned a ute before :)
  14. For everyone who has dogs and utes- How do you restrain your dogs on the back of a ute? We recently got a ute and want to make sure our dog is safely secured when traveling on the back- wondering what methods everyone is using? So far she was fine just going down our street, being cross-tied so that she's in the direct center of the tray- being cross-tied doesn't give her an option to move to either side of the tray, but she can put her front paws on the cab (which obviously is not good) am thinking I need to install an anchor point in the middle on the tray floor- so she can't jump up? What collar/harness should we use- I don't want anything that can potentially slip off.
  15. Another GSD breeder with working and showlines. :)http://www.wolfonyx.com/
  16. Law here in QLD is; if offered for sale or give away, dogs and cats must be micro-chipped first. Such a useless law IMO unless they find a way to enforce it. There are tonnes of animals that aren't being chipped on fb groups....why can't they have someone checking these pages? Annoys me to no end... And I dare say that the puppy farmers are not as rampant as the average joe - backyard breeder
  17. My melanistic Black and Tan GSD also loves to lay in the sun- on a hot day- dogs are pretty funny sometimes lol
  18. I love this idea and it will work for responsible people...but how do you enforce micro-chipping, when people are still getting away without micro-chipping their animals? Unless there's a dob line?
  19. very pretty- I love the look of bi colours. Must admit that I hadn't heard of "Timber Shepherds" before - just the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog.
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