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Everything posted by WExtremeG

  1. Yep, I have. I don't know if it did anything to be honest- the graze took a couple of weeks for the skin to grow back and the hair took over a month.
  2. Most scammers don't like to send photos or know what ANKC is all about.
  3. How scary!!! I agree, padlock your gate! My dog's been let out before (accidently) as I had some workmen who didn't know I had a dog, and left the side gate open- luckily I went to go a re-lock it and found my very excited Sheppy trying to get hugs and kisses from the workers who were trying to leave!
  4. Nope- not breeders terms. One particular case is here in AU, the "guardian families" do however get to keep 'their' dog after it turns four, and is retired from breeding. (I guess that's something) Want to say that not all in this developing *ahem* breed are like this. Most actually do keep their dogs as family pets and have few litters every now and then. I'm pretty tired of this thread- so this is the last I'll say.
  5. I've noticed on quite a few American and Canadian breeders websites that they "foster" out some of their dogs and take them back for litters or matings. The breeders however still have a few of their own dogs. I guess it's so they can have more access to different dogs and lines this way. Yeah, fair enough. Still seems a little bit dodgy to me (but what do I know?).
  6. We got emailed this one- thought I'd share :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFrw3NnoSuM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  7. Not to mention Micro-chipping, Vaxxing and Worming!
  8. I don't know...example: One particular breeder has no breeding animals on site- they're all in "guardian homes" and are called in when the breeder wants to breed, or when the bitch is due to whelp (she goes back to her "guardian family" after the puppies are weaned at 8 weeks). I've never heard of this for dog breeding?
  9. I have no idea- that is why I asked. I wanted to know if this sort of thing happened often and was considered normal in the world of breeding dogs. *shrug*
  10. Their code of ethics isn't as extensive as ours, though I do agree it is a good attempt at becoming more ethical... On a side note- what do you think of "Guardian families" for holding onto dogs that will be used for breeding(dog returns to breeder for the whelping of pups, and then goes back to its 'guardian family' until the next breeding)? One such example is in the US.
  11. well there you go. Always good to see a different perspective on things :) I likened it to the fact that dogs use their mouths like hands.
  12. I wouldn't pay- if it were undamaged clean and still able to be sold.
  13. bout an hour or so... She chews them, then soaks them in her water tub (must make them easier to chew lol).
  14. Sorry, should have elaborated... ALA calls them labradoodles, while the other uses the names labradoodle & cobbadog interchangeably until the latter becomes known.
  15. Thankyou for your detailed answer- you've certainly put a different light on it :) A couple of questions though... Why are there two organisations for the same "breed" (ALA+ALAC), and what is the "breed" for if they're NOT designer dogs like they say?
  16. They arn't going for ANKC recognition? That quote from their website is complete rubbish, the real reason they aren't going for ANKC recognition is because they have no hope of getting it. Yep, neither does the Mini Foxie. Absurd isn't it. So why is it? What is their reason for not accepting these dogs ("labradoodle")?
  17. Okay, found the other website... but I'm confused- They arn't going for ANKC recognition?
  18. I'm pretty damn sure that the police would know whether or not if the dog was a GSD. Sounds like a jerk (and more) of an owner.
  19. Yep- they do Now I don't trust any dog not on a leash. 3 times my girls been attacked unprovoked on 3 separate occasions, 3 times she's been on a leash and 3 times the dogs that have attacked her weren't. I know this may not be the case(but it sure felt like it), it was almost like they knew that she might become a threat- so to take her down now.
  20. So, 500 dogs registered with an organization, with a minimum of 15 years in operation with at least 5 generations of dogs from the first cross...? I can't find anything related to "cobberdogs" apart from commercial pet food- I did find this though- http://www.laa.org.au/- Is this legit...can anyone make up a registry? According to ANKC, the new breed can not have a combined name...so why are they still calling it a "labradoodle" if they want recognition (anyone know)? Also, if a breed serves no purpose (as I understand it, they were originally bred for seeing eye dogs for patients who suffered allergies), can they still become a breed? Does anyone think that they'll eventually become a breed?
  21. me too and I'm not about to put collars on my dogs either for "just in case they get out". My dogs play hard and part of that is grabbing ech other around the throat, no way I am risking coming home to a couple of dead dogs. The chances of that happening are much, much higher then of them getting out. Agree.
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