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hoping to share the following link. Its a gofundme account for Mason. Mason required an operation soon to remove a massive lump that's stopped responding to treatment. http://www.gofundme.com/pzphdw Masons family have had a few set backs the last 12mths and are desperate to get Mason well again. In normal circumstances they wouldn't ask for help but already paying off large vet bill they don't feel they have any other options. Thanks Guys My link
a few years ago I came across a search data base where you could search names of bull terriers (miniature) as to if dogs in that line had been tested clear, carrier or at risk or by parentage of PLL. it was the mbtcg.eg address. I had it saved on my old computer before it was fried. I've managed to find the mbtcg site but unable to find the search related. I believe the site has been upgraded also. anyone have the link. be great thanks :)
lol thats great i figured if she had one it be small. funny bout the red but! lol what about Tony Abbott any one know?
might be a silly question but has Julia Gillard a dog? and if so what kind one of my kids asked me this last night and i couldn't answer. got me thinking but
its part of their way of cutting out unregistered breeding. council have exceptions to registering working dogs but if they get picked up the are still treated as unregistered dogs even tho they are not required to be registerd. one dog was desexed etc the male was not. the inlaws had the female desex years ago but as they live on some 400acres surrounded by a further 1000 or so acres kms away from the nearest house he was not. I had called the pound saturday which is when they had been picked up, yet they told me they had not been picked up. i gave a very detailed description of both dogs. but the ranger had listed both as breeds they look nothing like and the female was listed as not desexed when she is tattooed. im not sure how a ranger can mistaken a chocolate and tan purebred kelpie with a purebred cattle dog. had i been told they were there saturday i would have saved money and less stress on both dogs. when we found them on monday neither dog had been scanned for chips. I should have been more clear we could have had him not desexed but the fees for release are so high i paid less for my car and 6mths rego. plus we had the second dog to also pay for impound fees on. and they do not offer payment plans and with only 3 days to claim them and 2 days already past leaving either dog there was never an option. tho it was never an option for us to leave the dogs i can see why some people don't claim their pets. as the fees are too high. its still really not clear as to why they even took off. neither are young dogs and both well trained workers. they don't normally get out together cause they normally run down to the creek and roll in all things stinky like cow poo and dead roo etc. but something had up set them the night before and they had both been barking all night which was not like them. they also got picked up by the ranger with in an hour of running off miles away from home. i guess its possible they hitched a ride with someone and then some how got out of the car but yeah. he has only had the meds once today but we see a decrease in swelling already. the swelling wasn't huge but just alittle smaller than how he looked before desexing. he is leaking a white liquied and as i said before is weeing while walking and weeing while pooing. the sight were the stitches are is red and very tender but clean and he has his cone on for 2 weeks. the vet today just was not nice about the service the pound offer (and did not charge for today other than meds) and given the mix up we had with the breeds and other dog we were worried. when i had my other two males desexed they had sacs removed but it was also some 20 years ago.
Just after advice on desexing a male dog later in life. He was living on my inlaws farm. Last weekend for unknown reasons he and another dog were let out together and took off. We drove the streets all weekend, walked the almost 400 odd acres, posted ads online and contacted all the vets, RSPCA and local pound. The pound said they had NOT been picked up. First thing Monday morning we went to the pound to look for ourselves. Both dogs had been there since Saturday but had been listed as two totally wrong breeds. The male is a large kelpie cross and the other dog was a pure bred kelpie. The larger dog listed as a mastiff and the pure kelpie listed as a pure cattle dog. Cut a long story short the male had to be desexed before being released. He is 7 odd years old and had massive well developed testicles. When we collected him they has removed the testicles but has left the sac. We were told that the sac would fill with some fluid but would be smaller than what he had prior to the desexing and it was nothing to worry about. They said he was not in need of pain relief etc. but to keep him quiet. He has come home to live with us. Kept him as quiet as possible, a walk each evening and inside. He is eating ok and drinking but he has been urinating while he walks, and while he poos. He had his 4 day check-up today at the vet I use for our other animals. The vet was very unhappy with how his desexing had been done. He said for his age and the size of scrotum, his sac should have been removed. He is inflamed, and in pain. The vet did say we had been doing everything right to give him the best chance of recovering but the odds were against us due to the incorrect desexing. We had never been given the option to have his sac removed during the desexing. Honestly I was surprised it wasn’t, any male I’ve ever had done had always been removed. He has 6 days of meds to bring down the swelling and should that not work he will have to go in to have the full sac removed which will be high risk and almost twice the cost of desexing due to the higher risks. As you can imagine we are really upset. We hadn’t been given the option to remove his sac, had we been consulted we would have opted for it to be done. Apart from the problems he is having now I could only imagine it causing him further discomfort and possible injury later on as even swollen it hangs almost 3 ½ inches. Empty it’s going to hang longer. He is a high active dog having been a working dog on a property. The vet we seen today said in younger dogs, yes the sac would reduce greatly in size but he was so well developed and for so long he holds very little hope it will be much smaller than it is now. I’d like to know other peoples experience on having older dogs desexed. Had they had the full sac removed or not and what their outcome was please. I’m also interested to know if this is a common practise for older dogs?
sounds like empty threats to me. he'd be hard pushed to find someone to handle it anyway. as for the bird water is he stepping onto your property or in your court yard if so this is something you can report. but could just give you more trouble. your property manager may also be of help or the body corp of your units. but whats good for one has to be good for all. should something happen and they do have a tiff you are in the right and he is in the wrong. hopefully nothing happens but thats a tiny little peace of mind! good luck
so sad. im so sorry this has happened to you and your old boy. legal reasons or not do these groomers have no heart? must be big dog lovers! if i was the groomer, i would be beside myself with guilt. such a shame they have reacted in such a way adding more grief and heartache. its so much harder when its our olders that leave us. 14 years is a long time. try to focus on good times, i know that sounds hard but if you do want to push for legal action its best done with a clear head. best of luck and again very sorry.
I just seen an ad some place rehoming a dog for its owners. they don't have to time to walk the dog and keep it fit and the new home needed to keep him fit and available for the person rehoming the dog (not the owners) to show the dog in events that its been entered. made me think of this topic. im not sure if its the case but has the person the right to rehome the dog if its not being kept to there standards for there own enjoyment of the animals if you understand me. i don't know if thats whats going on with the add i just read but got me thinking. Jed do you get paperwork from a vet to say they have been desexed. i leased a horse to someone (a friend of a family member) once for breeding. ran into the lady regulary at the local feed store asked how the mare was going got told over and over she was good. then by luck i was looking on a site and came across my mares name for sale. called the person, she had resuced the horse a few months before hand from someone that had got her from a horse sale and left her in a small paddock with 20 other horses no feed or water. that lady lied to my face over and over.
Many places offer desexing as young as 12 weeks now. so if the breeder had a issue with the dog being bred for what ever reason they really have the option to desex the dog before it leaves for its new home. this way any vacc or micro chipping can all be done at once. id bet they'd get a good discount if they have more than one booked in also.
I have a sensor light at the front of the shed and two at the carport and it hasn’t stopped anyone. And I don’t know if it’s been when I’m asleep at night or because of the heavy planting and the house being set into the side of the slopping block but we haven’t noticed the lights go on when we are in the house. It’s not that I don’t want another dog. I find taking on a new dog is a huge responsibility because he or she will be around for a long time and its super important to choose the right one that will fit into our family and get on with all the pets we already have. I’m probably more worried about choosing something that won’t work out as well as I hoped. (Will not get on with Lara or the kids or wants to kill the chickens or something, a personality that won’t fit in.) We are the type of family that take our pets as extended members of our family and we love each dearly. Training really isn’t an issue. Lara was already 3yrs old when she came and knew nothing. She had no idea how to sit etc. she’d never been inside. She had spent most of her life on a chain but she was always around other dogs. But we have worked with her every day. She might not get walked out in the street much but she’s always kept active. When the kids are home she runs round mad chasing balls or toys, running round courses my daughter sets up, swimming when it’s hot etc. (when the coolie is here he’s run off his feet and is a working dog)and when there at school she’s following me and my 2 year old round, I often play games with her, she walks down the back with me when I feed the chooks etc. (she’d get more exercise playing than she would in a 1/2hr or 1hr walk with less risk of catching something or being chased by some stray etc.) and when she’s tired she’s usually a pillow or foot warmer for my 2 year old at nap time or watching TV on the lounge. Lara spends 99% with us when we are home but I have noticed she really enjoys the company of the coolie when he comes to stay and seems to be a little more quiet than normal the days following him going back home and up until she came to live with us she was always around other dogs. I love bully breeds and I’ve never had an issue with any of them not barking when someone is around before now. One staffy we had as a kid was so suspect on everyone that my mum even used her to pick a removalist; if she didn’t let them in the yard they didn’t get the job of moving house. And it worked because the people she went with did a great job and the other people that the dog didn’t like ended up on some news show a few months later for ripping people off. But far dinkum if lara was on the lounge or something and someone came down the drive or walked through the side gate lara wouldn’t even as much as raise her head. She’s walk to the door if someone knocked but that would be it. Can I take her with me to the pound to choose a new friend? (Should we choose to go with a new dog). I never thought of that. I’m thinking under 12mths would probably be ideal (more so if we go with a pound puppy) just because being that little bit younger and not fully knowing the dogs history it may find it easier to adapt and become socialised with the other pets and training might be easier. If we go with another dog from a private home or breeder we could go with a slightly older dog again having that added bonus of being able to speak with the owners and see the dog in its current home etc.
After the passing of my old girls in 2009 we hadn’t had a new dog but felt the need for one since moving into a new house last year. I had my name down with a breeder but by sheer luck a family member was giving away her lovely 3 yr old purebred staffy (lara)and my mother was traveling up from NSW the next day so did a stop in and collected her. We love her to bits, she is the best with all our kids (aged 2 to 12yrs) and other pets (2 cats, g-pigs and chooks). My hubby’s older coolie lives on the farm with the inlaws but comes to stay from time to time. Both dogs get on like a house on fire but the old boy can only tolerate my 2yr for not much more than 5 or 6 days straight and having already 4 kids when they have friends over the noise levers get high and he can’t stand it. Hubby dos some work on cars from his workshop at home part time and is at the other workshop when his not home. Which leaves me here when he’s not but sometimes we may be out on the weekends. At night the place is very dark and we have mirror tinted windows (which is great during the day cause you can see out but can’t see in, not so great at night when the lights are on inside cause it’s very hard to see out.). And the property is fairly heavily planted. Over the past few months we feel someone has been snooping about either at night or when we are not home. A few garden tools have gone missing from the carport area and over the past few weeks someone has clearly rifled through some of my boxes I have stored in the shed and hubbies tools and parts but as far as we can tell nothing has been taken. The shed has a dicky personnel door (which he will be welding a bracket and lock to this weekend). We have a feeling we must know who it is. Lots of place in the area have been broken into and some places in daylight while the home owners are home. The property is fenced into three areas and has a front gate which I’ve now been closing and padlocking even when I’m home (which I’m not sure if I’m aloud to do cause then the power and water ppl can’t get in). I just don’t feel real safe. With the gardens and the house being set into the side of the slop it’s imposable to see anyone come in the front until they are at the front door. We are looking into security cameras but because they need to be day and night wireless and I need at least 2 or 3 it’s very costly even on ebay. But Lara (new dog) never barks unless she’s getting over excited when she’s playing with the ball. At first we put it down to being a new house cause I was told she barked at the old place she was at but she also spent a lot of time on a chain due to escaping all the time. We have talked about getting another dog (we’d still be keeping the one we have) but it’s such a huge thing, just when we think we have decided I get cold feet. It would need to fit in with our family and other pets and at the very least bark and warn me someone is about. I’d have to admit we don’t walk much cause the street is full of dogs and every one of them bark (which seems to carry on for about 1/2hr) whenever someone walks up the road with a dog and I find it hard with a pram too. But we live on 2 acres and the dogs are always played with lots of ball chasing, running after the kids, walk down the back feeding the other pets and my oldest sets up courses with tunnels, ramps and small jumps so they are kept active everyday and when the kids are at school lara is playing with my 2 year old (she never leaves her side). We have also noticed lara is quiet (seems sad) when the other dog go’s back home to the farm.
problem with ads on facebook is most people work off PM for address details and often use made up names etc. I tried contacting council about a woman who has 3 staffies. a male, a female and an 12 week old female pup that she'd just got. she started out posting wanting advice as to if the older female staffy would bite her child cause they had left all three dogs at home alone over a whole weekend only to return on the monday to find the older female had killed the younger female pup. the older female had attacked the younger pup a few times before. yet she'd left all three alone for several days. out come was she no longer needed advice cause she was just going to breed a litter out of her cause she could get a good price for pups (her words) and then sell her. i was nice but pointed out that the dog fell into a regulated class and by law she shouldn't be breeding her, she should be desexed and she needed seek infomation as to selling her. so i was blocked! my daughter has seen her trying to buy new female staffy pups yet she still has the older female. although i have her name i only now she lives west of brisbane so i can't supply an adress so nothing as of yet can be done. as for the micro chipping council should be contacted. the law stated the seller is responcible for the chipping unless a signed vet cert stating the chip would harm the health of the dog. some facebook groups will not let ppl advertise if the dogs are not chipped others wont let you advertise if they are not chipped, vacc or desexed (if of age)
sorry didn't have time to read all the posts but as a registered horse breeder and having run an agistment place i can tell you what i know to be law about stock in qld and nsw. but you may need to check in your state. if it was not written in my contract that should the animal be left i could not sell or give the animal away. the only legal thing i could do was have the aminal impounded. sad. at no point could i refuse to hand over an animal should the owner still have outsanding fees (either boarding, vet, stud etc.) unless it was written in a signed contract. if i had someone leave a horse with me and no come back for weeks and not have the money to pay me and we didn't have a written contract and they wanted to remove the horse i had not legal way of retaining the horse until the fee's were paid if i didn't have a written contract. once they left with the horse and the fees hadn't been paid then i could take them to court (if it was worth it). if they dropped the horse off and we didn't have a contacted signed and i never heard from them again the only thing i could do is have it impounded. i had not rights to selll the horse for outstanding fees. i also had no rights to lock the owner out of the property or refuse them access to the horse. if they do the runner and move, change numbers etc. im out of pocket.
Oh dear. You have to laugh...she is probably great mates with the fuel nicker i have a feeling it could be someone we know. so we will have to take other forms of action. next step is to install a few spot lights about. cause we have those mirror windows you can't see in to the house in the day but trouble is you can't see out at night if the lights are on. other option we are thinking of is a second dog, which would be good for her as she's grown up with other dogs.