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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. I'm at work in the lunch room bawling .. What a beautiful story .. Run free old man ...
  2. Watch out for lead burn :-( we tied an extra lead on as we were throwing the ball on an oval and it got round my ankle :-( ouch !! Lol.. I love long leads Esp for a Dale that gets distracted by smells !!!! Lol
  3. Oh I have tears in my eyes !! Just beautiful :-)
  4. Cazstaff I posted your story on a group I am with so other people are aware of what could happen and questions that should be asked when choosing a grooming salon.. Nothing we can say can take the pain away but I hope you are able to get the outcome you and Buddy deserve .. run free beautiful boy...
  5. And Toilet paper rolls rogue sits and waits outside the toilet just incase you have an empty roll in your hand lol lol
  6. I always have meals made up in my other freezer incase i ever run out and always have chicken carcasses in the deep freeze as I bought a heap and he doesn't really like them that much lol..
  7. Thats exactly what I thought when I saw this pic months ago.. Presume its the same dog or someone copying it.. Esp in a country where everyone just about has a gun :-(
  8. Sounds to me this was a common practice hey leaving them tethered while they have lunch.... shocking, I wonder if the owner is at the salon all the time? Still can't believe this has happened.... And the person that suggested geting reduced grooming prices, you Baffle me... RIP Buddy you beautiful boy...
  9. Cazstaff I am horrified the salon hasn't called you or shown any other consideration other than we are sorry just shocking.. I hope your able to sue or something this is just neglegence .. Wonderful that you were able to sleep beside him last night and have one last cuddle in the morning .. Rest in piece buddy fly high over that rainbow beautiful boy...
  10. :-( I am in total disbelief that this has happened.. Run free Buddy ...
  11. We did this when rogue was a pup mainly so he would go in that spot , we used sand though we bought from bunnings ,we put a roof on it for rain lol used garden stakes for the top to sit on.. We used fake grass but it does get very hot.. Good luck .. :-)
  12. I'm with real pet insurance Donatella, I hope I don't have this issue when i make a claim after getting Rogue desexed in the new year....
  13. No feeding times here I'm lucky to feed that family at the same time each night lol lol. We don't have silliness just when I start preparing tea I have a little fella laying beside me watching my every move lol lol
  14. Hot spots can be nasty, thank goodness it was found and you have treatment :-)
  15. Fabulous news :-) We will be staying on the path from now on, no more rolling around in the bush ..
  16. I was wondering about that Pepe001 as the bite spot this morning was quite pronounced and firm.. Big too.. Just when you thought your out of the woods...
  17. Would it be too much to put a tick collar on aswell as using advantix 2 weekly? The vet suggested we use one also. Chemicals chemicals.. Since the tick fell onto our lawn hubby was paranoid about it jumping on him again so put another advantix treatment on.. He had his last treatment last Thursday ( could if sworn it was sat lol ) was that a bad idea ?? I'm a bit worried about overdosing him with it I hate chemicals as it is .. Hope everyone that comes across ticks has a good outcome... Scary things ticks... You can get them in the inner city suburbs of Brisbane. They do not need to be in "Bush" to get a tick. Native animals are natural hosts to them. So if you have possums, flying foxes, crows, magpies, bandicoots etc, you can still get ticks in your area. And as far as Advantix, Frontline Plus, Preventic and Kill-tick collars. They only assist in prevention. I know of people who have found ticks UNDER a new-ish tick collar. For those who have found "success" you may be lucky. There are plenty who follow the instructions carefully for all the tick preventatives and still end up with their pets at the vet on a drip.
  18. I have checked him over and I'm going to check him again ,he still seems fine.. He had his advantix spot treatment on sat so hopefully that has helped ,although the tick was not dead when I found it.. Night on the lounge for me tonight ...
  19. We were sent home he isn't showing any signs but I have to monitor him anyway just incase.. Bit of a rush as it was almost 6 but he does seem fine... Hope he stays that way.. I would go to the vet. The blue/ grey color is not good and the vomit is not a good sign either. Better get the vet have a look before you have to go to the after hour emergency clinic. Although when I took mine it was just before 6pm, he was already grunting and very slow, but they told to go back home with him and keep an eye on him until it get worse (they did not want to work overtime). Back home I was not sure what to look for, but kept asking him to come to see How he was walking. Still not sure. Tried to sleep on the lounge with him on my lap until it was too much, at about 3am, I drove him to the Emergency clinic where the vet treated him immediately.
  20. Yeah I was unsure with the vomit but wasn't sure if they did that with any tick.. I'll just go to the vet otherwise I'll be worried sick ..:-)
  21. Guys just a question I just pulled a tick off rogue but he nocked me and I dropped the bugger.. He is barking ok little bit of heavy breathing but he vomited this morning i thought he ate too quick but now i wonder if its from the tick and I just found vomit in his run.. The tick from what I saw was half engorged i think blue /grey in. Colour . Had a good hold of him and left quite a mark when I got it off.. .. Should I take him to the vet just in case or would the signs of paralysis tick be more noticeable .. He went for a bushy walk this morning .. Edit to say I rang the vet they said to monitor him for signs of weakness , coughing having trouble breathing.. He is agitated but then I have just bathed him , that's how I found the tick .. Ugh I hate this not knowing rubbish :-(
  22. I've passed all the info on including debarking.. I haven't heard anything as yet .. Thanks again everyone :-)
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