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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. No snook these are temporary so no cutting, you open the sliding door and the doggy door slots in, in between the door and the frame, you can step over it I guess if the opening is big enough..
  2. I looked on Bunnings Website but I couldn't find any.. I think the website I did find is the same one as yours :-)
  3. My second one ordered on the 6th Dec shipped on the 8th, woohoo should get it by Christmas :-)
  4. Wow donatella I didn't even realise these existed.. We have a big glass sliding door and a screen sliding door. I was a little disheartened that I couldn't have a doogy door for our boy... Happy now :-)
  5. I have a friend that lost her cat to a tick at Forest Lake
  6. I don't let my children walk upto any dog and Pat it I try to drum into them you just never know .. A puppy that is hard, although we have never had this happen all dogs near us are adults, but I can imagine they would want to as puppies are so cute.. I still think I would ask the owner first and especially now as I have read this thread :-) Unfortunately what we might think is the correct way to act socially others fall short... Just how it is and I imagine I will have the same issues where I live as people can't even wear shoes in a retail store or wear deodorant :-(
  7. Thinking of you in this sad time , you had made a very hard and right decision ..
  8. I'm going to see the pups this coming weekend hooray!,,,:-)
  9. Wow I am shocked that people let their dogs get that bad, even for matting to occur let alone the disgusting things you guys have mentioned.. I take my hat off to you all... I am shocked and quite sad....
  10. I have read all posts and I agree things are discussed but for some reason the outcome isn't what was discussed in a lot of cases. Clients are not called when what was discussed is not able to be done for whatever reason. That's the bit I wasn't understanding as I would have thought the dog would be checked whilst the discussion takes place.. I also thought that if you ring up then the dog would also be looked at and what the client wants discussed again as if you can't see the dog then how can you accept 1. What the client says and 2 if what they want can be indeed done.. That's all.Just my curiosity of the procedure, my job is all about procedures and policies and follow through :-) . I am going to learn to hand strip my boy because I like the look and I want to :-)
  11. Great question, I've never heard of this but I have herb and vege gardens I would like to keep safe :-)
  12. Austerra, omg that is disgusting :-(
  13. Thank you showdog I was getting the impression it didn't matter what the client wanted but what you said made sense..
  14. [font=verdana, tahoma, arial, [/font] So, does this mean that a groomer can decide the end result, if it is what they want walking out their door? Yep, I won't let a dog leave with something that I am unhappy with full stop. An example of this was a Newfie with quite a matted rear end , chest and belly, the owner didn't want the whole dog clipped, just the matted bits ( which took a #10 ) , there was no way on earth I was letting a dog leave my salon looking like that and let that be an advertisement for my work. I use my judgement and skills to make a dog look good and send home work I'm proud of And I imagine you told the client this after they told you what they wanted? I am intrigued by this as it seems that in a lot of cases it doesn't matter what the person "paying the fee" wants .. Can I ask groomers do clients ever refuse to pay if the opposite of what they asked for is done? Or do they accept and whinge when they get home? I guess it is bad publicity if the latter happens as word of mouth is a Powerful thing :-) Edit cause my iPhone wasn't co-operating ..
  15. I can honestly say that the word Pit Bull makes me tense but only because of what I have read in the media and seen on TV. I have never seen one in person but if I did come across one whilst walking I would be tense/uneasy .. I don't believe I should be abused for that, I think having positive things written in this forum will change my view and is already making me research this breed further to find the truth. German shep fan, I can totally understand your frustration but it is hard not to buy into the media hype if you never hear good things and see attacks on a range of people, then when we also hear about the types of low life's breeding this breed of dog it is very scary... Like I said I am actually eager to read up on them more, I won't say I will ever own one but I will say I am very open to change and you have inspired me to at least get more informed edit for sp
  16. I ordered shampoo, that will be ok with customs won't it ???
  17. I got mine from a supplier on eBay. Great crate next day turnaround ..
  18. Maybe if the groomer says straight away, I am sorry but to do what you ask would distress the dog or would not be possible due to the condition of the coat then the customer could then either take the dog somewhere else or accept it.. Is that the norm? Sounds quite simple to me... Or is the client dealing with a receptionist at drop off so the groomer doesn't see the dog on drop off?. Sorry just not getting why the client isn't told straight out what would be best for the dog or are they told but ignore it?.
  19. I looked into these some time ago but the reviews were not that good.. Apparently there is a new model out that is supposed to be improved but i haven't looked at it further.. I think my expectations outweigh the product
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