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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. The class I am going to is a vet they apparently disinfect before the class starts.. I trust they do ....
  2. Thanks sandgrubber, I had read something about egg white I just couldn't recall what :-) I think I read somewhere that there's an amino acid imbalance in egg whites, and you shouldn't feed dogs whites without yolk . . . but yolk without white is ok. As for whole eggs, I'd pay attention if eggs were more than 10 or 20% of the dog's diet . . . but if they're a side dish to a main meal, I wouldn't worry. Nor would I panic if my dogs occasionally got an egg white without yolk. It's not poison, just not well balanced.
  3. Just a question re eggs. In my folder my breeder gave me she has written this.. Egg yolks: not the white, 2 per week on his food is good. My question why not the white, I see reading the above others give the white.. PS I should prob ring and ask her :-) .. I have an Airedale terrier..
  4. I'm with you, insane :-) .. They are extremely intelligent and so family oriented he loves us and loves being around us :-) And sooooo cute!! :-)
  5. My boy loves sardines mixed in with a little Greek yoghurt then I put it in the Kong and freeze it . This lasts him for hours, he goes to sleep, wakes up and continues to lick and chew..
  6. At least that way they see first hand also what is going on.. The said dog would act the same being in his own territory ... They as in the professionals.. worth a try :-)
  7. I think when you have children and an aggressive dog then you have 2 options, behaviourist or pts . What a terrible terrible thing to happen if they choose to keep him and this 11 yr old goes behind the parents back like you said they do ( my 11 yr old would know the consequence for doing that but that's another story lol) and gets bitten terribly, the parents would feel very guilty.. What about a behavioural therapist that comes to you? Sorry if that has been suggested or mentiond I'm a zombie today, new puppy lack of sleep :-)
  8. I have one breed I think is quite ugly and when people say there's is gorgeous I think really, really lol lol.. I don't hate this breed I just find them less appealing to look at..
  9. Mine was temperamenet , light to no shedding, be in the running for agility in future, good with children/family, intelligent quick to learn.. We now have Rogue our beautiful Airedale terrier that meets all I wanted he soaks it all up like a sponge and is a delight.. I spent may years researching but always came back to this breed.
  10. Well we made it through a day and night I am exhausted but our Little man Rogue is so laid back and fits into our family beautifuly..
  11. Today is the day :-) :-) 2 hrs and 15 mins our little man comes to his forever home ...
  12. I know, I know :-) 9am on the dot I will be there lol lol... Today we have gone from room to room, under beds whole house has been swept,vacumed and all little bits of toys whatever gone.. All power cords put away or moved high :-) .. Going shopping tonight for a metal babygate to block off the stairs from the deck, I am scared the girls may leave the sliding door open, they get drilled everyday in regard to flies but they still forget, not taking any chances though.. So excited and I can,t say anything lol lol... Pics tomorrow :-)
  13. Poor thing I hope she has no complications..
  14. Congratulations! :D What breed are they? Thanks! Mini Bull Terriers :D It has been a long wait (not as long as what I know some of you have waited) and some false alarms along the way but it was all worth it. Of course. Can't wait to share stories and pics with you all and officially joiyn the waiting game. Woohoo, I put my first pic on my phone lol can't wait to see your photos.. 2 sleeps for me :-)
  15. Wow that has gone quick! Ha I'm picking Rogue up on Friday but I have told the girls the breeder changed her mind and rescheduled for Saturday oh I am mean lol.. I have told Adair we have to pick up the school books Friday morning lol lol.. It's so close now woohoo!!!
  16. I remember years ago I was stopped at the lights watching this guy throw a ball to a dog right on the side of a busy road, on the last throw it went on the road and bang poor dog was hit buy a car died on the spot.. very sad some people have nothing between the ears...
  17. Guys can someone post the link to the hydrobath that the poster made using a pump, I can't search threads on my tablet and I want to show my OH :-) thanks in advance..
  18. Oh ok, I didn't know you where expecting a baby in April....When are you thinking of getting the puppy? Might be a bit hard to take on caring for a newborn baby & a young puppy at the same time...I know I wouldn't be able to cope with that, but that's just me. +1 I have a teeny tiny puppy - no where near the energy levels of a gorgeous and crazy bull terrier puppy... and it can be tedious! I couldn't cope with a brand new baby AND a crazy puppy at the same time. Do you plan on sleeping at all? :) One of the girls I work with went to one of those puppy palace type pet stores (where you walk in and can pat the puppies in pens not behind glass. Came home with a huski and border collie. She went back the next week and came home with a lab, 3 very high energy pups at the same time. I just met up with my other friend who said she's now got dog number 4 and has just fallen pregnant. Crazy crazy girl. Shes only 24 as well. ... Wow. That's crazy!! Maybe she thinks they will keep each other company so less demanding Hahaha! Yeah right..
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