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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. Very poor, hey have they picked the puppy up from the breeders, (do they have your pup at their depo??)
  2. Thank you MEH I have tried a few of the ones on that sheet, being a tree if he is trying to bite my feet or pants leg, well the bottoms he pulls a couple of times then stops.. I have seen a great improvement with me saying no bite sternly and grabbing the scruff of his neck then walking away ignoring him, he is very social and loves being around us so thus far it seems to be working :-)
  3. I see them a fare bit in a certain pet shop near us.. always for $1200 and always people tapping at the window saying do I don't I.. Lol last weekend I was walking past and a family was there and the father took out his wallet, I said no don't do it blah blah lol.. They looked at me like I was a looney.. So sad..
  4. So true pollywaffle. My OH sister had a mature dog bought as a pup .. Well they wanted a younger dog now so they left it at her mothers just for a holiday... The next week they brought home a pup so couldn't possibly take the older dog back ... Unbelievable, how can you turn off your feelings for a dog you have had since a pup :-( anyway the mother wasn't happy but has accepted the dog as she won't put it to sleep.. At least it will live out the rest of its life with someone that is now bonding to him...
  5. Oh that is annoying I want to see pics!! LMAO. Seriously though dwilds that is crap, did they have a plausable reason? Edit, missing letters..
  6. Just because people are highly professional and senior does not mean they are life skills intelligent lol lol... Mind boggles..
  7. Sending healing thoughts your way... Hope the vet visit goes well..:)
  8. My heart goes out to you, run free little one,,,
  9. My OH uses ours when Rogue started trying to bite the screen door, Rogue doesn't do that anymore :-) :laugh: I'm so glad the spray bottle works for some people, it's such a fantastic method, and worked so well for my sister and her JRT! I had such high hopes that it'd work for me, and it kinda did but he just wanted me to keep spraying him. When I stopped spraying him he'd bite me again.. Hrmm.
  10. Thank you Nekhbet, I'm going to take a different direction I did think I was exciting him more by what we were doing.. :-)
  11. Thank you guys I will change my reaction I agree esky what I am doing is exciting him more..
  12. You're very welcome. I hope you had a nice Birthday. :) I did I watched trashy tv and ate chocolate :-)
  13. I know Jordan I was "trying " to put his car harness on to size it correctly and I ended up putting him in his time out place and ignoring him he was in a frenzy!!! I will be doing the same Monday night with our puppy class, it really is like a frenzy, I don't know if stuffing chew toys in is making it worse lol lol.. He is banashed to the deck tonight until bed time :-) OuCH..
  14. I thought we were getting there with this doing the ouch loudly and putting hands behind our backs and time out when needed, but today sheesh he is in hyper mode! I feel like we have taken 10 steps back, the little terror.. I gave him a meaty bone thinking maybe his mouth is sore or he needs to really chew lol anyone else been going OK but then had an exceptionally bad day
  15. We've been to five different Vets in four different major towns over the last seven years. Please don't ask. In the final analysis. Vet Clinics are not places to hang out at. They are strictly for sick and injured animals only. Many call themselves a hospital. My conclusion, do not take your dog to a Vet unless it is absolutely necessary. Broken leg, Paralysis tick, snake bite, dog bait certainly. But Puppy School? Not in a Vet clinic when it can be avoided. We've been to three puppy schools but never on the floor of a Clinic. And certainly not during a Parvo outbreak. I hope this helps. Px I guess you take a risk wherever you go.. I could take my boy to an obedience class that has many many dogs walk through the door during the day/night and the puppy school'class could be big or small, one of the dogs could be a carrier of something.. I ask mine if they had had any recent cases of parvo and I was told no, you can only go by what you get told. .I was talking to my neighbour yesterday who went to a RSPCA puppy class and in the class they had 2 dogs at a time sharing crates .. I must say that would erk me. I sat back with a big distance between pups at the vet one with mine on my lap only getting down and put on a mat lol I'm sure they thought I was and overprotective owner! At least at the class I go to pups are quite a distance apart and like I said floors are disinfected before the class and after.. I'm actually concerned wherever I would go with a pup and to go to the one I wanted it was a half hour trip one way and he gets stressed out in the car so that wasn't really an option,my only other choice is a vet and the one I chose was the cleanest being 10mins away.. Edit to say: Thank you for your reply tralee :-)
  16. In my vet there is a sign that says it is so obviously some confusion.. I actually can't see why it is not illigal having dogs in your car not restrained is an accident waiting to happen.
  17. Hi persphone. :) Grapes are not recommended for dogs. Px Tralee can they have seedless grapes, I just had a feeling I read that somewhere?? Edit silly tablet..
  18. Do they ever :-) just like a newborn.. Try not to over think too much and put too much pressure on yourself, I kept second guessing myself, now I go with my insticts and if something doesn't work I move on I make sure I disappear in my room, computer room, go to the shops often as I am on 3 weeks holiday, I don't want him to think I am here 24/7.. We have a great morning routine where I Tire him out he loves his squirrel toy that he chases round the yard ( from clean run) that wears him out and he sleeps for hours :-) ESky is so right start how you mean to continue.. I also got my boy a little soft dog toy he sleeps on it squished against our sliding door, I think that was a good call getting it, bit like a littermate.. :-)
  19. Oh my gosh yes! I take him out for a wee and we come back in and boom he does another lol lol.. He is like me I pee and pee in rainy weather lmao!!
  20. Puppies,puppies we love puppies :-) Not long now dwilds woohoo...
  21. I bought a harness yesterday and this is why, you just never know ESP with so many idiot drivers on the roads... Take care guys and yes get checked out you may have a bit of whiplash that may not show up for a couoke of days :-)
  22. Mine is in a little play area we made up on the deck, his crate is in it and a shell sandpit that he loves digging in and i hide his toys in it for hIm to find :-) I only leave him in it at the moment for the when I go out and for his alone time/my housework time during the day. When I do back to work he will be in this area for 6hrs.. Edit missing letter..
  23. I would like to think a vet would be more hygiene savy than other places?? Well you would think so..
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