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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. or that he has a sore mouth..or that he doesn't like eating out of that bowl, or that there is something else more interesting going on, or... You're probably correct, but be aware that other things can come into play ;) I have put dry into his Kong wobbler but he sniffs it when it falls out and isn't interested.. He hasn't touched it from the beginning, I have even pushed it into his meat he spits it out.. He chews on his pigs ear and his meaty bones, but your right persephone I shouldn't presume, but the vet had a good look at his teeth today....
  2. This sounds weird to me. I was never told to do this with my dog...surely it will just drop in its own time? Airedales are lean dogs. I think you said previously that they didn't know what an Airedale was so maybe they have no idea. Since your breeder is not far away maybe ask her as well which vet she uses? It may be worth it to get someone who knows your breed. I can't remember weights and agree with asking her about that and food as well If it does not drop he will need to be castrated the vet said by 6 mths, I said I wanted to wait at least 12mths she said no 6 mths.. Ugh so I was hoping to assist it to drop lol.. I might ask around re massaging it down but the breeder did say that I would need to do this and it is common.. I have emailed the breeder as I couldn't get hold of her today but i think I know the vet she goes to so I might ring them.. Re the vet saying he is too lean, you know I actually think she made more of that as I said I was feeding raw and I wasn't interested on feeding him totally dry food .. I gave him a good feel today and his ribs are not sticking out, they feel good and this arvo he was running around full pelt heaps of energy. Looks like more vets to try lol..
  3. If I give him a whole portion of barf at one meal he leaves it so that would tell me he is full. He will not eat dry food, I have also today tried softening it.. I went onto an airedale forum today and that seems to be common that they don't eat dry food or they are3 very fussy with it.. Also his weight seems to be ok some at his age are a little under some a little over and some a heap over lol.. I will try to find some Black Hawk, I am finding it hard to get dry food I have been recommended by people so I may have to get it online..
  4. Mee too, I often look to see if there is an update :-)
  5. I think the key is consistency. Set the rules as a family, and enforce them. The joy of puppies is when they start to get alittle older and start to push the boundaries - they are working out if they really need to listen to you or not. A few months ago I have a word with my pup, who at the time was 9-10 months and told her "you will save us both alot of trouble if you just work out now you must do what I say!!!!". We had days where she would jump up on something she was not meant to be on, I would pull her off, she would jump back on, I would pull her off and so on (sometimes 3-4 times). However this only last a few weeks, now I say "off" and she gets off. LOL we have this with the garden, the little minx runs on it I say off and pull him off, he sneaks behind me ( i really think he does lol) and runs full pelt for the garden then down the side and I believe he hides behind a plant LOL .. I get him say off , this could go on 4 times or work once but inside I am laughing as he is like a naughty toddler , lol the look on his face is that he is having a ball, but I keep my stern voice as the garden is higher at the other end and he could hurt himself if he jumps off plus we don't want him on it.
  6. Yeah Jumabaar I wonder if it is a growth spurt I think I will go back to what I was going to do before seeing this vet...I looked into weight for his age and it varies some under some way over at the same age .. The next vet is the same chain as the original but I have heard good things from my neighbour as he used them to desex his pup so I might try them next... I just gave him his lunch with dry food mixed in that I softend ( thought maybe he would eat it soft) he took 2 mouthfulls then walked away,I will leave it for 10 mins then take it away and offer it again later.. He didn't eat his breakfast but I thought that was cause OH put too much yoghurt in it, maybe he is just off his food today? Edit to say he ate it all but left the soft dry food lol he even licked around it .. He really does not like dry food.. Might give it to the pound and try a different brand..
  7. Just on this you need to watch for growth spurts. My pup can have a nice coverage one day and be far too ribby two days later!! Make a fist of one hand to compare to your dog's ribs. If the dog's ribs feel like the back of your hand the dog is a bit overweight. If the ribs feel like the knuckles, too ribby. If the ribs feel like the first finger bones then that is about right. Well then according to this he is ok... My OH has contacted K9 pro ( paul) so we can train him as a family, as puppy class finishes in 3 more session OH isn't that happy about their methods, I also think I am too soft at times, anyway he is coming out later this month I think so I will also chat to him, I am adding this to my list ( poor guy :D )
  8. Hi showdog, Potato and pumpkin he doesn't get that often, I read it on here one day and thought that might be a nice change that was bland and wouldn't be too much, He gets brushed everynight as we watch TV, and I feel his body for ticks I just probably just put his body down to a growth spurt I guess but he doesn't feel alarmingly thin, but I would like him a bit fatter.. I will do a search on food on here and start giving him more variety, I have bought Kidney and lamb heart that is in the freezer, so now might be a good time to add it.. You said the barf servings are small so I might also try one whole barf paddy then decrease this and add in the extra meat.. See this is where I am weary as the vet said Do Not make my own raw diet as he is too young so that's why I was keen to stick with the barf as it has all the things he needs.. So is it ok for me to give him other meats and add in veg and stop the barf or should I keep using barf say for 1 meal a day? edit to say: I have emailed breeder as couldn't get hold of her, I am hoping she will also give me a food guide.. ( I need a menu with amounts on it I am a visual person )
  9. OK guys I am ringing the breeder in a sec and yes tilly the breeder gave me a list of foods that she had him on and i feed him the exact same , except she had chicken necks on the list but he just licks them for me lol or carries them round the yard in his mouth lol.. also she had him on advance puppy but he wouldn't eat it hence why I changed it but that hasn't worked either.. Persephone maybe if I offer him more throughout the day like morning tea and afternoon tea as if I give him more he leaves it.. I give him the guide dog recommended barf mix growth I would of thought that would have had enough calories in it, I will have a read of othe r brands also.. Thanks guys I just thought as he is getting bigger he is thinning out like kids do lol.. Anyway I'll talk it through with his breeder.. Thank you for your quick reply I feel better :-)
  10. Hey everyone, I took Rogue for his 10week vaccination today. I decided to try a different vet from the one I went to for his puppy check just because I didn't really feel that good about the vet, nothing I could put my finger on anyway just a feeling.. So I walk in and she looks at him and says is he a puppy , well ok maybe he is big for his age.... I said yes he is 10weeks, she said what age was he when you got him, I said 8 weeks she says ok so youv'e had him for 4 weeks... omg at this point I am looking at her with a wtf face ... I decide to just see how this goes maybe she is nervous She then she asks about food, I said I am feeding raw.. Well I get the speel about really I should be feeding dry as it is all they need and great for their teeth.. I say I understand that but I am feeding raw and he has meaty bones, he doesnt really like dry, I was giving it but he would leave it ( really he doesn't like it I have tried 2 brands) Well I get slammed and pretty much told that I am not feeding my dog properly.. I tried to defend my reasons but I stopped and said I understand what you are saying can you give him his vaccination now please.. ( I stayed calm but I was quite angry why should I justify myself) Anyway she gave him a once over and it seems my little man has only had one testy drop ( I blame myself at this point as I now remember the breeder telling me with this breed you have to play with his privates to make them both come down, common problem... I forgot ) Does anyone have expereince with this, do I just feel around and coax it down everyday?? I will be ringing my breeder today to ask but in the mean time does anyone know..?? She then feels him over and says he is a bit lean.. Now I am thinking omg my baby I am not feeding him enough.. He is so fluffy that you can feel his bones, that sounds bad I mean he doesn't feel like he is skeletal but you can't see them due to his thick coat , I have read that you should feel them but not see them, it is hard with a guy with a thick coat though.. Anyway So I can now see the vet is thinking, raw food hey.. He weighs 5.6kg I am sure at his 8 week weigh at the other vet it was 4.6kg but I didn't write that down silly me So this is what I feed him.. Breakfast . I give him half a barf patty rissole size in the AM with either an egg yolk or yoghurt, or plain. Lunch: he has sardines and yoghurt OR ( sometimes the other half of the barf) Tea I give him rissole size barf and sometimes I put potato in it or last night pumpkin. If I give him too much he leaves it, If I put dry food in it he picks the other stuff out and leaves the dry. He is only 10 weeks but then he is a large breed , we got home and I put more food out he had a bite then walked away and laid down and is asleep now he is such a good boy if he was hungry wouldn't he be whining for food??? His food Sounds plain but I was waiting till about 10weeks before I add different food. Extra I give him is every second day a meaty bone which he loves. He won't eat chicken necks, turkey necks I have tried and tried frozen and fresh.. She told me it must be hard if he doesn't eat dry food and I should change brands.. Yeah well the puppy school lady got me to buy Eukanuba which was a waste as he won't touch it.. That was her only suggestion... Do you guys think he is way under weight ? Like I said if I give him too much he leaves it then after 15 mins I take it away.. He does sleep a lot but then when it is cooler he has lots of energy, we play early at 5am he chases things, palys tug, runs and chases the ball and brings it back to me and we do our training then also, he then has another burst of energy in the late arvo with the girls he does zoomies round the yar. He doesn't cope well with the heat and here in brisbane it has been steamy of late and he has lots of thich hair.. He is an airedale terrier.. I just feel sad now but I am not sure what else to do as in food, I thought he was eating fine, he never whines after dinner for more he normally sits and plays with his toy puppy or kong wobbler not eating the dry food that falls out just enjoys hitting it with his paw :)
  11. Wow :-( I have nothing to say that has not already been said... Good luck I hope the decision you make is best for both dogs...
  12. We are not going to be in any rush, my hubby actually said if there is no medical or behaviou reason we will leave him be..
  13. Oh dwilds what a precious little girl.. So glad she is home safe :-)
  14. Lol bamb wtf happened lol, minimax just picturing the hand of god squirting her LOl you made me laugh persephone:-)
  15. My girls have always wanted a dog but they were not involved in the picking of the breed that was all me.. I did the research as I had a lot if boxes to tick.. My 14 and I go to puppyclass and only her, myself and OH are involved in the training side .. I feed him but at the moment that is because I want to train him a certain way for this. They will be involved when he is a little older.. :-) They all play with him and love him, we are very out doors people and he will be a large part of our leisure lifestyle my OH can't wait to take him sailing :-)
  16. They are little rascals.. Rogue has been quite pleasant today although I am still on guard for those teeth lol lol
  17. I'm related to people who when can't be bothered with the animal anymore just open the gate and 'it will find itself a new home' or 'someone will pick it up and look after it'. It still happens around Geelong too, if in doubt let them wander, someone else will be responsible on your behalf Conversely, take your untrained, unsocialised and now high maintenance crazy to the pound because they will ALL find new homes! Despite the fact there is another 50 JUST LIKE YOURS! I seemed to have missed the mail out of rose tinted glasses ... Very sad, not sure how they can live with themselves..
  18. I'm related to people who when can't be bothered with the animal anymore just open the gate and 'it will find itself a new home' or 'someone will pick it up and look after it'. It still happens around Geelong too, if in doubt let them wander, someone else will be responsible on your behalf Conversely, take your untrained, unsocialised and now high maintenance crazy to the pound because they will ALL find new homes! Despite the fact there is another 50 JUST LIKE YOURS! I seemed to have missed the mail out of rose tinted glasses ... Very sad, not sure how they can live with themselves..
  19. I'm with you rosaline, makes you wonder who the parents are.. parents that have to "please" their children really annoy me, they are teaching their children to be selfish, demanding and not very nice people by giving into them all the time to make them happy.. ugh don't get me started..
  20. It's only a different story if people on that thread are on this one and giving different advice :D Lol'so'true
  21. My little man scratches a few times a day he also scratches his collar lol lol I guess he misses lol.. no fleas though.. I comb him everyday and look for fleas. I guess we scratch a bit also but we probably don't realise it :-)
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