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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. Rogue was done on day 3 by his breeder, I would rather have them done than not :-)
  2. This baffles me about some dog owners. If your dog runs out at people and you have to then run out and bring them inside saying sorry, why on earth can they not keep their gates shut. To the OP it's hard to know if talking to them or leaving a note is better. Talking face to face gives ownership of the situation and they can also see how their dog is affecting you and you could emphasive on the dog becoming more bold.. You don't know them but she has said sorry so she has a heart, just no common sense :-) Leaving a note is safe and then if the behaviour continues you can feel satisfied that you tried and can ring the council :-) I hope all goes well :-) PS we have spoken to neighbours re their dog getting out , it took a few conversations and my OH saying if it happens again we would report it', we have not had another issue :-)
  3. Thank you espinay2 that is interesting :-)
  4. Ha don't worry Jordan Rogue slept through most of his session.. He is just like your boy laid back bursts of energy, my boy sleeps most of the day away. Puppy school'starts are 6.30 -8 Rogue would be asleep by 7 lol.. His lesson last week was the best that was our 3rd :-) he was awake for the whole session :-) Just practice at home what you learn Rogue is the best in the class even though he isn't awake for most lol lol..
  5. I must say just because a person lets a child pat a dog or an adult pats a strange dog without asking does not make them an idiot, it means they like dogs, your dog.. Maybe they don't own one for whatever reason but they shouldn't be looked at as morons for that. If people are not involved in the dog world then they probably wouldn't give asking the owner a second thought.. I have always made mine ask because I don't trust a lot of dogs,I was attacked as a young kid on a bike and I am very wary of dogs so that is why I am cautious with my kids, because I have had a bad experience, would I be this way if that experience never happened? I hope so but who knows.. I would say that councils maybe in conjunction with RSPCA need to have a bit of an educational guide/ TV adds maybe re dogs and safety, get it out there otherwise how are people supposed to know.. Just a thought :-)
  6. Wow I was actually thinking after reading the same Neo thread that a neo was a leaner taller dog lol never would have thought he looked like that.. :-) All these breeds I am being introduced to on here it is quite delightful :-)
  7. Just wondering', if you wanted to show a dog then does that mean they cannot be desexed? Or it doesn't matter just if they are entire they need both testies dropped ?
  8. Ok this proves the vet has no idea about food. Dry is definitely not better for the teeth than bones but you have to feed bones, not just barf patties. Definitely look for another vet. Maybe out your area on here and someone may recommend a vet around there. There is no need to desex a dog with an undescended testicle until at least 12 months. I have heard that massaging them down is supposed to work in some breeds and some dogs don't have them drop until up to 6 months but it is not normal. The testicles should be down by 6 weeks, 8 at the latest. the number that come down after this is very small. If you breed on from dogs with late descending testicles you perpetuate the problem. He is 10 weeks now so I will leave him be, I have no intention of breeding from him I just wanted to wait as long as possible and I have read 12mths is good age that if we have to desex because of the testy not dropping then we would at that age. She said I would have to desex him at 6 mths because the testy would get hot and that's not good. He gets a fresh meaty bone every second day sometimes 3rd day but he has his old ones around that he chews on until I throw them. I am in Camira near Goodna west of Brisbane so if anyone knows of a good vet I am more than happy to know :-)
  9. I know Megan its just the way she spoke over the top of me and it wasn't just food it was desexing and pet insurance I felt intimidated and that's not a feeling I like.. I want a vet that I feel comfortable with and one that will listen at least to what I have to say. I dont mind someone having another view bu I want to be heard at least.. I want to feed raw not just BARF patties that's what the breeder had him on so I have kept it.. I will be adding other meats etc to his diet over the weeks.. I am not that hard to get on with I enjoy people giving me examples of other things and other opinions, I love this forum as I learn something new every time.. I just like to be listened to and not felt like what I am saying is worthless.. That's all :-)
  10. My next door neighbour went to RSPCA puppy class and that's what they do, put 2 dogs in crates together.. I must say I would say no thanks, like someone else said poor mite can't even get away if she felt intimidated. My boy is wary of other dogs and puppy school for us is a little nerve wrecking lol next week is all dogs in together so I will be monitoring the situation as we have a huge pup 14 weeks who attends and he can be quite rough .... Might be a good idea to find another school? Edit to say sorry I haven't really answered your questions I'm a newbie at this puppy stuff :-)
  11. I don't when I am talking to him but referring to my OH I will say dad and for some reason I call my girls his sisters, like I will say lets go pick up your sisters WTF is that LOL
  12. Well that is good to hear, nothing worse than you having to worry about your pup when your not around.
  13. I know you have cats but why can't you put your pup in a crate or large pen while you are at work? I couldn't let someone else look after my pup esp being so small and esp if they didn't listen to my requests.. I hope all goes well :-)
  14. I have from an early age taught my children to never go up to a dog and pat it without asking first.. They never do they always ask me if they can approach and ask the owner, sometimes I say yes sometimes I say no, depends on the situation for me occasionally I feel uneasy so I say no and we move on..
  15. Hey showdog, Ha his breeder said he ate the dry for her and he is conning me. The Airedale forum I looked at member after member said they had To add things to it for them to eat it. I am sure though if I gave him no other option he would eventually eat it LOL he is a little bugger :-) I guess your right re food and vets, I just hate being lectured and not listened to...
  16. I have decided to ring every vet around and ask them what they think of a raw diet, that way I am not paying for them to lecture me lol...Her main reason was for his teeth, I said he gets meaty bones but she insisted dry food was what he needed.. Edit to say: spoke to his breeder and all is good, diet is fine :-) he should be lean not skinny ..
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