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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. Thanks Nekhbet, he is confined to the lounge with a gate and I never leave him with the lead on. OH was very firm hence why he no longer nips him. He grabs the collar or scruff of neck and pushes him down saying NO loudly and firmly Rogue would give a yelp , once he calmed OH would let him up. I do the same but no yelp , I just can't be that hard just not me. Not working though so With our trainers help this is what I now do using the long lead. Tonight though was fabulous I didn't need the long lead he was gentle and no nips might be a one off but it was a lovely night.. I will try your method though ... Nipping is a game to him and the more I tried to stop him the more excited he got.. Brought me to tears some nights thinking I was failing because I was trying so hard.. Anyway fingers crossed I am getting somewhere :-) ..
  2. I find this amazing.. cat is in your yard but your at fault? I thought cats had to be kept in an enclosure or inside due to the wildlife?? Sad for the cat but gee whiz..
  3. Gosh rogue is 22wks and still nips me, he goes into hyper mode.. I've tried everything water spray, ignore, say ouch loydly, stand like a tree lol.. so now I am In tough mode my arms are coveted in nip marks :-( I keep a lead on him inside and grab it when he is near me and pull it up if he nips.. he has a check collar on. This works after a while but we can have an intense 10/15min battle of wills first though which I do not give in .. He is beautiful with OH but then he was a lot firmer than me, too firm for my liking but it worked , he gives oh licks all the time.. He did go through a good phase it was easing but I wonder if he is really teething now?? Can't wait for the adult teeth to come through..
  4. Agree Lizt , I would have liked to attend one that went longer and next time wasn't at a vet clinic , for a few reasons but mainly because I am still getting letters telling me i need to desex Rogue .. I also had to edure being told this at every lesson even though I explained I wasn't interested until at least 12mths if at all.. Such diversity. I also found the schools that finish after 4 weeks a bit dissapointing. Usually your pup was just getting into things. I know it's only supposed to be an introduction.
  5. I was thinking holiday?? Lol
  6. I know she was just being nice, it's hard to resist a dog sitting there looking up at you with those puppy dog eyes :laugh: It's hard to resist your own dog hahahaha!! :-)
  7. She was probably being nice.. .. You just need to politley educate people, she probably never thought about alergies if you don't have a dog with allergies then why would you.. I don't go to dog parks, not that fond of strange dogs approaching me ..
  8. Oh nekhbet he is adorable, I love his dark face :-) :-) :-) I just want to say that Rogue laid across my chest on the bed today and wait for it He didn't mouth my hands, actually any body part he licked me , Woohoo I think I am finally getting somewhere we had a very intense night in the lounge of us both being stubborn.. Him in hyper nipping mode and me in I'm not coping it tough correction ( well my sort of tough lol) .. I think I put him in his place fingers crossed :-)
  9. Lol that made me smile but sorry you were crying.. Maybe you need to be more dramatic.. Children seem to win academy awards by their performances lol lol
  10. Ashlyn fell over outside and was crying.. Rogue ran over and licked her face and put his head in her lap :-) beautiful to watch..
  11. Or frozen puppy Kong I used to make up sardines and natural yoghurt Rogue would'lick at it throughout the day. I also had a Kong wobbler that he loves :-) Congrats on your new puppy, don't forget plenty of pics :-)
  12. I love it here, I have learnt so much :-)
  13. Isn't this what the OP said that 2 dogs died in your care not heaps.. The post was about disclosure of a serious nature, this should of been stated in the rescue add, what if this dog went to another house with a small dog or child .. The rescue agency and the owner/ carer should disclose everything re the dog that is of a serious or medical nature not to do so is a disgrace..
  14. Brain of a duck.. people continue to amaze me..
  15. Hey Nelsona I have come across the same video I don't no much about Cesar Millan but I have seen him with his large pack and I do have admiration for him.. He doesn' t kick the dogs with malice or anger not that I would train this way and for what I have seen he does this with dogs that are aggressive .. I guess you either love his training method or hate it .. PS I didn't know there was a thread on him already . Please don't felt put off by your first reply to this thread we are not all like this :-)
  16. Ha tralee me too I had them saved on my ebay since before we got Rogue lol
  17. Come home Reggie, hope you find him soon.. :-)
  18. Thank you guys I was worried that if it turned in that moment she had his neck then it would be all be over for him, we will just keep doing what we are doing, so far no one has crossed the line so to speak and there has been no yelping .. I am glad it is normal play .. She is a gorgeous girl and fast , I will tape them playing next time poor rogue is tired out after their play session :-) Our neighbour is really good with her he loves her to bits :-) and I am impressed with how he takes control of her she is a beautiful girl ..:-)
  19. Our neighbour watches her like a hawk and we step in also, Rouge loves her and if he had his way they would play all the time :-) Thank you wuffles.
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