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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. I think chicken wings, carcuses are cheaper than pal I get 10 bags full of carcuses for $12 from lenards I freeze them and 1. lasts rogue 2 days.. chicken wings you can buy for 2.99 a kilo sometimes the butcher has them for 1.50 a kg.. I freeze these also to last longer.. good luck
  2. Poor baby I would have changed vets :-( hope this precious girl gets the right food and vet care soon..
  3. What about chicken poo OH said he does eat it when he lets him out of the gate to put chickens away?? Maybe that's it??
  4. Same old same old Erny nothing out of the ordinary here. He has been fine for the last 2 days.. Maybe he ate something in the yard, I have checked all the plants and we have no poisonous ones here.. I will just wait for it too happen again and get the sample. It seems to increase in softness once it starts, going from formed and lossesish at the end of it, to loose to sloppy then back to normal . Like i said not every movement in the same day , normal movement first up or his last one for the night then loose inbetween ( when loose he does go more from 2 a day to 3 or 4) he does chew sticks alot especially my lavender bush branches and i do see bits of stick in his stools.. He is still full of energy so he doesn't show any other obvious signs of sickness.. Hope that makes sense.. fingers crossed he is back to normal now..
  5. Crates are fantastic i would definitely say crate train and not just for toilet either.. Those links posted will explain a lot :-) we made a run for rogue we had left over fencing so made one using those and had crate inside also . We then moved him downstairs under our deck in a run .. He sleeps upsatiars at night in his crate ( he loves his crate) and outside in run during the day.. He will sleep a lot during the day hopefully :-) I would put him if you can in a quiet room so he gets rest while your home if you can.. Good luck :-)
  6. Normal movement this arvo.. He is in his run while we are at work so it can't be something he is eating while we are at work.. anyway I'll get a sample of the loose one next time he does one.. I'll look that up also thank you :-)
  7. Erny would you say that it is normal? He has had more chicken carcasses then usual but then he doesn't eat it all in one hit, x1 usually lasts 2 days ... It's not frothy just sloppy or the end sausage (lol) is slightly loose.. Just changed over time from always being formed but maybe wet looking to this.. He is fed raw so not sure if that is why..
  8. Thanks guys it just doesn't make sence. Either morning or arvo movement can be fine then next one is either sloppy or just loose.. Then this am slop and slop and then a little liquid , I bet this arvo it will be fine again.. Food the same so it is strange, doesn't seem to be a pattern.. He is happy and playful all the time even after movement , just weird..
  9. Guys I want to get Rogues movement tested as he has been loose on and off for a while and I just can't explain it. Do I firstly need get a sterilisedcontainer from the vet ? Or do they not care so I could use a jar...??
  10. How long are they usually neausous for after taking something like this.. I normally give rogue food with his but i was in a rush and just gave him the chew tablet.. he has been a bit off this arvo and he gagged a couple of times so I am thinking this is why.. We are going to training tonight so if he would isn't feeling well I'll stay home.. He had his dose at 2.30pm ( he is asleep at the moment :-) )
  11. My partners sister dumped her dog onto her mum ( left it there for a holiday then said sorry they don't want it anymore as it's too old) anyway turns out she had cancer so only lived another couple of months then the week after she passed they bought a puppy ( supposedly a rescue 6 wks old mmm yeah right) anyway I just shook my head.. Out with the old in with the new...
  12. Mine too but i had to wait 2 yrs lol.. he was over it to say the least ESP when i set the crate up when the breeder confirmed the pregnancy hahaha!!
  13. Flowers will make her smile, even if it's only for a moment :-)
  14. He is just adorable:-) how could you not love that face.
  15. So sad.. A friend if mine had her dog pulled through a fence by two pigging dogs last month.. Poor boy had no hope, neighbours helped out using an axe handle but it was too late.. very sad Maybe send flowers and a card?? So very sad..
  16. So sorry for this news :-( how devastating for you all.. Hope your able to make him comfortable and pain free for whatever time he has left
  17. This hasn't happened to us yet ( we don't go to dog parks but we are starting to go to normal parks with the kids) I'm more worried about me than Rogue as I start to shake if a dog comes near me off lead ( attacked as a child) .I just hope I can pull myself together and protect us both.... Great reading what others do though :-)
  18. Oh they are so precious.. will you eventually rehome them together guys ? Just curious as they seem so very close..
  19. Don't they say stay away from the western union payment option??
  20. I just saw this dancinbc, answers my above question .. This raises an interesting point. Are breeders who regularly have litters for sale registered as a business? Most breeders cannot register as a business, even if they want to because they never make any "profit", income yes, profit no. By the time they deduct all their expenses for their dogs most operate at a loss so you cannot register as a business. Only those producing very large numbers, not showing/trialling and not keeping dogs for their entire lives would be able to make enough profit to qualify as a business. So even though the Fair Trading laws do not apply, it is still illegal to not refund a deposit on faulty goods, whether it is a business or not. Once these poor people get their money back it would be great if they came on here and named and shamed this breeder. There is no excuse for selling a puppy with a heart murmur yet the AWL have told me they do it. It really makes me mad that they think it is ok to sell deaf puppies and those with heart murmurs when reputable breeders wouldn't dream of doing it. Some may give them away with full disclosure but they are not fit to be sold.
  21. Do they declare their earnings as breeders, do they have an ABN number ( I'm presuming you get a receit when you purchase your pup so wouldn't that be seen as a business?
  22. They are beautiful, lucky they were rescued just in time by the looks if it very sad ...
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