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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. I read somewhere it was good for dogs :-) I'm bathing rogue tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes..
  2. Can't you also use that soap free wash, oh I have gone blank you get it from the chemist.. White pump bottle with blue writing.. I'm buying some today, I have run out of the dog shampoo I bought from clean run in that last free delivery special .. Oh Q wash is ot ??
  3. Rescued from the rabhit trap maybe??? They might have found it and rescued it.. poor baby...
  4. Woohoo you will have so much fun they have so much personality :-)
  5. This is all really interesting, to the OP I hope you work out why and a change in your approach works, I would be devistatedaswell if rogue reacted the same way .. Good luck :-)
  6. Do you have chickens? Rogue went through what you described exactly and i narrowed it down to chicken poo .. We have since kept him away from them and he has had no problems, he is fed a raw diet no dry food.
  7. Yes I remember that poor lab.. Or fight to the death with no chance of separating two dogs with that much power. I sure wouldn't risk an entire male of either of those breeds with any other entire male. The risk is just too great if they have a disagreement. I would be very surprised at anyone that would sell you a second male. Totally agree with dancinbcs... So you purchased a Cav puppy in April and have added a Cane Corso puppy and now you want to get Boerboel pup... You are going to be so busy training and caring for so many pups.. Wasn't there another forum member not long ago with one of these large powerful breeds that also had a Labrador? There were issues and the big dog hurt the labrador. But they were best mates when one was a pup... I think that was a neo mastiff and didn't he get bitten by it when separating them?
  8. I used Dr B's patties but Rogue started to have loose stools so I changed to leading raw growth and have had no issues.. I also used big dogs but he also had loose motions I wonder if it is too rich.. I have all the stuff to make my own using Dr B recipee from his book so when Rogue is a bit older I will do my own.. I'm just worried as he is only nearly 8 mths that he is still growing and I don't want to have him lacking in anything I case I stuff up the rcipee lol.. Much better than dry food ick I don't feed grains though as I know of a few people that have had allergies from foods with grains in them.. Good luck :-)
  9. I am with you minimax, I read the books bought all the stuff then got scared and decided patties were the go till I felt more confident and I think in my case a puppy I need to get it right while he is growing :-) . I buy leading raw guide dog patties Rogue has 2 at one feed then the second meal he has chicken wings or a nice meaty bone.. I do add one raw egg yolk and Greek yoghurt a couple of times a week and grated cheese also to his patties sometimes just for a bit of a change.. Rogue looks great to me No dry food at all .. He also loves turkey necks but they a scarse around here at the moment.. Also want to add I don't feed before training sessions .. We also had next doors dog come over late one morning and rogue had a great play then half way through threw up his breakfast.. I think it was because he was running around and he had a full tummy , he was fine after that no nead to change diet or anything :-) We can make feeding so complicated, maybe take a step back and do a bit of reading I love Dr billinghurst raw books I have them all maybe go to your library, good luck :-)
  10. I left Monday and got back late last night from a work trip . Rogue jumped up when I came in and was so excited muzzeling my my face, licking me, making these grunting noises :-) He missed me and I missed him so much aswell.. Now to my OH he just looked up from his laptop and smiled hmmm typical!!!!!
  11. Oh pretty missemma he is a cutie :-) They grow so fast I look at Rogue now and he is so big :-) tiny Puppy phase goes too fast!!
  12. Congratulations on your impending pup :-) we have rogue our boofy Airedale :-) He is very playful little man who just loves other dogs male or female.. He is nearly 8 mths now I also know of families with same sex Dales that have no issues. I would think if the pup is growing up with your other bitch then they would form a bond? I'm a first time dog owner so I may be way off.. Anyway have fun, Airedale are just wonderful, so full of personality :-)
  13. I wouldn't either but boys are a little different I believe :-) Also after reading what this family has done in the past my comment regarding talk to them may be wasted.. And I would have gotten a wooden spoon also across the back of the legs and i do recall this happening quite a few times :-)
  14. You didn't get what I was actually saying.. I will explain for you , actually all of you that didn't get what I was saying. Normal child behaviour as in cause and effect. "If i do this then this will happen" I was not saying that it is acceptable behaviour to torment an animal, did you really think I meant that, bloody hell. These children whether right or wrong got a reaction, they didn't whack the dog to get the reaction they as the op said poked a bat through the fence then pulled it back so the dog barked. Simple to fix or address, talk the the parents.. This is also why we should all have girls :-) Parents should be slapped if they've never taught their kids not to torment animals, yes! I don't see how tormenting animals is "normal child behaviour".It certainly wasn't on my list of fun things to do as a kid.
  15. Sorry but these children sound like "Children " If they do this : poke a bat through the fence , then this will happen: the dog barks when i pull it back through.. So you think mum and dad should be slapped for normal child behaviour? OP talk to the parents you might be surprised at their reaction , just don't go off screaming at them, tell them what their darlings are doing and could you talk to them please .. :-) I cant stand kids like that : their parents need a good slap in the head!! My grandfather used to have the same problem with the neighbours kids, now just picture " the sandlot kids" hahaha his dane cross has alot of spoils in his yard from the nuisance children its like a treasure trove of balls,bats,skipping ropes haha
  16. My local butcher has VIP specials :-) I fill my freezer when i see the sign out the front :-) I'm in QLD . Gawd where are you buying your chicken wings please.....great price much cheaper than I can get them. I go through 9 a day so the cheaper I can get them the better ! Sorry this is OT .
  17. Rogue sleeps all day, he has a good training session in the morning and another afternoon and In between he sleeps.. On weekends he doesn't sleep as much cause he just lays down and someone moves so he is up lol bet he hates weekends haha.. Sleeping is good they grow when they are asleep don't they :-)
  18. I had a lovely discussion with my oH sister this weekend, she stated she is getting a labradoodle because they are allergy free...My jaw dropped took a deep breath and educated her ... I think I got through, I hope so anyway..
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