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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. Typical something happens the time you leave him out ..I often think about leaving rogue out in the yard when I go to the shops but I get this feeling that something may happen.. You just never know.. Thank goodness you have a good vigilant neighbor :-)
  2. Ha that is something Rogue would do lol lol.. Funny guys :-)
  3. Great news let's hope his assessment goes well and he finds his forever home :-)
  4. Yes he is an Airedale Terrier I think in my profile pic he is just a baby .. I can't see it on my tablet .. :-) I have recent pics in photo section :-)
  5. I've been looking out for this little one as I live in Camira any news??
  6. I was sitting on the rocks at the beach and I was watching a lady a distance away, she let her 2 dogs off and they ran straight into the water having a lovely time. Then one dog got out and did a poo in the sand I watched the lady and she did nothing, then the second dog did a poo and she did nothing.. Yuck If I wasn't so far away and didn't have my girls with me I would have said something, she then got her dogs and left the beach... Some people are just gross..
  7. Rogue is an inside boy , he only goes out to toilet or zoom'around the yard.. He spends the time we are at work in his run but that's to keep him safe more so.. He has a crate for night but we leave the door open and If I get up in the night he is either asleep in the lounge or on the end of our bed if its not too hot in our room :-) He keeps my feet warm :-) .. When he gets older we will have a dog door so he can be in or out while we are at work but I think he would just sleep on the lounge all day lol he is only 8 mths old now..
  8. Oh is there a dog that doesn't shit now?? What a joke , the pup will probably be better off somewhere else if they were being serious...
  9. Rogue chases his sometimes , very occasionally, I don't worry its not like he is addicted but i can understand if you had a chronic tail chaser then I see it as a problem.
  10. The thumb trick worked for uswhen rogue was little.. Now at almost 9mths if he test me I grab the scruff of his neck and say no bite in my scary rough voice lol he stops then also.. Take it from me you have to be tough, nipping hurts !! :-)
  11. That's good to know as rogue will fast himself one day a week ..
  12. A sign kids have worms is they scratch their buts and complain of being itchy lol lol .. picking your nose doesn't give you worms not washing hands after toileting and having fingers in your mouth does :-) .. Christina isn't that true LMAO!!! I tell my kids that lol lol
  13. I worm the family once a year but I have young children never thought about getting worms from dogs..
  14. Dyzney could it be firstly car sickness which is then exasberated by anxiety, I think this is our problem..
  15. These worked for Rogue, he still drules but no vomiting.. I just make sure I give it too him 1/2 hr before we go out.. For long trips I give him the tablets and also pieces of ginger which he takes for the first part of our trip then he just licks it off our fingers.. He still finds the trip unsettling but not as bad as before, he also now likes the window down.. I think it also depends on the car, in my husbands Ute he is in the back seat but it is rougher than my car and he will sometimes pee, he really doesn't enjoy the trip but in my car he has the whole back as I lay the back seat down so he just relaxes ( well as one can when they don't really enjoy a car trip :-) .. Good luck car sickness is not nice.
  16. Oh thank you aussielover no wonder he is scratching , I must have read the box wrong.. It has been 2 weeks so I will give him comfortis after breakfast tomorrow ..
  17. Hey guys I posted this in another thread but might be better to repost here.. , I have just started using interceptor spectrum which says it is also for fleas.. I used to use comfortis but stopped once I saw that this allwormer also covered fleas.. I have found though that Rogue has been scratching this past week.. Is it ok to also use comfortis? I can't find anything in the box that says anything about mixing the two so does anyone know if it is alright to use both..
  18. Just popping in this thread, I have just started using interceptor spectrum which says it is also for fleas.. I used to use comfortiis but stopped once I saw that this allwormer also covered fleas.. Rogue has been scratching this past week.. Is it OK to also use comfortis? I can't find anything in the box that says anything about mixing the two..
  19. I would'really look at a behaviourist asap esp with a new baby coming and I would never let her be with babe alone, even if your nipping into the kitchen etc you just never know. :-) Good luck and congratulations on your impending birth :-)
  20. Hi Matt, I'm new to puppyhood also we have Rogue an Airedale who is now 8 mths and my first dog .. I think I had 3 weeks off work but I didn't find him to cry when I left, but he was very good from what I have read on here :-) i left him in his little run which also had his crate ( I crate trained him ) for school drop off and pick ups and to go shopping etc ..our problem was nipping lol.. Good luck with Dasha , it is a little dawnting hey, I'm sure someone experienced will drop by to give you ideas :-)
  21. He is starting to push the boundaries, he is into stealing things at the moment socks, shoes lol anything ... But he is still a Goofball and such a character!! :-)
  22. My breeder did rogues today with a dremel and a sanding attachment, worked beautifully :-)
  23. What a fabulous name lol We have a Rogue also he is almost 7.5 mths old Airedale :-) Congratulations she is a cute :-)
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