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Everything posted by mumof4girls

  1. My sister had a little staffy and a baby just at walking age.. I watched one day as baby was trying to walk up the back stairs ( highest house) this dog kept putting himself between the stairs and baby.. I was amazed as the baby kept trying.. Beautiful'to'watch..
  2. Go for it Shares don't let other people intimidate you especially faceless people :-) .. I just laugh to myself and think get a life if someone says a nasty comment to me.. Re Ned I hope life gets better now as he has had a rough ride .. poor boy.. I agree. They did what they thought was best and obviously not everyone agrees. I agree too! I am still relatively new on this forum and sometimes scared to post questions out of fear of being attacked for doing/saying the wrong thing. I tend to find myself lurking a lot because there is a lot of knowledge here, just a bit imtimdating at times.
  3. I'm going to the ekka on thursday the 9th it's the Airedale show :-) give me an idea for our club show .. I'm not showing rogue at the ekka but his breeder is showing her boy .. I can't wait to see the behind the scenes and the ring :-)
  4. And people wonder why first time puppy/dog people get confused... Everyone in the class listens to every word as if it's gospel, obviously not LOL!!!
  5. No this was all he said before we left the session, out of the blue as we were talking about where your pup sleeps then he made thie comment about tablets and recall.. I'm changing clubs anyway as they seem to be very old school and a lot of the students ( been there for a longtime in the advanced group lol well they only have puppy and advanced) ) are older and very rough , hands on ,makes me cringe and it is accepted by the trainers .... Not the way I will be responding with Rogue...
  6. We are checkIng out oxley agility club on Sunday . They have obedience classes where you move up to different levels , once rogue reaches 18mths he can start doing more like jumps etc.. Looks good from the website ,fingers crossed.. :-)
  7. Yeah this trainer pushes me to stay tight, I'll go very early next week and tell him I'm not comfortable, if he disagrees I will just change clubs, this one is quite expensive anyway I think and I have a few others to choose from.. Thanks guys I am not that comfortable around other dogs and i thought maybe it was me .. His behaviour has definately changed so we won't be getting that close until he gets bigger and doesn't react like this .
  8. Ha yes 3BW I don't use treats and a lot do so that is becoming interesting lol.. I guess the reason is to get them used to other dogs closely? is it really necessary?
  9. Yes Skye I was looking for the fear stages thank you, I will just tell the trainer but they are old school so it will be interesting his response..
  10. Oh I just want to cuddle them :-)
  11. Rogue and I are now in our next Obediance class we graduated from the basic class .. All the dogs are older, Rogue is only 8 mths but we are doing OK .. My question is regarding something they do and I haven't been able to ask the trainer as even though the members are regulars, most years they all line up to talk to the trainer .. He likes all dogs at different parts of the session to get in close very close, either walking in a tight group or meeting in the middle of a circle tight or walking through sort of interlocking each other.. Rogue gets jumpy madly looking behind him and I just say come on in a happy voice and keep moving.. I guess that's what you do? Last night their was a rotty behind us, ( gorgeous boy young but older than rogue , he may have been about 2) as we were doing some sit stays Rogue looked around saw the rotty and he started to wimper, he ran to my legs , I put him back in position but do you think it is doing him more harm us doing this tight group thing.. The group has varied breeds but mainly German shepherds which all are very snappy with each other and other dogs , the tight group work can be tense.. I'm just feeling a little uneasy and not sure if his sudden signs of fear ( I guess it is fear) when he normally is so relaxed and happy around other dogs.. This is our second class am I being silly with my concern.. I just don't want anything to happen to turn him dog aggressive ( fear agressive) I think that's my fear... Edit for spelling ..
  12. Maybe do some extra fun things with her and try not to talk or let her hear you talk about this horrible ordeal you have been through.. Children don't miss a trick .. Are you thinking about going through a registered breeder and trying again sometime, maybe take her and meet some adult BC's of prospective breeders if you are might help :-) i wouldnt blame you though if you were not :-( big hugs take care... xx
  13. Ha you may have to go on a waiting list,. I waited Over a year to get my Airedale terrier ... Good luck :-)
  14. Ha you may have to go on a waiting list,. I waited Over a year to get my Airedale terrier ... Good luck :-)
  15. Just a question.. The trainer we go to for obedience said to me if you want a dog to have great recall don't use tablets as they won't come to you incase your going to ram one down the throat.. Do others find this??as I would rather use a tablet..
  16. So glad Eaky you were able to bring her home and be with her when she drifted off.. Run free penny .
  17. My heart goes out to you Esky.. I hope you can find a WY..
  18. Just had to share took this last night.. Rogue with his Dad :-) 8mths
  19. Oh Esky I can only imagine how heart wrenching this must be for you.. Hope you get some posative news from the vets soon :-) thinking of you..
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