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Everything posted by chinaplate
We took May to the vet and results of blood test are still same.. So atleast not worse.. Now i am so lucky so is May that she is with a dear person to me (like my second family) and i get to see her everyday and she is not far away from me..I can feed her, play with her, sleep with her and enjoy quality time all of us together, including Boss. May is not in a foster home, she is in a loving home where many people are going there each day to visit her and spoil her rotten.. I dont know what i would have done if my dear friend (she is like a second mother) was not the strong woman she is . But May is blessed.
Beautiful May
18th May this is May last night. She did break my heart by one thing that happened.. I threw the ball for Boss to catch and she was standing near me wagging her tail and then she got excited and thought she could run and get the ball and one step she took and she collapsed... then she got up right away and tried to go for it again and collapsed.. I gave her such a big hug and i was in tears but she was happy... I thought she was hurt but she wasnt ... I NEVER EVER THOUGHT in a million years she would want to go and play and catch the ball.... Poor girl her mind and heart really wanted to play and catch the ball with Boss, but her body could not do it It didnt matter her being happy and apart of it all is what counts but i just got emotional when i saw her fall, i blamed myself maybe i should'nt have let her go out side and hang out ... I dont know...But she loves Boss, and she LOVES balls and toys! You can see her pictures she loves balls ... I didnt want to put a coat on her incase it hurt he stomach so i only let her stay outside for a little while as it was cold. merna crossing our fingers for outcome tomorrow
Hi she will be doing another blood test tomorrow to see if any improvement in her blood etc.. Her ultrasound showed 3 masses in her liver, (they do not know if tumours but most probably... but no for sure ) Problem in her heart it is very enlarged and she has a heart murmour Very very anemic, so was loosing blood from somewhere, they assume related to liver but cant guarantee.. i am rather confused by the whole thing but as long as she is not in pain we can go on... I will be posting her new pics tonight and an update...
Hi all, May is doing well, she is actually showing us some things we have never seen before.... 1- She loves other dogs and cats!!! she is best friends now with a cat and she sleeps next to her! She has a beautiful nature with all animals including birds.. 2- She wags her tail constantly now and her ears go up when u talk to her! 3- She is also very very clever, she understands everything u tell her, eg come on May do u want to go to outside for a walk? she will get up straight away and wait at the front door, she has a walk around the front yard, does what she wants then goes to the front door to go inside. 4- She does not like the collar and lead and walks beside u, if u put the collar on she will not move.. 5- She will only look at you and respond if u say her name "MAY" she responds so well to her name and it suits her so much, its like really weird... this is how it was meant to be after everything she went through i guess 6- She has the WHOLE run of the house, and has a best friend named Boss who is also a male rotti.. Boss knows she is sick so does not do anything to make her uncomftorble... He looks after her and lets her sleep near him. He is also a good boy, he is so gentle and soft with her, he understands whats going on. 7- She is eating ONLY FRESH natural foods and she is loving her food and eating really well. 8- She wants to always be around people and loves to SNEAK INTO THE KITCHEN AT NIGHT Well guys i think i have let u all know, she is doing well, and we are all happy that she does not seem to be suffering or in any pain at the moment. Attached are some pics of her in the car coming home. merna.
i didnt know, anyway i gave her 3 thin slices of ham, mixed with her boiled rice and chicken. This is first time then and last....gosh i feel aweful now! i didnt think, well i didnt know... To be honest vet did not mention any specific food needs.. i will follow up tomorrow. thanks
May our Princess It was a beautiful day.
The Princess today was the same, with a good appetite and was waiting for me. She sat so calm and waited for me to serve her food today. She loved it. I bought her lean ham as well and mixed it with her chicken and rice, and she could not believe it...it was so funny she was like in paradise... i then gave her water and she patiently waited for me to give it to her.. She is so sweet she does not walk on a lead she likes to just follow so the staff now at the vets take her in and out of her cage with no collar and lead, and dont think for a minute she goes anywhere else but just follows!! She is a princess. She was then given another juicy bone after her meal. May is coming home tomorrow... it doesnt matter how long she has or anything just the fact i want her in a warm bed and happy for what ever time she has. I bought her a dog coat today as well. She seemed so much at peace today u wouldnt believe.. She was so relaxed and peaceful she was an angel. It was weird today, i was on the same level she was, we slept on the blanket together for an hour and a half, and she was so content. It was like someone from above was with us its unbelievable... It was a very peaceful day in the sun.
more pics.
Crossing my fingers, she is coming home on Saturday We need to get red cell levels up more so she is not so anemic... (something like that ) Today she had her favourite chicken and rice AND a chunky juicy bone which she lovvveeeddd... Attached are her pics.. She was the same health wise, but seemed more relaxed today and found it easier to get up which is good...She also seemed happy... Have a look guys
More pics of beautiful May.
some pics today at the vet.
Hi all, ok, here we go.. I waited anxiously at vets and i got to see May finally She was looking very tired at first i though oh god she is the same! but she saw me and got so happy and started licking my face to death and sat right at my chest for a hug. She got up and walked in front of me (slowly though) Peter said that she has a very good appetite and she is drinking well. She had an ultrasound today and the specialist who did it usually takes 20min tops pete said, but when he saw May he looked at several areas of her body and spent an hour on the ultra sound as he thought he would see cancer in her spleen or heart etc but he didnt .. She has a congestive heart failure problems with her arteries and she has a murmour. she has lost alot of blood from somewhere which they could not find where from the ultrasound, she also has 3 masses, i think in her somewhere i was too blank to remember , they did not know what the masses were... now i am not a vet it was complicated so this is what i remember. Now she got up and we went and sat in the garden and she ate all the chicken and followed me around everywhere , i spent ages with her , cuddling her , kisses, pats , stroking her. I also got her a nice blanket to sleep on.. ;) When i came to leave she cried... First time i heard her voice.. Peter said when i leave he will start her on some med for her anemia... if she seems ok and able to walk again and eat and drink i can take her into a home so she can be relaxed and live out what ever time she has left.. He DID NOT THINK i need to put her to sleep today.. He said we wait and see from now til Saturday.. She did not walk alot but she was better than the day i got her.. So guys i have hope .. Peter phoned norma today and said if May keeps eating and is able to walk and drink then he was happy for her to go into my care on saturday... I said as long as she is not in pain and suffering i will keep her. Cross my fingers she will progress even more tomorrow... Atleast i know i can have the opportunity for her to spend her last moments in a home I HOPE!
Thank u all for ur kind words.. I was the one who got May out on Monday. I am on my way now to vets. I tell you what saint francis is definetly sick of hearing my voice This morning i boiled her some chicken and cut it into pieces with some rice..i have taken her a bag of treats that i know she will like. I did not know when i put my name on this girl that she was as sick as she was.. I got to the pound and saw her on the wet soaking floor and she would not get up.. I carried her out with my friend.. I then put her down and she could not stand on her feet she then collapsed... Sorry if i did not do the right thing and leave her and save another healthy dog like some people think, but i could not turn my back on her now I said merna get her to a vet immedietly and atleast if she is that sick and must go, she would atleast had eaten a nice meal which she did, chicken and rice which she loved..and she slept on the baby mattress with a warm blanket in my car with me... i could not leave her where she was. It was an aweful aweful day... I am not a selfish person to keep May alive for my own satisfaction. I have a Rotti Named Rocky who has had congestive heart failure he is still going not suffering when he does i know it is the time. His belly got bigger and went on fluid tab and its been 3 yrs on he is living a normal life along with heart meds. I am just about to leave to be with May... I have taken her cooked chicken and rice and shmackos and i will be by her side holding her hand if i must make that decision.. I i have never done this before. I am very greatful to Norma who has been supportive on what i decide to do.. Atleast she would have had someone who loved her for a short period of time be with her, along with all the prayers u guys have said and ur thoughts and best wishes for her.. Plus ur donations to Dabs, and thanks stef for what u have done and the offer of meds from someone.... Thanks guys. This princess will be in a better place if need be u can all trust me on that one! May, in the time i knew u til now i have not given up hope and we all love u dearly and hope u make it.. If not may u rest in peace and run free with all ur friends.. U are one special girl i wish i had got to u earlier but this is the way it is meant to be. U never know guys maybe she makes it so i am staying positive. I will let u know this evening the outcome.