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Everything posted by minimiss

  1. I am officially in love!! He is super adorable :) 9 or 10kgs at 8 weeks Definitely seems like a gentle giant!! My little man was 1kg at 8 weeks
  2. So good to hear the little(big) bundle of fur is settling in just fine! :D Can't wait for photos! How much does he weigh now? :laugh:
  3. This was pretty much it for me too. A friend had one when I was 5 and it was the most gorgeous little critter with lots of energy, personality and fluff :) 20 years later I was finally in a position to have a dog so here we are :)
  4. "Ohhh hello I was just making the bed for you.. Promise!"
  5. I usually put kibble and peanut butter in my puppy's kong :) He loves it! I have a small array of toys that I rotate so he wont get bored with the same old toys and always fill the kong before I leave to keep him occupied as I depart. I have a radio playing whilst I am away too. The neighbours have said that they haven't heard a peep from him when I'm at work (Which is a total change considering he's very vocal when I'm home :laugh: ) I think for the most part he just sleeps. As long as you tire the puppy out before you go to work, there is more of a chance that the puppy will sleep and not be so destructive. Don't feel bad that you're starting him off with your routine early - It's best that he gets used to this rather than getting used to you being home for a week or so, then all of a sudden your gone. At least it's just a day back at work then 2 days back a home before the normal working week there after. Of course also have plenty of water. :) I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine with your new arrival!! :D (Yes, lots of puppy pics are expected!! :p )
  6. Good luck Jordan! Very exciting stuff :) :) Can't wait to see photos of course :p
  7. All these gorgeous puppies :) mumof4girls your little man looks wonderfully settled already! He's going to love having so much love and attention! dobesrock simi is such a little cutie!
  8. Benny was $1200 limited register.. Not sure how much pb Pomeranians used to be but I expect that $1000-$2000 anyway. I can appreciate how time consuming and expensive breeding is and I think this price is reasonable.. I would much rather quality, over a cheap byb dog that would cost me more in the long run due to massive health issues!
  9. Ohh that will make Australia day become extra special from this year onwards :D it'll be happy welcome home day too!
  10. Yaaaay! What an exciting day today will be! Friday has finally arrived! :D
  11. Gosh this video made me cry to think how tiny this poor little fellow is in comparison......I am sure this will not have a happy ending for the OP Oh wow That is such a huge difference. My 13 week Pomeranian Puppy was weighed in today at 1.4kg .. The little GR darling isn't really that much bigger! It puts things into perspective when you compare him to a toy breed of similar age I think the breeder hasn't been telling the truth somewhere
  12. Can't wait dobesrock! Weekend isn't far away at all (It'll feel like a month for you though! ) mumof4girls... IT'S FRIDAY TOMORROW!!
  13. Oh I like these! I actually had a look the other day for some dog tags online and only found really tacky ones!
  14. Aw it's times like this I wish I had my licence. I 'love' Poms would probably be taken 100 times over before I get my licence I didn't realise some custom plates had a yearly renewal though! Any way to get money out of people huh!
  15. We've just got back from visiting the vet :) The vet took a sample from the lump and said that the whole sample was just fat so it would be unlikely it would be anything sinister. It'll take about 4 hours to get the actual result, but she said that she's pretty confident that it's just a fatty lump. Phew!! :D I promise I'll never google diagnose again :laugh:
  16. Oh Jordan! He is gorgeous! Look at those paws!!
  17. Wow that has gone quick! Ha I'm picking Rogue up on Friday but I have told the girls the breeder changed her mind and rescheduled for Saturday oh I am mean lol.. I have told Adair we have to pick up the school books Friday morning lol lol.. It's so close now woohoo!!! :laugh: Sneaky! but they will love having it as such a surprise. Got the news that there are 4 beautiful girls in the litter of 7. I get pictures this weekend!! Finally feels real How exciting!! You do realise you are bound by unwritten contract to shower this thread with gorgeous little puppy pics :laugh:
  18. Well God forbid if ever you get bitten. I don't think you will get much sympathy for not getting out of the way. Poor poor woman, how awful I hope this doesn't affect her confidence in going for walks in her area because she feels unsafe. I hope the offending couple and their dogs are found and punished. What kind of cruel people leave a bitten woman on the side of the road???
  19. Thank you everyone for your positivity! I'm trying not to worry so much. I really need to stop googling things! I've realised it's just as bad googling for puppy problems as it is for human ones. Google has told me some huge porkies about my health in the past! :laugh: (so did the nurse on call hotline but that's another story haha). I really hope you're all right and that it is something minor! I'm almost home from work so I'll be able to recheck for any signs on becoming larger.
  20. Last night as I was patting my little boy I noticed a small lump on the left side of his torso just at the bottom of his ribs. It's fairly squishy, a little firm and is probably between the size of a 5c and a 10c coin. It doesn't seem to be attached to any muscles and it's close to the skin but doesn't feel attached to that either. It could feel bigger than it is, seeing as my boy is a 1.25kg Pomeranian. Hrmm.. It seems to have come out of nowhere and it doesn't seem to affect him at all, he's still a hyper little pig :laugh: and if I touch it, it doesn't seem to cause him any grief. I called the vet today to book him in tomorrow to have it checked out and the vet nurse didn't have suggestion as to what it could be. She said it could be a reaction from his 12 week vaccination (09/01/2012) and not to worry.. However it's not where the vaccination site was so I'll have to see what the vet says tomorrow. It has me a little worried, and stressed! I had a quick google but it has a lot more information for older dogs, not tiny puppies. It didn't grow any larger overnight and I'll see how it is tonight when I'm home from work. He's running around like normal and eating normally. Any suggestions as to what it may be? Could it be cancerous in a young puppy? Thanks in advance! x
  21. Wow that has gone quick! Ha I'm picking Rogue up on Friday but I have told the girls the breeder changed her mind and rescheduled for Saturday oh I am mean lol.. I have told Adair we have to pick up the school books Friday morning lol lol.. It's so close now woohoo!!! Sneaky one Mum!! At least now it's still a semi surprise!! Not many sleeps to go now.. Until picking up the school books ;)
  22. I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday! But then it also feels like we've also had him for ages if that makes sense :laugh: You definitely make sense! I can't imagine life without him :) What did I do with myself.. All that peace and quiet and not having my arm as a chew toy :laugh:
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