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Everything posted by minimiss

  1. I had a pure white fluffy kitten when I was 18 and I had a 'friend' move in with me. I'd come home from work one evening and the bitch had dyed my poor kitten pink. Was not impressed as the kitten ran away, so it was clearly not impressed either. I kicked out the 'friend' and I've never had housemates since (or pets for that matter!). Lucky enough the boyfriend loves animals (as much as he pretends he doesn't ) So I'll be able to trust him with the new puppy! .. Trust him, pfft he'll probably be besties with the puppy and they'll plot against me
  2. I really feel I need to see this video now Oh wow! That video would be something! :D You could just sync to itunes and you could probably upload to tinypic or photobucket. I suppose the Pom imagines they're the same size as the Aussies :p I always estimated a next pup in a couple of years, maybe time will tell if it'd be an Aussie! Excersize wouldn't be too much of an issue, We run every morning and walk every evening. Weekends are usually considerably longer (When it's not raining anyway - Thanks for the consistant weather Melbourne haha) They just seem so well mannered and full of personality I cannot believe I've only just been introduced to this breed.. (Better late than never I say!) Can I just say once you have your little Pom you will be a complete convert, addictive little buggers they are! I can only imagine! He's 4 weeks on Tuesday so it's just waiting at the moment until he's old enough, Time seems to be going so slow and is making me crazy, any tips to defeat the impossible and speed up time?
  3. I really feel I need to see this video now Oh wow! That video would be something! :D You could just sync to itunes and you could probably upload to tinypic or photobucket. I suppose the Pom imagines they're the same size as the Aussies :p I always estimated a next pup in a couple of years, maybe time will tell if it'd be an Aussie! Excersize wouldn't be too much of an issue, We run every morning and walk every evening. Weekends are usually considerably longer (When it's not raining anyway - Thanks for the consistant weather Melbourne haha) They just seem so well mannered and full of personality I cannot believe I've only just been introduced to this breed.. (Better late than never I say!)
  4. They're all so so so beautiful. I'm definitely in love! One powerball and I'd buy some property and have a small pack of my own hehe, don't think I could have enough room for my impending Pomeranian and a few Aussies in my little townhouse. Are Ripley's eyes different colours or is that the camera playing tricks? His fur is to die for, looks so soft and perfect :D
  5. I'd say as long as it was sealed, and no moisture got to it, it should be fine. Just keep watching for furry bits or any out of character smells.
  6. Sending positive vibes to you and your little pom!! I hope all goes well! Keep us updated on his progress
  7. Those photos are simply amazing! They really are so very well behaved and have huge smile, they're enjoying the attention +1 to looking forward to the next shoots photos!
  8. Geez Aussies are a beautiful breed! Leo grew from a huggable pup into a huggable bear! He'd be the best winter lap dog after a day of tiring him out
  9. http://www.news.com.au/national/cruelty-shock-as-kittens-sent-in-mail/story-e6frfkvr-1226193232710 The two four-week-old kittens were without water or food in a non-padded box for more than 24 hours after they were collected from a home in Melbourne's western suburbs, the Herald Sun reported. The male and female kittens were destined for a home in Melbourne's northern suburbs. The RSPCA is investigating the incident and the owners face large fines. Lost Dogs Home general manager Sue Conroy said the kittens were discovered in a shocking state and underweight. "They were at the courier's distribution centre when a worker heard them meowing," she said. "That person rescued them and gave them food and water. "Twenty-five years in the industry you see a lot of stuff, but not this. "It's absolutely abhorrent because they were in a box and anything could have happened to them - a truck could've backed over it, the box be kicked around or crushed or it could've been left in a hot place. It's awful to think what could've happened it makes you sick." City of Melbourne officers on Wednesday took the kittens from the Kensington distribution centre to the Lost Dogs Home. Ms Conroy said pet owners needed to get the message this behaviour would not be tolerated. "I would like to see them in the Magistrates' Court," she said. Cattery manager Karina Bailey blasted the owners and said she was disgusted. The Lost Dogs Home is looking for foster carers for the two because they were too young for adoption
  10. Leo is a stunning looking dog! Gorgeous indeed! No idea about the dog in the ad, sorry I can't help there.. But I am interested in more photos of Leo
  11. I definitely do not think you were to harsh at all. 1. Your form gave them a chance to state what they knew about the breed etc. Usually people excited about a breed would take this chance to 'prove' to the breeder that they love this breed and they know their stuff. 2. Like others have said previously - If they were genuine, they wouldn't have taken offence to your response, and would have tried to correct your train of thought, by saying 'well, in that case, desexing isn't a problem, and perhaps I can still go on your waiting list'. That, or attempt to discuss how to go about becoming a responsible breeder. I'm not a breeder, and I never would be (Hats go off to breeders, hard and wonderful work). If I were a breeder, I'd have replied exactly the same. I think it is much nicer explaining a reason as to why you would not provide them with a puppy rather than just saying 'no sorry, no puppies available to breed'. Sometimes people are just uneducated, and by not educating them, how will they ever be educated? Edit: slight spellling mishap :p
  12. Jail time sounds like a great option. If only the citizens could decide on the punishment. Would probably end with people getting the punishment they deserve!
  13. It's not like her job is brilliant anyway. Just a casino cashier. Poor dog. What a little soldier though, survived 2 days in a bin, wrapped in plastic. The stupid hag shoud be wrapped in plastic and dumped in a bin for 2 days to see how much she enjoys it.
  14. Sometimes? In the case of the Pets Parasites.. sorry, 'Paradise' near my work they always have '_ese X _' or 'oodles' Grr. Glad this one got caught. One small step for mankind!
  15. Haha I really can't imagine badger being delicious... Or hedgehog!
  16. Wow gorgeous, they're definitely a dog and a half! The waiting game at the end always feels like the longest time ever. Once you've decided and know what you want the time feels like it's come to a standstill. Good luck with your wait Hopefully it's not much longer~
  17. No reason to report them, they're not doing anything illegal, just something completely unethical. I just wanted to send them an email to say I know what they're doing and I think they're morons. Clearly I struck a cord by the tone of their email which was all that was intended really. I hope the poor pup finds a good home. I was moreso thinking of the link on the sellers page saying 'report abuse' Hopefully they 'onsell' to someone with a heart.
  18. I guess if we all turned a blind eye we would be living in a perfect world
  19. Ah what wonderful grammar and vast use of vocabulary. I love how you can get a feel of the type of person one is from the way they type. Is there anyway you can report this idiot?
  20. Aww poor Smegel. RIP little puss. Good on Jess though! I'm sure her recovery is bittersweet at the moment because of little Smegel, but what a relief she's on the mend. xx
  21. The things crazy Tassies do for fun huh Bit of a worry though, what would wallaby be used for? What can it be used for? Can it actually be used for anything? :/
  22. I suppose like anything, there are the pros/cons. It'll probably deter -some- but most certainly not all offenders. Most offenders do not have consciences anyway. I just think harsher punishments should actually be handed out to those who are actually guilty. Rather than just handing out a few fines here and there to anyone they suspect to be guilty.
  23. I think a lot of the time some people aren't aware of all the different avenues they can go down to rehome their pet. More education would probably solve a little of this, but some people do just look for the way they perceive is the quickest and easiest way to rehome their pet. I suppose people can be a little naive in the sense they don't think that anyone they choose - who appear quite friendy at the time - could infact potentially be a dodgy BYB.
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