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Everything posted by minimiss

  1. I think also the industry you work in makes a huge difference. I do accounting. Probably one of the most boring jobs out there. But there is a huge difference working in my industry (International student education), as opposed to say, working as an accountant in the mining industry which I think without the human interaction, and the diversity, would bore me to death. So maybe for the time being as you're looking for a similar job, until you can decide where you want to go, try pick an industry that you'd enjoy.
  2. I have thought of human nursing, but i can't say i am as patient with humans as i am animals, and i'm still hesitant to go back and study something for a long period of time. 3 years i think it is. My mum used to be a nurse. Hated it and gave it up to look after the kids all day. I guess i've only ever heard mums hate of the job. Never spoken to anyone that loves nursing.. My husband's also a nurse and hates it so I can't help you there sorry My Mum's a nurse (has been a nurse for years), and so are all of her friends, and they love it - but not for the money. Human nurses don't get paid a whole lot either. More than vets do but the big money is in working in emergency, specialist positions or late shifts. I was surprised I earnt more than my Mum. I went for the boring degree that would earn me money. I don't hate my job, but I'm sure there is more exciting jobs out there. I didn't want to do something I loved, only to end up hating it because I did it every single day and it became a chore. The suggestions of rescue / volunteer work whilst maintaining an every day job be it part time or fulltime is a good idea - best of both worlds!
  3. We used to have a Miniature Pinscher when I was a kid... Used to get 'Miniature Pincher' a lot... Little doggy would have needed opposable thumbs for that!
  4. I thought this stuff only happened in movies!!!
  5. I had some awesome visuals there thinking of the looks on the families faces!!
  6. Where I was working before, the graduate Vets were starting on about $40k or so and I believe the senior vets were earning less than $60k. Obviously better than nurses wages but the hours are much longer and obviously stressful. I have been asked many times why I don't study to be a vet, which I found quite interesting and a bit frustrating - they assume because you like animals that you would want to be a vet. Being a nurse is a completely different job, and I know that I am not up for (or interested in) being a vet. I know they're different jobs, however it was a suggestion that would potentially earn more $ in the same field. I didn't realise vets didn't earn that much either, as per above. This thread is a bit of an eye opener! I think it's unfair they're being paid so little for such hard and long hours!
  7. I agree with a few of the above - Why not study to become a Vet if money is a concern?
  8. You can only claim rent assistance if you are receiving another Centrelink payment, and I don't think OP would qualify for any other payment . A quick Google search seems the pay figure OP quoted is probably correct. http://www.acpeople.com.au/cat/Veterinary-Nurses_6392xj.htm http://www.thinknursing.com.au/become_a_veterinary_nurse.htm Edited for spelling Yes you're right. Rent assistance is additional to the benefit. But there is assistance to those studying or as a trainee to possibly supplement the low wage until she becomes fully fledged.. Not sure how long one is a "trainee" is though..
  9. Depending on the threshold, you may be able to claim rent assistance etc from centrelink for being a low income earner. Not sure what the threshold is though but it could be worth looking into
  10. I didn't realise it was that low its such an important job too, involving lots of messy and heartwrenching work.. I got paid that many moons ago when I was 17 and was an accounts assistant (which is hardly a valued job). It's not very fair if that wage is correct! Depending on what your current office skills are and hours, could you do the vet nurse course, and work at your current job - then upon course completion aim for practice manager jobs? Best of luck!
  11. I really feel for the owner because when travelling with pets you have to entrust others to take care of them. It's scary knowing there is a risk that something could go wrong.. Poor things
  12. Amazing! You should start taking orders!
  13. minimiss


    There doesn't appear to be any update on the child on the articles I've checked... Although there is a 2nd man that apparently assisted the Man with the wrench?
  14. I think this is a great answer. I do also get the impression that most buyers feel like they have a 'right' to be purchasing any puppy they please and for whatever reason they want and the breeder has to oblige. I think a lot of personality comes across in how people conduct emails / phone conversations. It's not always an English being a 2nd language issue either and/or a poor grasp on the English language. The school I work at is an English school for international students, now it's nothing remotely close to breeding, but I deal with many overseas agents via email where English is not their 2nd language and sometimes they're not particularly great at it BUT you can always differentiate the nice and professional from the ones trying to get students and visas for a quick buck. It does work 2 ways but I do believe some puppy applicants do need to be more considerate. Usually starting out a conversation on the wrong foot from stupidly not thinking about what you're saying probably warrants a response in the same tone. Breeders get hundreds of enquiries - I'm sure they're fairly apt it weeding out the badies... They may get in wrong a few times, but they're still protecting their breed and their passion.
  15. Definitely take a sample to the vets.. There are a million and one things that it could be and you could forever be eliminating things from her diet to trial and error what works. Vet would be able to rule out a few things and even pinpoint the problem if there are bugs etc.
  16. minimiss


    Totally agree with this comment. Really do not think most people have any clue about dog breeds and often even get colours wrong. A friends standard poodle (he is in pet clip) managed to get out of their yard - as soon as they realised he was missing they all went searching - one of their neighbours told their daughter she had seen their "pit bull" go passed just minutes before. She was scared because this "dangerous" dog was loose. They found their poodle not long afterwards and introduced him to their neighbour and explained his breed. He is a lovely dog and gets on well with everyone regardless of species. A poodle being mistaken as a pitbull I knew some people had no clue, but.. I thought everyone knew poodles from pitbulls at the minimum.. Apparently not! I'm quite shocked. Defintely can't assume anything these days can we?
  17. I think you'll find in breeding, showing, or any other hobby or profession (something which breeding is not - hence people being very pationate about their opinions) you're not going to get sweet little angels without an opinion and get along 100% of the time... So you learn to deal with it and do your own thing. Why would you let any one else deter you from your ambitions?
  18. I'd say Mini Schnauzer too. They're little solid dogs and they're pretty willing to please thus great at obedience / agility training. The Airedale terriers I've met don't particularly strike me as an agility breed either, gorgeous dogs but being a terrier they are pretty stubborn and like to do their own thing, especially if they have their sights set on something else (bird, leaf, scent ). I was told they can be a little more agressive and dominant to other male dogs than most too. I wouldn't say rescue a cross breed as above (if you weren't showing that is) due to their nature being unpredictable for the most part. ETA: Grammar was a bit shocking so early on a Saturday!
  19. Who leaves kids in the streets? I'm assuming it's racial finger pointing and meaning the Chinese. What country has perfect child and animal welfare?? I don't know of any and our country certainly does not have perfect child or animal welfare. So perhaps we shouldn't be pointing fingers huh?
  20. That is absolutely gorgeous!! He's just sitting there like 'yeeeesss?' looks perfect sized for him though!
  21. I wonder if there would be another option that'd work. What deters me is if things are too high up for me to bother about.. But then again, I'm only 5'1" In hindsight, things probably aren't that high up.
  22. In the UK you can buy Hedgehog Flavoured Potato Chips! True! Very nice too..... Oh my! I just did a google search and yes, there they are, along side the 'Cajun Squirrel' flavour. All produced by 'Walkers' by the looks of things. How awesome! haha
  23. You should maybe try putting limited stock out on the shelves then the consumer has no choice
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