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  1. Sorry - pup/life haveboth been taking a fair bit of time, as has mowing the lawn every four days (it feels like!) over summer. So I've been slack with checking the forum. I am still in for meetups if anyone else is. I am not sure how I feel about completely off-leash, unfenced meetups yet, though - at seven months our GSP can well outrun me and I am just not sure if he is ready for true off-lead yet. Hopefully one day soon! If you were thinking of a fenced dog park ( a poor second to the beach, I know!) then I would be in, though. :)
  2. So, treats will be seized by quarantine - would that include the peanut butter thingies for putting in Kongs, does anyone know...?
  3. Just throwing this out there if anyone in the Cairns region would like to meet up for dog socialisation, people socialisation (ie coffee?!), walks, etc? Our dog is still but a pup, but all ages would be welcome.
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