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Everything posted by Kahnazhu

  1. Hello Everyone! Well our girl had her procedure today! In at 3.15pm out at 5.15pm and 15 million cells in each hip! She also looks like a reverse poodle (2 shaved spots on her hips) ;) ! For the next 3 to 4 weeks she is on light exercise only, with swimming if available which is handy seeing as we're heading to the beach for Christmas! Considering the size of the needle that was used, she's moving really well at the moment and seems happy, kinda like nothing has happened! I'll give some updates over the next couple of weeks. Many Thanks to all the DOL'es that sent their doggy love and support!! And big Thank You to Ray Ferguson for performing the procedure!! Now, if everyone will just keep their fingers and paws crossed that it helps!!!
  2. Hi Fozzie, Our fingers (and paws) are crossed for you! please let me know how you go. Yep Operation on the 13th. We drop her off before 3pm and pick her up at around 5-6pm. I will definantley let you know how it goes. After the initial consult (xrays etc), at Ray's reccommendation, we put het on Fish Oil and Glucosamine tablets. We're doing it for the same reasons. She has hip dysplasia and arthristis (and is 10), so we figure that if it helps and gives her better quality of life, we'll give it a go! And we've lost nothing by trying.
  3. Hi Fozzie, We're also seeing Ray. We've had a couple of visits with him, and he's fantastic. We're booked for the 13th.
  4. My girl is booked for December too. We were willing to give something else a try apart from daily pain relief medication. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for her!
  5. Hi All! As a newbie to the Pedigree world, I too am going to put my 2 cents in :D My husband and I would like to enter the show world, but to be honest, it's quite intimidating! We looked up our particular breed and saw that there was a show on at Bulla that weekend (wasn't the weather terrible!). All it said, was starts 9am. Also I found the website to be lacking! Nowhere on there is something that says "New Members Welcome" or "For further information, please contact..." I don't even know who to contact about becoming a member. My parents showed Rotties years ago, and I remember the show world being very different. I don't even know where to start, how to train etc! I think I'll just stick to trawling DOL :D While the breeder has been helpful, they are a looong way away which makes it difficult. Anyway that's my whinge ;) we may just need to go to a few more shows and see how we go.
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