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scarlett rose

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  1. What you describe is almost exactly how I lost my boy Hamlet almost 2 yrs ago .. He was racing around madly 2 days previous ... When I look back on photos- I could see how he had lost some muscle tone . So very sorry to hear about your loss of Hamlet. It is so upsetting. I am still sick to the pit of my stomach, I am finding it hard as I miss her with every bit of my heart. With Holly she had lost no muscle tone, perfect weight, shape etc. Energy level and eating was great up until the last few days. It's so hard !! Take care
  2. Hi there, I too have a supersensitive skin allergic dog. My purebred border collie is allergic to grass!! She got to the stage where she totally licked the hair off her back, legs, feet, hind quarters etc. I was an absolute mess for loss of wondering what was going on. Her skin is so sensitive I cannot use any spot ons, tick collars as she goes red all over. Bathing her I cannot use any products containing sulphates, oatmeals, or detergent based products. I have bought Malaseb, which made her worse, and all the other shampoos from vets, pet shops etc which did not help whatsoever! Many a day I just cried for her wishing for a miracle cure. I now how her in peak condition and if this helps any of you lovely furbaby owners it will make my day. I was very fortunate enough to find a product to bath her in with no reaction, it is actually a soap called "Man's Best Friend" it is Australian Made and I buy it online from Sydney, and sometimes they open a stall at pet shows etc. It has settled my girl down unbelievably, she has no redness, no hair missing and so happy in herself. I have been using this now for over 6 months, when I spoke to the company it was a pharmacist that made the product originally. Her hair feels so soft and conditioned and my hands feel soft after using it! When I take her for a walk, I try my best to keep her off seeded grasses, but always hose her feet off before she comes inside. Moulds from compost in your garden can also trigger these allergies off. I now have pebbles throughout my yard to alleviate that problem also and I don't have to worry about weeds near her. She gets exercised on the beach and non grassed areas where possible. I have an amazing vet so that in the off chance she has had a reaction which hasn't happened now for quite a white the vet has sold me Cortavance spray to spray directly on any inflamed areas the minute I see her remotely scratch herself, otherwise she needs prednisone tablets for 5 days, which I really like to avoid. Scarlett is 7 years old and a purebred, it is now in the last 6 months thanks to the soap, my vets products and mentioned and my vigilance of checking for any hot spots, scratching etc, that my beautiful girl is now like a lively happy puppy, with a coat to die for. Have faith in yourself and your pet, research and most importantly don't give up! Miracles are always out there for cures, you just need to keep an open mind and try till you find your cure. Our beautiful pets solely rely on us and trust us! I meant to mention that my dogs also get a lot of vegetable in their diets and a carrot each day. I believe the vitamins in these products help the immune system! Hope this all makes sense and helps you!!
  3. Hi there, I too have a supersensitive skin allergic dog. My purebred border collie is allergic to grass!! She got to the stage where she totally licked the hair off her back, legs, feet, hind quarters etc. I was an absolute mess for loss of wondering what was going on. Her skin is so sensitive I cannot use any spot ons, tick collars as she goes red all over. Bathing her I cannot use any products containing sulphates, oatmeals, or detergent based products. I have bought Malaseb, which made her worse, and all the other shampoos from vets, pet shops etc which did not help whatsoever! Many a day I just cried for her wishing for a miracle cure. I now how her in peak condition and if this helps any of you lovely furbaby owners it will make my day. I was very fortunate enough to find a product to bath her in with no reaction, it is actually a soap called "Man's Best Friend" it is Australian Made and I buy it online from Sydney, and sometimes they open a stall at pet shows etc. It has settled my girl down unbelievably, she has no redness, no hair missing and so happy in herself. I have been using this now for over 6 months, when I spoke to the company it was a pharmacist that made the product originally. Her hair feels so soft and conditioned and my hands feel soft after using it! When I take her for a walk, I try my best to keep her off seeded grasses, but always hose her feet off before she comes inside. Moulds from compost in your garden can also trigger these allergies off. I now have pebbles throughout my yard to alleviate that problem also and I don't have to worry about weeds near her. She gets exercised on the beach and non grassed areas where possible. I have an amazing vet so that in the off chance she has had a reaction which hasn't happened now for quite a white the vet has sold me Cortavance spray to spray directly on any inflamed areas the minute I see her remotely scratch herself, otherwise she needs prednisone tablets for 5 days, which I really like to avoid. Scarlett is 7 years old and a purebred, it is now in the last 6 months thanks to the soap, my vets products and mentioned and my vigilance of checking for any hot spots, scratching etc, that my beautiful girl is now like a lively happy puppy, with a coat to die for. Have faith in yourself and your pet, research and most importantly don't give up! Miracles are always out there for cures, you just need to keep an open mind and try till you find your cure. Our beautiful pets solely rely on us and trust us! I meant to mention that my dogs also get a lot of vegetable in their diets and a carrot each day. I believe the vitamins in these products help the immune system! Hope this all makes sense and helps you!!
  4. Thank you Erny for your lovely kind words. I hope one day they will be able to eradicate this silent killer for our dogs,let alone us poor suffering owners fretting for them. Love your dogs with all your hearts, I always have, but once in a lifetime a really special dog like "Holly" enters into your heart. She slept with me for 11 years, snoring softly beside me every day, I am like a kid without their teddy bear or rag doll to take to bed. I keep waking feeling for her. I know we will meet again some day over rainbow bridge, and to see those beautiful eyes and wagging tail again. Thank you so very much for being so lovely to me. I hope my article will help some other dog owners to keep a watch on their loved dogs.
  5. Hi there, so sorry to read these posts. Cancer is such a dreadful silent killer. I myself have just gone through this with my purebred Golden Cocker Spaniel. My 11 year old cocker spaniel girl had never had a day sick. She was an extremely healthy lively dog. Last Sunday I took her to a park with my 2 Border Collies and she would run as fast with them non stop, by the Thursday she just seemed a little quieter and a little bit of gastric. Friday morning I noticed her little tummy a bit swollen, we took her to our wonderful vets and they kept her for the day and ran blood tests. At 1pm that day she declined whilst there, they did a scan and noticed she had a tumour in her liver which had bled, hence why the tummy had some swelling, they extracted the blood with a syringe, and sent her home on pain relief and prednisone to keep her comfortable. It was to be our last weekend with her, she loved our son being up from Canberra with her and all our family with her over the weekend and seemed to pick up in herself being given a new toy also. Early hours of Monday morning she was restless, her tummy swelling again. We took her back to the vet and her gums were pale, we very sadly had to send her to Rainbow Bridge. I have never felt so gut wrenched and sad in my life. My little dog was the happiest and only looked about 4 years old. I just cannot believe how fast this disease took. Prior to this there were no symptoms, signs or anything to let me know. Our vet said many a breeder this has happened to also, it is one of those nasty diseases that comes on with no warning! Please everyone if you notice any swelling on your dogs stomachs don't hesitate to have it investigated! The vet had told my husband by phone on the Saturday morning to enjoy her while we have her, he only believed she had about 2 weeks with her, my husband didn't have the heart to tell me, he wanted the family just to love her and be with her being the last weekend we shared.
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