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Everything posted by wantsapuppy

  1. I did a search but nothing came up. I've seen in quite a few post about people feeding it to there pets but WHAT IS IT sorry might seem like a silly question
  2. What fantastic photos especially the one popping bubbles
  3. Is it just my perverted mind or does that bubble look rather phallic? Yes that bubble does kind look Penisy ????
  4. Have liked both pages and will read about some of her work in there once kids are in bed But I woul love to hear more about it all for said person
  5. our bet is back up and running and OMFG these are the funniest picks EVER
  6. I'd have to say Boxer Rottweiler Husky Lab ( yellow or black) German Shepard Hhhmmmmmm thats all I've got ????
  7. Sounds like a sell just for the money kind of ad:( which is a shame
  8. Oh no hope she pulls through
  9. I'm shattered our net is sooooo slow and not all pics are coming up but the ones I've seen OMFG hilarious
  10. Gbhs to you and zedley. ????may he passing be and gentle and freeing as possible
  11. All these pics are just gorgeous everyone has such gorgeous doggies
  12. He is one very impressive specimen of dog ( what ever his breed may be ) Thanks. :D I think he's pretty gorgeous myself but then I am known to be somewhat biased on the subject.. lol. He's a staffy x but not sure what he's crossed with. Well I don't think your being biased he is gorgeous. Specially in that photo
  13. He is one very impressive specimen of dog ( what ever his breed may be )
  14. Definatly not normal an like previously said I would run a mile in the other direction
  15. i dont have any dogs yet but i think that if there have been multiple complaints and nothing else is working then this would be the better option rather then rehoming etc.
  16. I don't understand how people can do this. I was driving home a couple of days ago and found this beagle near the side of the road ( 100KM road at that) so i stopped took it home with me and rang the number on the tag . This was a well looked after pet and i would of felt terrible if i had of left it and it got hit. It was clearly a loved animal. The guys came and picked it up within the hour and im hoping that she has been reunited with her owner.
  17. Well sorry about that I won't ask any more
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