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Everything posted by wantsapuppy

  1. That's absolute disgraceful. How could anyone feel that they have nothing better to do with their time them to go Around baiting other people's dogs :mad
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-467985/Meet-Incredible-Hulk-Hounds.html Wow
  3. Wow that is insane. How clever :)
  4. Gorgeous doggies makes me almost want to get a rottie . Just gorgeous
  5. They look awesome and like they would be a lot of fun for owner and dog:)
  6. Don't see a lot of them around here so just assumed it was still a common occurrence. Don't I look silly
  7. Well there you go. Didn't realize it was illegal here.
  8. Is this still a common practice ? It's not very often you see rotts and the like with tails
  9. Fastastc news that the swelling has gone own so fast . What a shock that old of been. To come home and find it
  10. Omg poor puppy. :rainbowbridge: I don't even have a dog but this is one reason why I'm note real keen on the leash free areas. All it takes is one irresponsible jackass and terrible things happen Seriously why do some people just have .
  11. Omg that had tears falling big time . What a poor neglected pooch who Now looks a million times better
  12. Personally, I think they are pretty ordinary at lounging. Very good at lounging if they have a proper "off switch" but not as good as greyhounds. ETA lounging BCs Gorgeous pooches
  13. Sorry thought I'd change the whole thread didn't want it coming across the wrong way
  14. Not sure if I've answered this but top of this list would be 1. Rottweiler 2. Labrador 3. Husky 4. German Shepard and last but not least 5. boxer
  15. See I've changed this didn't want it to come across the wrong way So as the NEW title suggests what sports ect is YOUR breed good at
  16. I've also noticed from reading on here that they seem very prone to getting cancer?
  17. Sorry I wasn't looking to get one I' was just reading about them. and that just seemed to be the general rule that they are very headstrong and need someone who is even more so as an owner Yes it is breed that I like its not an option for quite a few Years :)
  18. I was doing a bit of reading on them last week I think ( no particular reason) and a loT of the stuff I've read said that they are VERY headstrong and must have a very head strong owner. Is that the case with yours or is it like any animal. Some are more so then others :) ?
  19. No way is that appropriate. Poor doggy, but then again we don't know the full story. Either
  20. http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/dog-ownership-laws-a-load-of-total-bullpit/ Seriously what is the world coming to Very sad world we live in when if you a caught owning a pitbulls you have 48 hours to destroy it or it will be done for you
  21. OUCHIE didn't see the other thread what was wrong ?
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