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  1. Ok I am crying That is so sad, so many idiots do not understand the commitment when you bring a bundle of joy into your lives. Why don't people do proper research and be honest with themselves if they can dedicate their lives to a dog. It makes me so angry! How can you leave a dog defenceless and alone... they are the most beautiful creatures on this earth. So dedicated, so loyal... ah once I get started on this topic I can't stop... That picture seriously made me teary eyed before I started reading!!!
  2. Omg bjelkier, my apologies! You did so Thank you so much, I emailed all your breeder recommendations. You have gorgeous samoyeds, absolutely stunning! Since I wrote on this forum, I have had a few breeders contacting me. I think I am just so eager and excited! Snopaws. It has been quite some time since looking for a puppy, I was quite young also (my 15 yr old collie passed away a few months back ), so was not sure how the puppy is placed with their owner. It does make sense though, the breeder knows best! You have also been around the litter from their first breath, and would know better than anyone the perfect match. All I know is I am looking for breeders who have great bloodlines, registered and have been doing it for a while. I want my puppy to have the best chance at life, and be around for as long as possible. I know that obviously there is no definites in terms of health as things do happen beyond anyone's control, but at least you know your chances are lessened! I will PM you snopaws about the litters you have mentioned! You have all been so fantastic, thank you
  3. I am so sorry for your loss You will have good days and bad days, but always remember the beautiful times and be thankful you had her in your life xxx
  4. Your boy sounds like a character In a good way... my boy was quite the diva at times. I understand that all dogs have different personalities, and definitely take a lot of work to make them into well rounded dogs. I had a collie, and while he was one of the most intelligent dogs it took training. I see what you're saying though It takes patience and every dog is different. Personally I wouldn't leave my children unattended at any time with a dog, until they were at a certain age (but that's just me!). It is good to know on a whole though that samoyeds do exhibit these characteristics more often than not eg. they do not tend to be aggressive, but again this is because of good owners that look after their dogs. TsarsMum would love to see a pic of your boy
  5. Suzi, I am very very sorry to hear about Casper - he was a beautiful boy you can tell by his eyes a very friendly and happy boy too. That pain never goes away... I lost my gorgeous collie (the beautiful boy in my picture) in august. We are lucky to get to share our lives with such beautiful animals. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all that. I guess my main concern was the communication aspect, I would want updates constantly from the time the baby is born and it seems like your breeder was amazing with this! (Would you mind PM'ing his/her details?). It's also so nice to hear the connection was there as soon as the pup was born, I am sure I would feel the same way to be honest. After yrs of loving this breed and research I just know a little baby boy would be perfect to welcome into my partner and my life. No dog will ever replace Shadow, but they can enrich another part of my life. They are such special gifts. I just believe samoyeds (as I am sure all of you do) are beautiful not just on the outside but on the inside. Every one I have met has just been so placid yet friendly, perfect qualities as far as I am concerned (I know they all have differing personalities though)! Look forward to hearing from more lovely sammy owners. Thanks again Suzi, much appreciated.
  6. Sorry to hijack the thread, I have been reading through all the pages about all your gorgeous sammys. I have been writing to breeders about if there are any planned litters for mid 2012, however haven't heard back (apart from icemist... thank you!). I know a few of you are breeders here, and have beautiful samoyeds (alot of champions - congrats x). I would love to talk to you, so if you are planning a litter for mid 2012 PM me please A question for everyone in here that had a little pup sent over from interstate, how did you find it not meeting the pup before bringing it into his/her forever home? I have always wanted to meet the litter first and then find the pup I most connected with (this is what I did previously with my gorgeous collie) but it seems like more and more people are getting their bundles of joy this way. It is something I am considering, there are so many gorgeous sammys interstate!
  7. I think this is such a great medical advancement for ageing dogs. In the next few years it would be improved even more. I wish it was around when my dog first starting showing signs of arthritis, apparently it's meant to be administered early on. Once arthritis gets worse it doesn't really work. But it would be so worth every penny to see your dog moving freely and no signs of pain (or at least significantly reduced!)
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