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  1. Hi all, thank you so much for the replies. The inside surface is floorboards, so while it's not a prefere place its not a nightmare either. The good news is I've had a lot more successful trips outside. Aside from accidents last night while he was in his area (his first night sleeping alone) he has gone outside. I have been repeating "go toilet" every time he is in the process of doing so and always praising him heals afterwards. Further more the two dogs are getting along nicely now that they are more used to each other. Found them down the side of the house today sleeping with each other. He has ever started to meet the cat today and given how timid the cat is that's a pretty huge deal. As I type this up I'm watching a movie with Jedi sleeping at my feet, Louie sleeping on top of his scratching post and Rex just outside the door sleeping as if waiting for Jedi. Haven't got Jedi sleeping outside yet, he isn't used to being left alone too much yet so easing him into it during the day Thanks again for all the advice. The lil man and I will learn together
  2. Hi all I have an 8 week old Siberian pup named Jedi and while I know there will be accidents inside and expect them I am beginning to get a bit frustrated. Firstly when inside and in his play area Jedi will most times use the provided newspaper to relieve himself. Or at least now that I have removed the bed I'd bought him that he decided was actually the toilet. I look for the signs and try taking him outside an every time I do he doesn't want to toilet. Maybe it's because I lack grass and he only has the options of concrete, gravel or mulch. My other thought was perhaps he is nervous about going toilet infront of my older dog Rex. I got this thought after one time taking Jedi out for a toilet trip while Rex was down the side of the house and to my delight he went very quickly on the gravel. Now I know I'm takin him out when he needs to go as most times he will go almost immediately when brought back inside and not on the paper as he normally would. I was given further proof of that today (what prompted me to post) as we were out most of the day and he was outside with Rex. Yet when I got home and let him in he went toilet on the floor. I'm going to try moving the paper near to the door and then outside when he is frequently using it near the door. However as I won't always be home during the day I wont be able to consistently praise him for going outside to toilet. I know I'm in for a bit of a ride here but hey, he is my baby after all and I can't expect him to know best Thanks in advance
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