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Everything posted by boxagirl

  1. Bookers thrid training session. Mostly working on rear end awareness and eye contact. Just starting the basics
  2. Oooo RV, Can I come brong Booker up for puppy party too?? He would love some other pups to play with
  3. I feel your pain Bookers been here over 2 weeks and is still wanting to do poos and wees on the concrete and under the verandah I take him down to grass, and he makes a mad dash for the verandah! He is getting better slowly- but if I leave him outside on his own for awhile I will go outside to find poops on the concrete Which is frustrating- because it is right under the washing line, and Bondi only poos in a certain corner of the yard- but he poos anywhere and everywhere! He has learnt to cry and scratch the door to go outside though
  4. Love the "follow the leader" shot Smallest to biggest! Great pics
  5. Have been slack with poor Wolf lately, had about a 4 month break from obedience (and sledding- and most shows too!) and only just got back into it afew weeks ago- but havn't been back for the last 2 weeks since I got Booker (I plan to take Wolf and Booker to obedience once Booker is travelling in the car well enough to go that far). Have been doing some obedience training at shows with Wolf though- he clearly enjoys obedience more than showing- so will probably start focusing on that with him more now (especially now that I have Booker so I still have something to show ) Have started training Booker and so far he is a dream Goodluck with Zazu in the trial I'm sure she will ace it. You need to enter a trial up here so I can come watch
  6. boxagirl


    Join us in the Boxer breed sub forum- lots of knowledgeable boxer people there ;) I've never really had a problem with my older boxer digging or chewing things, but now have a pup and he is keen on chewing plants. Best thing I think is to channel the chewing behaviour onto toys/bones. Have you tried leaving your Boxer with a nice juicy bone when you go out? More like 9 years! My girl is nearly 9, and she is finally starting to grow up now! Letting her have puppies will not help this situation, and I doubt desexing will either (though it is a good idea anyway) Definately get her into obedience if you havn't already- Boxers are smart dogs and need to exercise their minds too ;)
  7. He sounds like a character Mason. I wish Booker went crazy for dinner!! Booker has got the hang of sleeping through the night and doing the longest ever wees in the morning too Who knew a little bladder could hold that much!
  8. Can't see myself ever being without a Boxer, but I would also love a Frenchie one day.
  9. Toolz, best way is to have him chase someone/another dog ;)
  10. Goodluck :p Nothing like sibe screams/howls
  11. Afew more of Booker, now 13weeks old and 10kgs. Have started some basic training with him, very impressed with how fast he catches on
  12. Quick question to settle an arguement, for any staffy people, There is a stafford in at the kennels I work at which is like a dilute of a fawn? It is a fawny colour all over, with a "blue" grey muzzle. We are all wondering what the correct colour term for this staffy colour is? Is it liver? Or Isabella? Blue fawn? Or something completely different? I know the same colour in Cane Corso is called "Formentino" but have no idea about staffies. Thanks.
  13. When I was conditioning my siberian for his sledding races last year, I started walking/jogging/sprinting with him every morning- we started with just 30 mins, and built it up to and hour and a half. At the end of our route was a big hill for hill training. After his fitness increased I also got him to wear a backpack and carry his water. 2 days a week we just walked (as rest days). I also started biking him once a week using a "springer" bike attatchment. I noticed a huge improvement in his fitness (and in mine) in just 2 weeks! ETA There may also be some useful info on this subject in one of the E.T threads
  14. Thanks CC if you are ever down at a show with your camera let me know ;)
  15. wow lovely photos CC! Especially love the line of tollers!
  16. Thanks guys @Ruthless- He sure does love the camera
  17. Photo taken by my friend today of Booker and his huge paws!
  18. Woo hoo Go Chance! You showing next weekend Lisa?
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