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Everything posted by boxagirl

  1. Ed looks great! ;) Love how his tail wags while he walks, he must enjoy it Ed has the same problem as Bondi with lagging on turns, I'm trying to fix this by rewarding as soon as we've turned. Did you end up trying using chicken necks/frames with him for training? :p
  2. This year we lost Barkly which caused a BIG step backwards in Bondi's training and mentality. She wasn;t the same for quite awhile, ajusting to being an only dog. But she is getting over it (still hates being alone-will be getting another dog in 07 so its no big deal). Bondi started agility and surprised me with how much she ignored the other dogs and concentrated on the equipment (I expected her to be soo nervous around new equipment and dogs, but she surprised me). Due to lack of transportation I couldn't continue agility, but seeing that she picked it up quickly and enjoyed it, we will be starting next year once I get my licence She has come along way in obedience and can now do offlead heeling around distractions! She can do all the exercises required for CD, but isn't consistant-so trialing will be interesting She has gotten over her fear of new places and now I can take her anywhere with me (we even went into a shop that allows dogs- she NEVER could have done this before, she used to be scared of big new buildings.) She has settled down alot and become alot more affectionate aswell Aims for next year is to get CCD and start trialling in agility (and get my new puppy and start showing and training him :p )
  3. ;) Your whippets gorgeous! I've never seen a Whippet doing obedience, well done!
  4. He is good, but I think the American Boxer still looks more impressive.. the GSD doesn't look as focused on the handler as the Boxer does.
  5. I thought it sounds like furball too i'm pretty sure he was saying "normal" as in normal pace
  6. The video was taken on my digital camera, and I just uploaded it straight to youtube (not sure what you mean by which programme and settings?)
  7. Yep it's really good because you don't have to give the whole thing to them either, just let them have abit of a gnaw and tug, then they get a taste of it and want to work for the rest of it
  8. A chicken wing ;) Chicken necks are her favourite and she will do ANYTHING for them, but they had no chicken necks so I used a chicken wing. She isn't very food movitated, so with chicken necks/wings it is sort of a toy aswell as food. If you jiggle it around she gets really motivated Have just started working on fasing out the food and toys. We can do around 10 steps of solid focus heeling without toy/food before she looks away Yep she has a lazy start off lol. Need to get her to take off quicker (have been told to do this by praising after 1 or two steps). Thanks for the suggestions everyone
  9. yep bad habbit of mine. Have been told about that at obedience. At the moment I'm concentrating on trying to get her to sit closer (during halts and recalls, as she sometimes is abit far away). Aim is to get her CCD title in 07 Then we will be concentrating mainly on agility (obedience bores her )
  10. Here is a video of Bondi doing abit of heelwork. She wasn't overly motivated today (hence all the encouragement ) Still needs polishing- but we're getting there
  11. With Bondi I train everyday, for 15 mins-45 mins. Also every wednesday night is about an hour session at obedience. Occasionally we make it to agility on fridays (not very often anymore though can't wait until i have my licence!) which goes for about an hour.. Goals are to compete in agility and obedience. Have also been training her for scootering for the last couple of days (shes finally learning its ok to pull on the harness)
  12. Bondi was desexed before she ever had a season and she is definately not taller than other boxers, and she has the same type coat...
  13. Thanks Wabbit. Do you know the dosage amounts that you would give a dog?
  14. Tilly I've been wanting to get some livamol for Bondi for awhile, do you know where abouts it is available?
  15. Optimum isd great. It is the only non-super-premium food that kept weight on Bondi. I fed it for ages, then tried Euk, he coat is nicer on Euk, but it wasn't bad on Optimum.
  16. Eukanuba performance and can food mixed through so she eats it, usually Natures gift or Pedigree (when dad buys it..) She also gets the occaional bones and chicken carcasses
  17. Anyone got any pictures of there ribons? I love seeing ribbons Inspiration to keep trying with Bondi
  18. I feed Bondi Eukanuba Performance, costs about $100 for a big bag but it lasts about 2 + months. I feed her 2 cups at night and one in the morning (she is a hypo boxer :lol: ) So if you were feeding it to a toy dog it would last forever and end up really cheap But it is definately worth it, Bondi's coat has never looked so good
  19. Ok, still working on the scrapbook with my sister, that is helping us alot. We all miss him teasing us with our underwear in his mouth,and miss the sound of him galloping around on the floorboards and having him snuggle up on the lounge with me. Bondi is miserable. She is whinging constantly when I'm not with her and is still looking for him. She needs another dog, but we aren't ready for one yet. Might borrow my friends dog for awhile lol
  20. Thanks for the thoughts everyone. We are in the process of making a Barkly scrap book at the moment. The photos bring back memories of what character he was. Bondi is sniffing around looking for him and whinging :rolleyes: Shes never been alone before. We aren't ready for another dog yet though, but I am worried about how Bon will cope I'm considering fostering if I'm allowed.. We rang the vet back, she said that Barklys blood vessel to his lung ruptured from all the strain on his lungs.. he has always had bad breathing, we always thought he just had asthsma or something.. My poor little man Vet said he wasn't stressed out that night and she stayed up with him most of the night, she was going to send him home last night as the coughing had stopped.. The house isnt the same without him ;)
  21. Got back from Europe last night to hear that Barkly was sick and was at the vets. He had servre kennel cough and was having trouble breathing. as it was putting too much strain on his heart I was hoping to go visit him this morning but I woke to my sister crying, and then she told me he had gone I cant stop crying now, I just wish I had been able to see him before he went Im in shock, didnt expect this to happen, he was only 4 Love you and will miss you little man. Go and be with Mum and Beryl now.
  22. Stainless steel, not washed much except when they look dirty
  23. Sorry, I can't come. Am broke at the moment
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