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Everything posted by boxagirl

  1. I dont have a pic which show her weight, but her spine sticks out, her hips stick out and you can see her ribs slightly. She has always been thin, its impossible to put weight on her, she is fed Royal Canin Boxer. Just about every doggie person we meet says she is thin.
  2. Its not kennel cough, shes had that before, shes not coughing like they do with kennel cough, its a different type of cough/heaving.
  3. Since monday morning have noticed that Bondi has had runny nose, and has been heaving like she had something in her throat (sounded like she was trying to clear phlem out). So i thought it was just a cold... Then later that day i gave her a bone, that afternoon she was heaving/clearing her throat, i thought it must b a bone stuck, felt around thought i felt a lump in her throat, but then I found the bone outside so its not that. Now Ive noticed that the sided of her throat/back of cheeks are both equally swollen, and im pretty sure this is where the thyroid glands are. They are swollen and hard, so im staying home from school to take her to the vet tommorrow. She is thin and hypo, so hyperthyroidism would explain that, and also I think Boxers are prone to it.. But I'm hoping that im wrong and it is just a cold after all! Will update after her vet visit
  4. Bondi scratches the door asking to come in, She isn't allowed in all the time (is only in in the mornings and nights, or when weathers bad). It is driving my family crazy, shes ruined the back door (wooden). She has lots of toys outside, food, even her own dog lounge but she still always wants to come inside. I ignore her scratching, but it hasn't helped. Any suggestions?
  5. This ride didn't end so well using a springer
  6. Bondi is docked, but she wags her whole body as a substitute. Her hackles sometimes come up when she is zooming around the backyard, I think they come up during excitement, and high arousal. I don't think it has anything to do with being docked though.. just her? Can you see your fosters "stump" wag when on its bed? Maybe it just doesn't react?
  7. Whats a kickback stand? Bondis stands need work, they are definately not straight!
  8. Don't want to risk being pulled off Ouch. Wouldn't ride on a path/road just holding the dogs lead, as if they pulled they could pull both of us into traffic. The bike attachments are safer.
  9. I taught Bondi by holding food in my hand then closing my palm when she attempted to eat it and saying leave it, and then giving it to her when she left it and looked away from it. Then progressed onto putting it on the floor and doing the same. Bondi is taught to leave food all together until I tell her she can have it. If theres a piece of food on the floor she will leave it and give me constant eye-contact until i say "ok"
  10. I've been thinking about getting one of these (and a bike ) but I didn't know how safe it was? I took Bondi to a park with a bike and had a ride around with her, I felt safe because if she pulled etc I could just drop the lead and not be pulled over, but I wouldnt be able to do that on paths/roads. If you are going at a reasonable speed and the dog lunges/pulls would it pull you over? And is the dog prevented from being able to get under the wheel?
  11. I taught Bondi using the same method as ISH. But she decided to add her own little quirk to it, and she would actually stagged as she "died". It looks hilarious.
  12. Thanks LL and Erny. I will try working focus and heeling seperately. At the moment I am starting with her in heel position, and as soon as I say "Heel" and step forward, I reward her and break off (as advised by my obedience instructor) to try and make her start off enthusiastically and not lag from the start. That Golden retriever sounds like Bondi regarding food and being shy.
  13. I've been doing some work with Bondi to build her enthusiasm, but she still lags.. I know I need to get the focus, but I'm having trouble keeping focus for more than afew steps. I'm fazing out food, using variable reinforcement, and have just introduced "jackpot" (lots of treats/games/praise) when she does something perfect with enthusiasm. How do I go about stopping lagging and getting more focus?
  14. Yay Spencer!!! Wow have you entered the trial already? When is it?
  15. Yeah Ive seen that there is 1 team in perth too.. but what good is just one team lol no flyball comps I'd love to do flyball, don't know if bondi would though...
  16. Get squirt spray and shine if you want him to smell nice after the bath.
  17. I'm really sorry to hear this What are the signs of cardiomyopathy? Bondi hasn't been as hyper and energetic as she used to (although it is since barkly died, so thats what I have attributed it to) and on her walk the other day (although it became unexpectly boiling hot while we were walking) she didn't want to walk anymore, and kept stopping in the shade (might have just been because it was hot..) Is there any difference in the sound of their breathing etc?
  18. awwww that was so cute!!! Pippa has the cutest voice! I have some puppy videos of bondi somewhere, ill try and put them up too :p
  19. Perfect song choice too, also have something in my eye :p
  20. Hope Atlas is better soon! Vommit here last night too, it was my sisters 21st b'day and this morning I woke to find vommit on the toilet seat ;)
  21. So sorry Warley and Xcel He was a gorgeous handsome dog and will no doubt be missed.
  22. The more you say about Eddie, the more he sounds like my dog Bondi! Including this training problem .. i was also a briber
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