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Everything posted by boxagirl

  1. Who are the Houstens? And where is it held? Thanks
  2. I'm sorry, but the way that that reads sounds like you are saying boxers are about to rip you apart, are dangeous and bad with kids Probably just the way it reads Coz Boxers are amazing with kids! And I've never met a nasty one. Misconception with my breed (Boxers) : That they are dumb and can't be trained- they are very trainable and intelligent, the training just has to be fun! Also alot of people seem to think they are "mini bulldogs" Which makes no sense. Misconception with Sibes: That they are aggressive, babykillers! : My boy (and the girl i show) has not been brought up with kids, but is so amazing, gentle and tolerant with them! (especially at the royal!)
  3. Oh well, you have titled your dogs so they can't be too bad!
  4. One day I'm going to come down to witness you're awesomeness Yep, I'm going to look into doggie dancing for my Boxer
  5. Thanks For some reason both of my dogs try to flick their heads around to watch me when I walk around them Its so cute. ooo who? I know that ValleyCBR, Ptolomy, rubystar etc train on lower oval- or did you mean some people doing agility?
  6. :D Thanks It's always funny when you realise you have met a DOL'er and didnt even know you had!
  7. We have Polished Jarrah floorboards through most of the house, and carpet in bedroom and living room. Floorboards do get scratched, and Bondi slips on them when she is running around like a maniac. Carpet was never crash hot (parents parties have left more wine stains than dog stains But Bondi doesnt really dirty the carpet anyway.
  8. Bondi gets done in the bath with a hose/shower attatchment, or I take her into my work and use the hydrobath/blowdryer Wolf gets done in the hydrobath about once a week (for shows mostly)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf6U2YmvNBQ These tricks are cute Best dog trick I've seen was "Bang" shhot your dog, it plays dead (Bondi does this half ) Then when the dog gets up, its limping (Bondi doesnt know this part yet :p )
  10. ;) Thanks Tiggy! I'm getting my hair re-done tommorrow
  11. Thanks Rusky Bondi loves showing off for Wolf Jumps and tricks are her fave Wolfy is so willing to work and wants to please- he's so so easy to train (who woulda thought it of a sibe! ;) ) Thanks Tenille. Don't know about being a great trainer yet, but I'm working on it Bondi my boxer has taught me soooooooo much! I just have great dogs :D Ok the songs in order are (can't remember all song names- but i'll tell you the artists ) 1. Never Shout Never (cant remember song name) 2. You Me at Six -Always Attract 3. The Pretty Reckless - Miss Nothing 4. Amy Merideth- shock me 5. Never Shout Never - Happy 6. Mayday Parade- cant remember song name 7. You Me at six- Contagios chemisty 8. Paramore- cant remember song name
  12. No, I wish! It looks soooo much fun. I'm aiming eventually to do it with Wolf, after he has started obedience.. and I'd love to do it with Bondi now, but I have to go and watch a competition first and see what's involved :D
  13. Whats the problem solving group? I'm so out of the loop :D
  14. Oh BTW love the hair Emery! Hope it doesnt fade too quick! Mine did when it was purple/redish
  15. Heres a my friend made of Bondi and Wolf doing some training :D This is Wolfs 4th training session, and Bondi's 2nd time back doing training in the past 6 months Theres some tricks and jumps thrown in there too
  16. Here is a my friend made of my dogs doing some training and mucking around at the park. This was Wolfs 4th training session, and Bondi's 2nd one back in 6 months :D Surprised she behaved at all with Wolf in the car screaming for his turn! He has no patience!
  17. I notcied Valley! He looked pretty in pink! I'll enter Bondi in the classic for obedience- and wolf for show.. don't think he will be ready to trial by then :D awww staffy pups are soo cute
  18. I grew up with mainly German Sheps, and German Shep. crosses,although our first family dog was a Great Dane. Then we got our first Boxer, and afew months later our second (bondi) - two naughty boxer pups together That was fun! I've fallen hook,line and sinker for Boxers, and cannot see myself without one. I have recently aquired a Sibe, and although I'm very bonded to him and he is to me, I think I've become attatched to Wolf and not the actual husky breed. He is just special. So for me it'l be Boxers... and the odd sibe Although I do really want a Dobe and a Cane Corso one day Love my Group 6 Utility dogs ;)
  19. I don't think Marg is going to bring wolfy along ;) She was like "I'm not bathing him!" Although she will probably bring the out of coat and naked Rumour who looks hideous at the moment, just because she hasnt been out in awhile!
  20. Thanks Valley- he seems to finally be maturing and bulking up, and his coat has come realllly nice now, hardly sheds! :D I cant believe how big Lincoln has got! ;) He was only tiny last time I saw him! He's looking great! Yep we show most weekends, have a show this weekend i think ;) And then I'm going away so going to miss all the shows we have entered (Including the hills kennel club, which I really wanted to show in- coz the prize is a Houndstooth studio voucher- and Bondi is on the gift voucher!!! )
  21. Woo Hoo me and Wolfy got moved up a class at obedience tonight
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