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Everything posted by boxagirl

  1. Trackwest in WA- training is held at gnangara pines- same place sledding is held.
  2. Yuck! Once my old boy Barkly was in the backyard and brought to me, what I thought was a toy, until I went to play tug with him and realised it was a dead bird
  3. Nothing was said to scare them off? There were no of the usual "just don't" responses that these topics usually get. I don't think anybody jumped to conclusions either. I asked for photos, colour and age... I.e seeked more information as you suggested :D Oh, and Invited them to the Boxer forum
  4. And they did hang around for awhile after posting viewing this topic- but didn't reply for some reason
  5. Great video! It's always funny seeing someone elses dog named Barkly, my old boy was Barkly too
  6. I have been teaching it from a sit position and a stand position. Will concentrate on the stand/down from now on. I do like the idea of having a different drop for heelwork and stays! Thanks Corvus. I have just started clicker training with him.
  7. Yup Poodlefan, but no one took the bait so they must've get bored.
  8. Gorgeous pup Tsarsmum! :D Love the photos Tiggy, why is it that male dogs like to sleep like that? Wolf does it too. They have No shame lol
  9. Thanks Erny. I think his hips are ok, he has never shown and signs of soreness and I have seen him lay down how I want him to (generally when he is playing with the other dogs in his backyard.. and as you said ready to spring up and go and play) I haven't done much drop training with him as yet, and I'm still in the luring stage, so I'll attempt to lure him to drop how I want, and only reward the nice ones.
  10. How long ago did you become a memeber? Sometimes they take awhile to send mag out. Are you a full member? If you don't get a magazine I'd go and see them :p They also sell the mags in the office. I show sibes- 2 breeds after samoyeds, so I'll come and cheer you on whe you start showing Also it would be a good idea to go down and check out a show if you havn't already, and maybe attend afew show training classes (I used to go to one on tuesday nights at canine)
  11. Ok, I have just started obedience training my husky so he is pretty much a clean slate. Been doing mostly heelwork, sits and stays.. and now I've decided to start tackling the drop/down. Problem is, he drops to the floor (very quickly and enthusiastically- which I encourage) but seems to flop his rear legs out the side at the same time. It just looks untidy- and results in his drops not being as close to left leg as I'd like. My Boxer natually has a nice clean drop position, with all 4 legs underneath her. How can I change Wolfs drop style, and make it abit tidier? (This is what I want) And this is how he drops
  12. Huski people say the same about my boy wolf :p Must be the colour.
  13. Aw! No rain in Kalamunda as yet- but it looks like it will! Ohwell, I'm off to QLD then Syd tomorrow- plenty of rain over there!
  14. That first Laika is gorgeous! Another breed I love the look of, but don't have a pic of is the Czechoslovakian (sp?) Wolfdog, and Saarloos Wolfdog
  15. Hopefully it rains soon Todays wind can't have helped much.
  16. What colour boxers have you got? How old are they? Would love to see photos Make sure you get them heart mumur tested- a big problem in the breed. ETA: Come and join us in the Boxer thread in breed subforums.
  17. Hi Tsarsmum. Are you a member of the canine assoc? That's the first step There are afew more shows left this year, they are held at the canine grounds in southern river (mostly). Canine member get a magazine sent out called Canine News- which has all show details in it. You will need to fill out entry form (available at canine assoc. or online i think www.cawa.asn.au ) What Breed have you got?
  18. Awww how cute- so pea is named bear now? Yay for cooler weather! Any news on the fires?
  19. I work at a kennels. That's how I got involved in showing dogs.. and aquired Wolf Ooo we can both be novice trackers! Atleast I don't have a retrieving breed so I CAN'T attempt to do that.. that would be too much! I was going to Zumba, at my gym though.. but that has been put to the side at the moment because of obedience.
  20. Thanks Tiggy, sounds good I'll have to go check it out If I start that too I'll have filled every day of the week with dog related activities, although I tend to get lazy and pick and choose what I do each week.. (monday wolfs obedience, tues show training (when I go), wednesday Bondi obedience, thursday for doggie dancing hopefully, friday agility starting up again next year, and well weekends get shared amoungst shows and sledding in sledding season.. and next year I'm going to start tracking with Bon! And I work with dogs all day... I must be one of those crazy dog people
  21. The fire looks huge! I'm in kalamunda and had no idea where it was- looked closer than swanview. Hopefully it will be under control soon! Hate summer! Hate the heat, hate the bugs and hate the fires!
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