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Everything posted by boxagirl

  1. It would just be different behaviours that need curbing... Springers/gundogs it would be being mouthy, stealing food, chewing things they shouldn't, jumping up etc. Boxers it would be just being hyper, not liking other dogs.. some jump up- mine never have. Most of the Boxers i've met have been softer than most of the labs I've met- but it depends what lines you get I guess.
  2. Boxer sounds like it would suit 30 mins a day excercise would be fine for most of them As long as they are with the family they are happy. Mine, although she wasn't raised with cats, is perfectly fine with them- and has gone to stay at a friend who has 6 cats house many times They are great with kids, and thrive with obedience training (which they take to well, and aren't too challenging) They aren't stubborn or headstrong like many of the bullbreeds- and I got my Boxer as my "first own dog" as my 13th birthday present, I did all her training, walking, etc. So I think they are fine as a first dog. They can be boisterous- and never grow up! Mine is 8 and has just started to slow down now! My girl never chewed things or dug holes, and was a very good pup, easy to housetrain- but that said I spent alot of time with her. Some have issues with other dogs- but it seems to be 50/50 in the breed. I think a Boxer would cope better than a Lab and Vizla with being left home alone, they aren't as clingy as Labs and Vizlas, although if you are around they will want to be with you (most think they are lap dogs!) ETA- If you are 5 mins from an offleash park a Boxer would love that. Most can be trained to have a very reliable recall, and I know my girl doesn't wander away from me on her offlead walks. Some Boxers can be fence jumpers though- although our front gate is generally always open and my dog could pretty much walk out of our fences if she wanted too- so they aren't really wanderers (like huskies are lol)
  3. No I took Bon to obedience last night just for an outing and even taking it slow gets too much for her She was tired after 15 minutes, poor bub. She was just the demo dog for recall and stays instead I think I will just take the Sibes to their usual obedience training on wednesday night
  4. I hope not, because she sleeps in my bed! And we have floorboards so the drips were pretty hard to miss. Thanks Lablove, the bowen therapist did say it would take afew days after treatment for her body to settle Bondi just got back from her second bowen treatment, as not only had I noticed the incontinence on the tuesday, but she also had some slight rear end weakness which wasnt normal for her. I took her to bowen and apparently she had put her back end out (probably from doing zoomies) which had put her muscles down there into spasm (which is also a symptom of the spondylosis) which would explain the leaking. Her upper body and the muscles around the spine were still good from her last treatment which is good to hear
  5. Nope, the Boxer in the last issue was Charlie, owned by Vickie (or Clemevi on here) Emery I'm thinking of comming down tomorrow night to do some training with Rumour and show the Wheaten.. I'll have to come over to see how big Chandras gotten!! Bondi just got back from her 2nd bowen session- she had thrown her lower end out (probably doing zoomies on the floorboards) which had put her muscles into spasm, which explains the incontinence (which only lasted one day thankgod, and she seems fine now) Her upper body and muscles around the spine were still all good and hadn't reverted to how it was before her first treatment which is goood
  6. Thanks DeeLee- yes the liquid is like water and doesn't smell. It is really strange Bondi hasnt leaked at all today! But yesterday it was all over the place
  7. Here is my girl Bondi in Dogs Life magazine! :D Now I have to go out and get a copy- it's supposed to be in stores today
  8. Ellenbrook doesn't cool down much at night My sister lives there, and I don't know how she'd cope without aircon. Was pretty hot here up in the hills last night, we don't have aircon- so slept with all the doors and windows open. I had to go and retrieve Bondi from the backyard at some ridiculous hour- I think she was enjoying the cool outside
  9. No she is desexed- she was done before her first season. Good news though- we had no accidents overnight! Shes dry So at the moment I'm just keeping an eye on it. Her bowen therapist doesn't think it would be brought on by the bowen session- so who knows maybe it was just the heat yesterday and her drinking so much water. It's going to be even hotter today though!
  10. I did consider that. The urine is clear and odourless though, I would have thought UTI would have some odour or colour? Also, she seems to be drinking quite alot today, but that could just be because it was so hot.
  11. My 8 year old female sterilised Boxer has all of a sudden become incontinent today. She has wet herself 3 times in her sleep, and also has been dripping and drizzling as she walks. She has her first bowen therapy session last thursday (for treatment of sore muscles/pinched nerves caused by her spondylosis) and she has been moving and looking alot better- however today the incontinence starts. I'm wondering if this could be caused by muscles being relaxed? (I have never seen Bondi's muscles relaxed as long as I can remember- they have always been tight- and now that tension has been released) any ideas? Vet visit will be made if it continues.
  12. Poor Bondi has all of a sudden become incontinent today She wet herself on my bed this morning, and the in the spare room on "her sofa" , and she has been dripping and drizzling at she walks She looks so embarrased. Wondering if it could be a side effect of her bowen therapy- with her muscles relaxing and her bladder muscles also relaxing.. I can see another vet visit on the horizon
  13. Yep I'll be there saturday with the sibes If you get through and need someone to take them back let me know.
  14. Oh thats good! I might pop down then ;) With Bondi... Wolf is going through a shocking phase where he thinks EVERYONE is in season ;) because our 3 girls have just had there seasons.
  15. Can you use food in the ring? ;) ;) Or is it strict like a real trial?
  16. Went on a 35 KM uphill bikeride today on my new Giant bike- I love it! Went dogless- Wolf is limping at the moment Yesterday took Rumour the other sibe for a bike ride on my new bike with the springer- need to fix the springer attatchment - or tighten the seat if possible- because when the dog pulled it twisted my seat :D
  17. You do have to hold the lead Emery- I'm just training Sibes with a bike attatchment because it's safer. ;) If you want a training partner when you get a bike (or want to borrow my old bike even- it's nothing special though) Let me know :p
  18. Just getting it done when needed- I was told roughly once a month as a guide, and there will be better results after the first session I think this is the first time I've seem Bondi's muscles relax ever since she was a pup!
  19. Took Bondi for her first Bowen Therapy session today- It was fabulous! Bondi's posture already looks more relaxed- apparently she was tight all over and her muscles were spasming! Even her pectorial muscles were tight- all caused by her spine being fused, so she is over compensating with other muscles. Her movement has improved slightly already, and her roached spine has dropped a little Plus Bondi loved it!! even better news- I have permission to take her back to obedience And take her on walks again (controlled walks though)
  20. My nanna in QLD is rushing out to get one too- now that her "Granddog" is famous
  21. woohoo I just got an email from Alex from Houndstooth and a picture of Bondi has been featured in the current issue of DogsLife magazine Now I have to rush out and buy it
  22. Wolf was such a pain in the butt tonight at obedience. He was good for 15mins when we got there- but as soon as class actually started he just put his nose to the ground I demoted myself from the back oval I don't think he's ready for that yet. Hopefully he will make up for it on wednesday night training at my other club- if not, I'll just train Rumour instead and he can sit in his crate. Training my Sibe really makes me appreciate my boxer!- and I thought she was challenging Sorry to hear about your old dogs mason :p My work has about 20 evacuated pets from the fires One man brought only one of his dogs in because the other dog slipped his lead as they were trying to escape and he can't find her and he can't get back to his house to look
  23. My sister is out helping move cousins horses, fire is right behind their house in swan area
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