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Everything posted by boxagirl

  1. Once I was walking my boxer one lead when a staffy x dog charged out across a busy road to rush at us- it was very aroused and looked aggressive so I picked my boxer up and put her on my shoulders and kept walking... dog wouldnt leave us.. luckily a nice lady with a young child who were driving past stopped to help us! (she was a boxer fan apparently, but she held the dog off long enough for me and bondi to get away) Some people can be nice
  2. yep When I get home from being away all day and Bondi is excited to see me I ask "Did you miss your mum?!" And she gets reffered to as "my baby" But she knows she is a dog and has rules and boundaries Although she is spoilt rotten!
  3. Sorry to hear Mason. I take it you will not be keeping him then? Will you still be looking at adding another dog to your family? Give him time, but I think it is better to make the decission before you become attatched or have real problems down the track. Maybe Mason needs a "softer" companion if he is so worried by the bullying. Goodluck
  4. YAY I'm so happy- got my letter back from WA police that I passed my police entrance evaluation! (which I really thought I'd failed!) tuesday I have psych. evalutation then next monday is the dreaded physical test, and a "realistic job profile" night... and If I satisfy all of these requirements I think I'm in Very excited! :D
  5. Goodluck at the poodle specialty sarah, Margaret is over there for afghan show with Granger so keep an eye out
  6. not good. Hope it wasn't anything he ate there
  7. Yeh Wolf and Rumour got dumped too But Wolf showed his butt off so I was pleased with him. - He is a little thin at the moment and out of coat so wasn't expecting much. They changed our judge last minute so wasn't happy! Judge went to dinner and never came back lol, so I had a different judge to your girls.
  8. Will always have Boxers, they are my heart breed and nothing else compares- but if I lived on a large property and could have quite afew dogs I would love a Cane Corso, Dobermann, another sibe, and a brittany.
  9. Sounds good Emery- I will be there on time tonight!
  10. Ah all ready for a busy weekend! 2 sibes are bathed ready for tomorrow nights show- I hope they stay clean, I don't usually bath them so early! I have my police entrance exams tomorrow 9-4.15 then rushing straight from joondalup to pick up sibes and go to show- hopefully I make it on time! Taking 3 dogs to show on my own on sunday (2 sibes and the soft coated wheaten) so that will be fun! Then up early monday and off to Soundwave fesitval/concert at claremont showgrounds... which goes all day/night. Thank god I have tuesday off!
  11. a barage of Boxers? or a bounce of boxers? A hurricane of huskies
  12. I started obedience with my show sibe when he was 3 (end of last year). I have found he is a lot more focused on me because of show training, and doesn't care about people/other dogs around us what-so-ever because of the show training.
  13. Peasholm beach, just below scarborough- always go to that dog beach :D LOL I don't know about sharks but the surf was very rough today! Wolf got smashed by afew waves! not that it detered him at all
  14. Boxers do the "kidney bean" where they curve there body side to side when happy/excited. They also Box and use their front paws a lot in play etc Sibes tend to sleep upside down! :D
  15. Took Wolf to the beach today- his first time offlead and her didn't run away :D He was so well behaved, played nicely with everyone. I've never seen so many dogs at the beach!!
  16. It's the first step after you submit your application and they have called you references, checked your background history etc. Next step if I pass this would be physical fitness test, medical exam and I think theres a real life job prospect interview/info thing aswell. I also have to go get an eyesight examination by an optometorist before I'm allowed to sit the entrance exam- so will have to do that next week. I'm so excited but nervous at the same time
  17. Aw poor cat :cool: I got exciting news this morning Got a letter from WA police recruiting, that I have to go sit my police entrance exam (4 hrs) and psych test (3 Hrs) next saturday! ;) It's the day of the western classic- so now I'm going to have to bath the sibes well in advance on the friday and rush off after my testing is finnished- hope I make it to canine in time! Fingers crossed I pass!
  18. Sounds like what my girl has- spondylosis (fusing of spine) . I'd be getting spine xrays done. Could have a pinched nerve which is making dog limp on alternating legs (as my dog did)
  19. Bondi has been put on Stilboestrol, hopefully it does the trick.
  20. Bondi and the showdogs also go to Tracey. She is a miracle worker
  21. It depends on the breed and dog, but alot of bitches will fight to the death more, males have tiffs and get over it.. there was a thread on here awhile back. I know with the dogs I show (there are 8 dogs in the backyard, 3 entire males, 2 desexed females and 3 entire females) it is the bitches that will occasionally cause the serious problems requiring vet treatment- the males do get into small scraps over food/attention every now and then, but nothing serious. I think Mason will be fine ;) I know You're girls seem to love everyone... (which is why you have to bring them down and give them a try at dog sledding when the season starts *hint hint* )
  22. Is Mason desexed? Or will the new on be? That will lesson the chances of fights. Alot of entire males are ok together anyway- as long as theres no bitches in season around. Having 2 bitches IMO is worse that having 2 dogs
  23. LOL! It was horrible down there Lisa- and the drive home was scary lol trees down. Grangers crate started to blow away it was so windy! It was horrible down
  24. Woo Hoo Rumour (my husky bitch) got challenge last night! ;) which I wasn't expecting, and Wolf didn't get anything but showed his butt off (he has been a terror lately) so I'm happy with that Got home from the show at 1am! :rolleyes:
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