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Everything posted by boxagirl

  1. and I'm the blonde with the crazy Boxer :laugh: Had an awesome consult with Steve yesterday, Can't wait for Saturday!
  2. Bookers newest DWD trick :) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/0olr3sf7gTw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. I'm going! :D Have working spot for Saturday workshop, and also a private lesson :) I have "ruined" my dog by doing sledding and now he thinks chasing other dogs (which is what he has been allowed to do at sledding) is highly reinforcing- so now I cannot trust him offlead anymore because he completely ignores me calling him Sucks because he used to be so good and I could take him to the beach etc no problems. Help! lol
  4. Booker: -Rally Novice Title -JD Title -AD Title -CH Title -Win or place in a sledding race Bondi: -RN Title :)
  5. Most of the boxers I have known (including my two) are picky eaters, and keeping weight on them is a struggle (lots of posts in the boxer forum about this problem too!) however, Bondi who is now nearly 10 has turned into a little piggy! So I think Boxers in general are fussy when young- piggys when old.
  6. Bondi goes to Rivergum- they are great there! Glad I scratched my sibe and left early if the show went that late
  7. Miss Bondi turns 9 today! :) She made it! I turned up to the show last night to find out I entered the sat night show not friday :laugh: So drove all the way down there for nothing! Back again tonight- hope Books stays clean!
  8. She went off her food about a month and a half ago before she was on steroids- she is off the steroids now though :) She was 30kg before all of this happened- then got down to 22kg- and was weighed yesterday at the vet and she is now 25.5KG :D Played her fave game "find it" today with her- where I hide her toy somewhere in the house and she has to go find it- only difference this time being I had to walk behind her and support her with her sling :) She hasn't lost her zest for life at all.
  9. Quick video I made of Bondi's progress over the last few days- last video is her tonight- standing and walking on her own unassisted :)
  10. DON'T GIVE UP! I have been going through this with my 8 year old boxer Bondi since november- she was screaming in pain, and then couldnt walk at all. Her back legs were completely paralysed. We took her to vets thinking the worst, to have her PTS- and vet suggested it could be a FCE (fibrocatilagenous embolism / spinal stroke) We were refered to a specialist neurologist,who suspected an herniated disc. bondi after afew weeks being on drugs (painkillers, valium, steroids and various other anti-inflamatories) started to get better. However, she would get better and then worse again. I had previously decided not to do the myelogram (inject dye into spine and do xray/scans) due to the risk associated and the cost and the fact that she was improving with drugs, but after nearly 2 months of ups and downs, she went down hill again and I decided to do it just before xmas. Vet suggested a CT myelogram- but it turned out that they only had to do a regular CT scan to see what was wrong ($1600). She had a massive infection in her spine and also multiple lesions compressing on her spinal cord. She is now on antibiotics for a minimum of 12 weeks to kill the infection, also on strict crate rest, painkillers and we have taken her off the steroids so she can fight infection (and also because she was loosing too much condition on steroids- she was 30kg, got down to 22kg). Since she has been off the steroids she was regained condition and now weighs 25.5kg. She is improving everyday, and can actually walk and get up on her own now, although she is still quite wobbly on her feet. It is going to be a long recovery process- parts of her spine have been eaten away, so we need to wait for the infection to clear up before the bone can start to become fiberous again and regrow. She has spondylosis in her spine aswell, so her spine might re-calcify quicker than dogs without spondylosis. Then hopefully and compression on the spine will be relieved and she will be able to gain more function back. The nerves are the slowest part in the body to heal though- so it will be a long road ahead- 6months + and she will probably never walk the same again, but we are confident she will be able to get around on her own again and enjoy a normal life again :) She is so happy again now, but there have been many days through this horrible time when she wasn't and I have considered PTS- I'm sooo glad I didnt now! If vet suggests a myelogram, don't delay like I did. Goodluck and keep us posted.
  11. Lovely photo Lisa! Heres Mr. Muscles :laugh:
  12. And because I can't upload a pic of Books without a pic of Bondi- here are some photos my friend took the other day Tonight Bondi actually got up on her own and went for a little walk quite steadily around my room unassisted. When she is in a hurry to get somewhere like the toilet, she doesn't walk as well and her back legs are all over the place, but when you slow her down and make her think about it she is doing quite well now
  13. haha thanks guys Rosie they only drool when they exercise heaps- although ill admitt Booker is more drooly than Bondi. Booker will be back in most shows this year His next show is 28th janurary (i think may have entered 27ths cant remember lol)
  14. Just an update on Bondi- she is comming along great! I think the antibiotics must be working to kill the infection in her spine (she will be on these for a minimum of 12 weeks). She is able to stand up on her own now- and even take afew steps on her own. The vets have said I can start "physical therapy" with her- just 5 minutes of harness/sling walking at a time. Yesterday Bondi was feeling so good that when I took her out the front to go to the toilet she walked me across the road to the shops and then when we came home, she wanted to dig in the front garden! (I let her ) She is off the steroids now- and looking MUCH better- she has gained some condition back (at one point on the steroids she got down to 22kgs, you could see every bone in her body and skull- she is now 24.4kgs and the bones are slowly becomming covered again She is still on tramel for pain- but I am not having to give it as often anymore (she was getting it 3 times a day-every 8 hours, now she really just gets it morning and night) Have also started her back on the previcoz (NSAID) to control any inflamation. She goes to her referal vet weekly for check ups, and on thursday we had a breakthrough with the pinch test (where the vet uses forceps to pinch the skin on Bons back to see if she can feel it). Bondi couldn't feel the middle portion of her back at all for a long time, and on thursday she responded to the pinch Her reflexes when her feet are put toe down are improving, although not consistant- last week her left leg wasnt responding at all and her right leg was pretty much normal, this week her left leg was responding well, and her right leg was a delayed response! Although her general co-ordination and strength when walking has improved heaps- she doesnt toe over at all when walking, and moves her legs well (in a quite exagerated motion) She has got her spark back, and has her wiggly bum back She even stole Bookers chew treat off him the other day- and is back to bossing him around The hope from the vet is that once the infection is killer the spine will stabalise and become more fiberous (eventually bone, but that takes awhile) and then hopefully the compression will be relieved from the spine. The nerves apparently take the longest time in the body to recover, so might be awhile for Bon to reach her full potential, but we don't know what permanent damage will have been done. She might just walk differently, or she may go back to normal.
  15. Just a quick update to let you know that Bondi seems to be going well The infection was a staphcoccyl (sp) infection in her spine and bladder- it is a strain which is sensitive and responds to many antibiotics (shes on clavulox) Vet said it will be a course of atleast 12 weeks worth of anitbiotics to try and beat the infection- then the spine will hopefully generate fiberous tissue to stabalise it (which will eventually become bony). We are weaning her off steriods so she can fight infection and because she is wasting away- she weighs 22kg now- was 30. She is happy still, wags her tail and tries to do the "Boxer dance" greeting when I get home. She is crated at all times when I'm not with her, need to keep her back still.
  16. Merry Christmas to WA DOLers and your pooches
  17. They aren't sure if the infection is active or if a prior infection has done all that damage- It looked like a catapillar had eaten away at her spine 2 months ago she was a normal dog, running around and you wouldnt know anything was wrong. They also said it was weird that xrays didn't show up her spine degeneration.
  18. Thanks Emery. Yes she is a special girl, I think most people who got to know her fell in love with her too- she has turned so many of my "non-doggy" friends into dog lovers- or they don't think of Bondi as a dog Everyone who meets her says she is almost human- and loves how easy she is to communicate with, she knows what you want and you can always tell what she wants. I have had my nanna on the phone from QLD and she is in tears at the news She thinks Bondi is her 11th grandchild- and my nanna doesn't like dogs. Had visitors from Bali come over and also upset, they stayed with us for awhile and got to know Bon, and can't believe how quick this has happened to her She touches the lives of everyone she meets. My stepmum is a disability carer, and I used to take Bondi down to visit her clients coz they aren't allowed dogs, the other day one of the clients asked her when Bon was comming to visit again
  19. I saw the images- her spine doesn't even look like a spine
  20. Results are back from Bondi's CT scan today. Not good She has/had an infection which has eaten away at the bone in her spine, it is all jaggered and in some cases half of a vertabrae are gone. She also has multiple lesions and what appears to be matter compressing spinal cord in afew areas (so a herniated disc) Also has calcification of spinal cord (slight) and vet also said calcification in organs, kidneys- and where she was speyed. Waiting on urine test results to know if infection is active and if it is fungal or bacterial. Fungal infections need constant ongoing treatment as you cannot completely get rid of them. Going to have to get her off steriods too so she can fight infection. She now weighs 22KG- she was 30KG before this happened. Atleast I know now- and if we can't beat this, there won't be the what if's. My poor girl, she is so brave and doesn't complain- but this must be so painful Hope the pain meds help.
  21. Bondi is having a CT myelogram tomorrow- finally going to find out what is going on with her hopefully. $1600 But I can't just keep going on not knowing. Vet thinks there must be an instability somewhere because it just doesn't seem to be healing.
  22. awww thankyou My friend sent in a tribute to her goldie that passed away "toby" too
  23. haha apparently my friend sent in a photo of Booker
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