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  1. Woo Hoo!! We'll be keen with our WGSD. Weekends are hard with Tracking, Herding, Obedience thrown in with the kids theatre lessons, but we'll do our best! Have been waiting for this to start up but didn't get the notification saying someone had written on it....just lucky I checked.
  2. I hope the lure is fixed, looking forward to taking Apex for a big run! Bully - do you go to SAODC for obedience/agility?
  3. I will come with our Shepherd on the 16th. Will consider the 30th, but my partner is working and ours tends to get excited with other dogs and he has far more strength than me so rather than be dragged along the ground I might leave him at home and spectate.
  4. I saw this topic and just had to join. Have been looking to get out German Shepherd into some different dog sports in an attempt to wear him out. This sounds perfect! Is the 16th definitely on? How much per run is it? Cheers
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