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Everything posted by NOCTRL

  1. If they must stay with you, take the oppertunity to teach them to love the dogs. I'd maybe concentreate on a bit of one-on-one (supervised of course) ... kids that are all ready scared, if confronted with multiple dogs often start pannicking because they can't keep track of them running around, can't watch them both at once etc. Little kids love dog tricks! If the dogs are good about feeding maybe get the kids to take turns "helping" you feed them, show the kids how to to ask them to sit and wait etc. They feel super proud of them self if they can get the dog to do what THEY want, and feel a little more in control. Good luck with it!
  2. Thank you! I might look into getting a dremel :) I feel a bit better that i'm not the only one to create what looks like a homocide! Happy to report Arby was ok after a day and a half with his paw bandaged. He enjoyed being an inside dog all day getting lots of cuddles in bed (OH had monday off, and i was off tuesday with a migrane!)
  3. Arby sits and waits while it's made (ok, sometimes he does a little "im hungry" dance!). Then he sits and waits until he looks us in the eyes and is told OK!. Then he shovels it down. Unless it's bones, then he takes them into his kennel to eat (and always had since his first one). Im not sure why bones need to be eaten in the kennel, but apparently they do!
  4. :D :D What wonderful news!!! I am so glad Reggie is ok!
  5. How is Mr Reggie today? I have been wondering and hoping he is looking less lumpy!
  6. Thanks for the tips - i had flour on the ready just in case and did use that initially. I bought a styptic pen and that just seemed to make it bleed more! Might give the soap a go if it's bleeding again at lunch. I don't baby him and didn't make a big deal about it, at least not in front of him :laugh: I was just shocked by the amount of blood and feeling guilty edit because of my crazy sleepless spelling.
  7. So right now i'm feeling like the worst puppy mummy ever. I decided on the weekend i would trim Arby's nails for the first time, as a couple were getting a bit long. I trimmed our old Labs for many years and never got the quick (though his were white and Arby's are tricky black). First nail.. i checked with the torch, worked out where the quick was.. snip.. YELP!!!! SO MUCH BLOOD. I feel so fricken bad. He is a very good little fella though and let me snip the others without any complaining (bless him!). I compressed and bandaged and thought the bleeding stopped... took the bandage off a few hours later and he must have knocked it and it started bleeding all over again. So he had a bandage on over night (and got to sleep in bed with us), took it off this morning and it hadn't bled. Gave him a rub and scratch on his leg for a while before putting it back on. Now i'm scared to let him get around without it on in case it starts bleeding again I feel so mean to him, i didn't mean to
  8. I wondered about this too in regards to our Stafford pup. After a lot of reading and talking to people whose opinions i respect, we have decided to wait until 12 months at least. My old lab died at age 13 with stomach and testicular cancer, whilst it was no problem having him entire, he was never bred from, didn't escape, didn't mount other dogs willy-nilly (pun intended :laugh: ) i think one less thing to get cancer of is a benefit. Every dog is different, some can handle being an entire pet, some are happier desexed. You know your pup best, so do a lot of reading and make up your own mind :)
  9. Poor Reggie! It does look a little bigger (though it may just be the lighting). I would be going back to the vet and insisting. (Maybe even a different vet if you're not happy with your current one...i wouldn't be either, i hate the "wait and see" attitude!)
  10. With the collars, have you tried the inflatable ones? They look like they'd actually stop the head getting around far enought to reach the thigh? I have no idea if it'd work as well as it looks like it would...but thought i'd suggest it anyways! http://www.petsplus.com.au/pet-shop.asp?id=1100
  11. Thanks for the info :) I will try tho - have all of them at home. The crack isn't deep and i can't see pink underneath or anything - im just a bit of a worry wort! He is not what i would call lame, and you wouldn't notice the slight "ouchiness" i see ocassionally unless you were looking for it too. Coming from a horsey background as soon as there is any irregularity in the gait i pannic!
  12. He has seen a vet when i first noticed the slight limp on and off every now and then. Even to the point of getting Xrays done. They have gotten rougher since then - and surely cracks are not normal? I do understand the pads need to have some toughness to them - but his seem rough and as i said, one has a small crack.
  13. My 7 month old Staffy has been a bit tender on his front paws the last week or so. I felt his paw pads (quite by accident when i copped one to the armpit mid night time snuggles in bed) and they are very very rough, on one paw pad there is a small crack (only very small and not deep, but i don't want it to end up worse!). The seem a bit tender to touch. What can i put on his pads to soften them up and soothe them a bit? We live in Darwin and I imagine its combination of wet season rains followed by heat and humidity over and over again every day that's drying them out. We don't do any walking on super rough / rocky ground, it's mostly on grass when we go for walks so i'm not worried about them needing to be "tough". Any suggestions on making his tootsies more comfy?
  14. Arby has a trampoline bed near the door where he can look in and see what we're doing. (The he likes to sleep next too ) A Snooza fouton pad in his kennel (the he likes to pull out and attempt to bury in a tiny hole in the backyard ) A fluffy soft padded "inside" bed in our bedroom which is where he sleeps most nights (the he likes to hump when his toy pony is hidden on him ) Our Bed, which he knows to lay the heck down and sleep on or he has to get off :laugh:
  15. Different foods suit different dogs, just like how some people have food intolerances. Cut out one thing at a time, for at least a week and see if that makes any difference. Beef makes my Staffy have nasty smelling farts, so he is on mostly chicken and the ocassional bit of roo (and BH also). I've also found feeding yoghurt makes him "less farty"
  16. NOCTRL

    Sbt With Lumps

    One of my two is that the Vet so much, one year they sent us a Christmas hamper for being one of their top customers. :laugh: :laugh: We aren't quite in the hamper club yet! But we've had more vet visits in 5.5months with the pup than my 3 horses have had in about 5 years! Shags - that is a great idea! Vet-monorail! Let me know how you go with it, i think i could make use of the same thing!
  17. My staffy would be super bummed if he wasn't allowed his night time and early morning snuggles on the bed with us! He gets up when we ask him to, and gets down when he's told to, i don't think it's a problem at all.
  18. :laugh: :laugh: I don't mean to laugh but can't help it!! No massive injuries from Arby yet - though i did go to the chemist once with a sprained wrist from... bed room related activities ... when they asked me what happened i froze and muttered "i tripped over when i was playing with my puppy" :laugh: :laugh: The chemist lady laughed and said "oh dear, at least you're honest!" ... If only you knew lady...if only you knew!
  19. ^ Lol...yuck!! I feed Black Hawk too after reading the great reviews on here. They are lovely to deal with too which is a bonus! Just about to switch from the puppy to adult one on our next order! As plenty have said, there is no 'best' food. The best food is the one that works best for your dog that you can afford :)
  20. NOCTRL

    Sbt With Lumps

    Glad to hear she is on the mend! Putting my hand up for the "Staffy-pups-always-at-the-vet" club also!
  21. Arby lovvvvesss Raspberries, especially frozen ones. It's quite hot here in Darwin and so he loves a little handfull of frozen raspberries! HonBun - that pic is hillarious!!
  22. Lolly pops! My OH is quitting smoking and his substitue was Chuppa-Chup lolly pops. Arby loses his mind over them, can hear the wrapper being undone from outside. If you try and be sneaky and real quiet he will still come and STARE at you until you give him the last bit on the stick to crunch off :laugh: Please mum, just a lil lick...
  23. What do you need help on in particular? We have a Staffy that is now 7 months old (time is flying!) and he is the lovliest, affectionate, smart little man! He is our first Staffy and i can't say enough good things about them.
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