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Everything posted by NOCTRL

  1. We feed out SBT twice a day and will continue to do so. I believe this is especially important in deep chested breeds as it helps reduce the chance of bloat
  2. Thanks for the suggestions - i hadn't thought of UTI. It might be possible, i notice when i take him out for a wee lately it's only a very small one (which i put down to him not really needing to go but knowing he doesn't come back inside until he's been). I will get a wee sample and take him off to the vet for a checkup on Tuesday. Other than this he is good, eating well, hyper as always and seems happy so hopefully its something simple like a UTI.
  3. My SBT Arby is 10 months old, he hasn't had an 'accident' inside since he was maybe 5.5months old. He was rather easy to toilet train, i could count on two hands the amount of times he ever pee'd inside. He gets taken outside regularly and toilets on command. And will hold it until you take him out. Last night, and again just now, he's pee'd in the lounge room, right in front of me. I didn't catch him doing it last night but tonight he just squatted in front of me. He hasn't been inside for ages or anything, i don't think it was a matter of 'im busting and can't hold it mum!' Is it normal for them to 'relapse'? He is entire still (though will be neutered in coming months), he doesn't cock his leg at all, could it be some form of scent marking?? Or is he going through the puppy equivilent of the terrible twos? Or is he just being a little jerk? :laugh: Any ideas? X arby's mum
  4. ^^ I agree - why so complicated? My staffy gets Black Hawk kibble, some minced chicken frames and a dollop of natural yogurt and a dash of flaxseed oil in the morning, and some chicken wings for dinner, and he looks GREAT, isn't stinky and has bounds of energy. Some of you are worse than horse people! A scoop of fifty different things isn't better than the right amount of a couple that work well for you.
  5. Max brings things to swap me too. She steals shoes or undies (or anything she knows she's not meant to have) and runs straight to the treat cupboard and sits there with them, waiting. It started because whenever she had something she wasn't meant to have, I'd have to bribe her to give it back, and she figured out pretty quickly that taking things meant she got a treat lol Arby does exactly the same thing caused by my exactly same mistake :laugh: :laugh: "Look mum, got your expensive sexy undies, surely they're worth at least a whole smacko?"
  6. ^^ That's so great to hear! We had similar imporvements with our Stafford pup too. He has the lovliest coat and a lot less allergies. He's on to the big boy adult one now!
  7. At 5 months Arby slept a lot too. Excited play for a bit then out cold for a few hours, more playing, more sleep. He was having 15-20min walks 3 or 4 times a week, and a short 5min training session once or twice a day - i really don't think he could have handled much more than that.
  8. Get her to the vet on Monday regardless - something is clearly not right. As others have said, good feeding does not need to be expensive; it just requires a bit of thought! Right now if she's unwell i would have her on cooked chicken, rice, and a bit of natural yogurt until you can get her to the vet. Hope the poor little poppet gets better soon
  9. WHAT!?!?! It doesn't cost that much to geld a HORSE!! My vet has quoted $230 to neuter my stafford.
  10. If you must only feed once a day, i would feed morning. If you find this makes him antsy at bed time you could try feeding him a raw meaty bone around 6ish, so he has something in his tum at least.
  11. ^^ Same, dogs barking for hours on end and night drives me to insanity, so i would not subject my neighbours to it either. If the dog is barking at night, you owe it to the dog and to your neighbours to bring it inside. My boy either sleeps on the bed with me when OH is away, or on his bed at the foot of the bed.
  12. Favourite: After owning a Stafford, i'd own another in a heartbeat, hell id have 100 of them if i had the time (and a bigger lap :laugh: :laugh: ) No least's, all dogs are great!
  13. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I almost pee'd my pants
  14. Not much help with the breed, but he looks LOVELY! Looks like he'd enjoy a good snuggling too ;)
  15. I have my eyes on one of these when we're due for a new one; http://www.boomerangtags.com/page.php?c=collartags&k=h
  16. What a horrible situation you are in - i really really feel for you. I'm sure your girl knows your doing your best. I don't want to come across as heartless, i'm not, i have tears reading your posts because it must be so heartbreaking. A friend once told me when i was facing putting my old pony to sleep "Better off a day too soon, than a minute too late". *Massive hugs and miracle vibes*
  17. Awwww that is beautiful! They are just a tad excited!
  18. Growing up we had an entire Lab that would pee on people... not all the time but enough for me to remember it. I remember one day at the park he peed on a lady wearing white pants He was a fairly dominent dog, it wouldnt suprise me if it was related.
  19. :rofl: This thread is priceless!! More bitey face please!!!
  20. Welcome to puppydom! You need to teach her to toilet on command. When you take her outsite, put her where you want her to toilet and give your command "toilet!" or "go wees!" ... doesn't matter what it is so long as it's the same every time. And keep at it until she goes. If you take her out, ask her to wee, and she doesn't, and you just give in and take her back inside, you're teaching her to NOT go. (And i know the last thing you want to be doing at 10pm is standing out in the cold saying "go wees" for ages, but it's important :) ) lots of praise when she goes! puppies LOVE to please their humans! As you re-inforce this toilet on command you will find she will just naturally stop doing it inside. But you must make sure you take her out often enough that she's not put in a position where she HAS to do it inside. If she does toilet inside i wouldn't scold her too much (maybe just an "UH UH!" as she is doing it...no point doing it after!) take her outside and give your toilet command. As for overnight, even if she is not telling you she needs to go, you need to get up and take her out. At 10 weeks i was getting up to take our Stafford out at 1am and 4am. Yep, it sucks, but you can't expect the little munchkin to hold on for that long. And putting her in a position where she NEEDS to wee inside will make toilet training during the day even harder. I read that a pup can hold its bladder for a max of its age in months, plus 1. So at 2.5 months, you shouldn't be expecting her to hold on for any longer than 3.5 hours. (Its a rough guide of course, every pup is different, but generally speaking thats about right).
  21. Our first 20kg bag of Adult BH arrived! (Arbys been on BH Puppy since 12 weeks). He cracks me up, had to keep one eye on the bag the whole time
  22. Filtabac or My Pony Sunblock (ok, it's for ponies, but it won't turn dogs into ponies either :laugh: )
  23. Your own CCTV system should be pretty easy to set up - Do you have a wireless router for your internet? If you do you can get Wireless IP Cameras that are super easy to set up. We recently set one up at our front door to catch someone leaving me ... inappropriate gifts. Sounds like you're doing the all the right things :)
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