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    Drawing. Cartoons. Movies. Dogs. Walking

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  1. Figure I should post here. :) Got a facebook page for Mikey set up, so I can keep his photos in one place: https://www.facebook.com/MikeySpottageddon and a DeviantArt page for my own art, and some more Mikey photos to showcase. http://feralpup.deviantart.com/
  2. Dalmy: Intelligent but Stubborn, loving, tail-whipping dog of destruction and love. Definitely have a mind and personality of their own. Though people can't really mistake a dally...I did have one person think my old dalmatian was a small harlequin great dane many years ago...made me so sad lol
  3. I used one that was local to me, Here Took within a week to get a call from the vets saying he was back, readey to be picked up. The urn was wonderful, and it cost...no more than $200 from memory (aunt got it done for me) I plan to cremate any other dogs, since it keeps them close, plus they are quite lovely during the whole process.
  4. In my suburb, it's not just dog poop that I've come across on pathways, it's cat as well, which irks me just as much. It's really not that hard to pick up after a dog, people need to swallow their pride and just deal with it. I carry bags with me all the time when I walk Mikey, he hasn't pooped thus far, but at least I have them ready. :3
  5. Man, this is gonna be challenging XD Toy - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Internet says they are toy D:) Small - totally a Corgi medium- border collie large - Dalmatians of course <3 Giant - Great Pyrenees :3 was hard getting a toy breed, since I don't really go for small dogs xP Corgi's are just adorable though.
  6. Two of my old dogs have visited. First one was Star, Australian terrier, who I had when I was a wee thing up until I was around 12. I would hear her bark, run around inside and whatnot, plus I had weird dreams with her in them. She would guide me a fair bit in said dreams and help me out, was weird, but awesome lol She stopped visiting my dreams when I became a bit stable and got a good group of friends. Reckon she was being a guardian angel. Beautiful girl she was. With my old dalmatian, Patch, I have his remains with me always, since I got him cremated, and I've felt him around as well. I think he's also been communicating with Mikey, since Mikey seems a lot more...knowledgeable than other dogs I've had at his age. Plus he knows me and what I'm saying way to well. ...then again, it could be that I'm just crazy. :D
  7. Urgh, that's utterly despicable! Just because they can't handle their own dogs. Hasn't happened to me yet, but it's why I'm yet to visit a off-leash park. Don't want to be charged by any dog, Mikey wouldn't be the problem, I'd be the one to kick 'em off. :C
  8. +1 Addition - Dont get a Dalmatian if you are not prepared to spend every single day drilling it into their smart little spotted brain that your boss :) Hahaha, ain't that the truth. Those bloody cheeky spots. Can't help but love 'em. I just discovered another addition to this. Don't own a dalmatian if you love black coloured items of bedding or clothing Just fitted new black sheets on my bed...2 nights later, they are covered in white. Those hairs are so hard to get out!
  9. Awwwww how gorgeous! congrats to you and to mum! :D They are positively precious!
  10. It wasn't a normal dog though. The dog was probably under immense stress from it's ordeal, only then to put up with that woman and the camera lights and the studio audience. Putting her face so close to a unknown dog is a stupid thing to do to begin with, but after knowing what that dog went through and acting the way she did, it was idiotic. I agree with what your saying 100% but I think the dogs owner should have assesed the situation and warned her accordingly aswell... unless he did and the makers of this news segment didnt take his advice and wanted to push some kind of image through Yea, I'm hoping it was just the presenter being ignorant to the situation. Given how quickly the owner was able to pull him back though is a good sign. The woman still should've shown some respect to the dog, regardless of being told or not. :C Just common sense ya know.
  11. This was the first trick I taught Mikey. Never had a dog that knew shake, so it was exciting lol I did what the others are suggesting, in that I picked his paw up. Picked his paw up. Said shake. Held it for a minute. Reward. He quickly got the idea of paw + hand = treat. A few months down the track and shake has been able to move onto a high five. :D
  12. People I talk to are always so suprised when I mention that Mikey has free reign of the house and where he sleeps. They think it's gross, and disgusting, even though he's very clean and it's all mainly shedding. D: He's the first indoor dog I've had, and it's better for me personally, I bond with him a lot more this way. It's awesome. :3
  13. It wasn't a normal dog though. The dog was probably under immense stress from it's ordeal, only then to put up with that woman and the camera lights and the studio audience. Putting her face so close to a unknown dog is a stupid thing to do to begin with, but after knowing what that dog went through and acting the way she did, it was idiotic.
  14. Good. Maybe it'll give her time to stop flapping her mouth and think about how much of a idiot she was.
  15. Let's see... Don't own a dalmatian if... You aren't willing to put up with the pig-headedness :3 They are stubborn as anything. You don't enjoy snow.. They don't shed, they SNOW hair, all year. You think spots aren't fashionable. Cause baby, they are alll about the spots *Z-click* You enjoy having your own bed...and lap. They LOVE being with you and all over you. You hate exercise. They LOVE to run. You have small, chase-able objects. See above. You don't want to get argued with. They will let you know what they think. You enjoy fresh air Dear LAWD they can drop some nasty stinks. You like having a white dog So far, my two have LOVED to dig and get nice and muddy. Well, that's my two cents. Reguardless, I still love my baby more than anything :3 Edit: More You aren't willing to be careful with food Since dals are prone to uric problems You aren't willing to get specific shampoo's and skin products Sensitive skin! You don't have much money They will chew through your wallet...literally and figuratively.
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