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  1. I have never seen an ES with a ewe neck. All of mine have been very flexible physically though. With ES it is all about the incentive or motivation. They don't like repetition and you must use very high value rewards. I am trying to post a pic of my boy at a Rally trial late last year so you can see it can be done LOL!
  2. Hi Helen, They are a breed we have had for over 30 years. Very easy to train using motivational methods. Very easy to ruin if any harshness or çorrections given. They can be very birdy which is what they were bred for. We have found the girls are more birdy than the boys and the boys have always been the best lap dogs ever! Coats vary. Our blue beltons had much heavier coats than our lemons/oranges. A couple of good grooming sessions a week and a daily check for prickles and burrs etc is needed. Show prep is a lot more. Now only showing a male neuter (who also has his championship). Happy to give you more information but can't figure out how to share my details with you.
  3. Hi Kamuzz. Never ever try to use any physical pressure with an English Setter. They do however respond brilliantly to motivational training, shaping. If he is doing a meerkat impression you might be holding your luring hand too high. Just move your hand backward just slightly above his nose with a treat. It also may help to have his back near a wall/fence so he can't move his whole body away. Also make sure the floor is not slippery. Happy to speak more about this to you. I have just trained my show ES for his first Rally novice title (only took 2 months and he scored a 98 out of 100 in one round) and he is the 7th ES I have owned and trained.
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