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Everything posted by akub

  1. Hi Guys! Well Bronte got her results on Friday and turns out that it isn't cancerous (phew). The vet set is was a rare infection response in a hair follicle (or something along those lines) and now that it is removed it is anticipated that she will make a full recovery. Trust my girl to have something rare!! Thanks for all of your help and support!!!
  2. Hi guys!! So here's my first post and oh how I wish it was a positive one!!! We have a spayed female and last week when I was doing a regular check of her skin (she has allergy issues) I noticed a lump on her abdomen about the size of my female adult thumb. It appears to be attached to the skin (under the layers) but is moveable and non-tender. So after a home visit from the vet we booked her in to another vet to get a needle aspiration. Well; that was Monday and today she went back in to get it removed and sent of for histology and her results should be back on Friday. I flat out asked the vet if he thought it was Mast Cell and he said that he is thinking that it may be a breast cancer (I am kicking myself that I don't remember the exact name) or just an over accumulation of cells from an inflammatory response or such. Me being me; I am trying to prepare myself for the worst case scenario so that I may be active in her treatment should it come down to that. Has anyone out there come across a canine breast cancer?? Any advice, info would be so greatly appreciated.
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