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Everything posted by Alibi

  1. Would the people who dont think extras are necessary themselves go in for a major surgery without having fluids, post-op pain relief and bloods? Vets have to offer the extras as they start with offering the gold class standard, then they have to work around peoples budgets. If my dog was desexed without fluids and the blood pressure dropped and damage was done, i would be really mad that fluids hadnt been offered. If the dog was in alot of pain after the surgery, i would also be really angry that post-op pain relief hant been offered. Just because they are offering them doesnt mean they are trying to force you to have them to rip you off, they are just starting by offering the ideal suituation for your pet, then they have to work from there.
  2. Revolution for dogs doesnt do intestenal worms, it only does fleas and heartworm. The cat revolution does all worms but tapeworm.
  3. I have a blackdog one. Its fantastic, you can check them out on Blackdogs website.
  4. Mine both get done every week to two weeks by myself, as i like to take a small amount off regualary rather than a large amount every so often as im a bit of a chicken when it comes to their nails, i use cat nail clippers as i find they are a better size than the dog ones for them.
  5. At the moment im using DickVanPatterns Natural Balance and am finding it very good. I have also used Eagle Pack Holisitic as well which i also liked, so my decision between the two atm is which one is easier to come by.
  6. I've gone Joint Gard over sashas blend for the reason New Age Outlaw has posted. My girls didnt like the sashas blend much either, but will eat the JG without problems.
  7. Both my dogs are about 4kg, they both get 3/4-1cup of dry (eagle pack or natural balance) and a few teaspoons of fresh meat, sardines or healthy table scraps. Or some nights its 1/2 cup of dry and three chicken necks each.
  8. Tonsilits can cause bad breath as well. My pom gets tonsilitis on and off and i can always tell when she has it as her breath gets really bad.
  9. My favs are aloveen shampoo and conditioner and the squirt shampoo and conditioner and after the bath i use the squirt detangler and brush through, all of these smell great. I also sometimes use the Lustre-aid cologne, it lasts for ages and smells lovely.
  10. Just to confuse everyone, i was told that it was now used as 1:50 as they found 1:30 was to strong. I use the epi-otic after every bath, and the malaseb once a month or so.
  11. One of mine has a very easily upset tummy so she gets the eukanuba low-residue with other things added like healthy human food, sardines etc. The other gets either Inova, Eagle Pack or Royal Cainn, depending on how easy they are to get at the time. She also gets other stuff added like the other one.
  12. Thanks Mooper, thats the pic i was thinking about. She looks so cute in them Hey sas you should get some little booties for the pup so they can be matching :D
  13. One of my dogs has a pair but it just doesnt sit right, its too tight around the eyes and squishes them up. *slaps sas for laughing at the funny doggles :cool: * Sas that reminds me, where are the photos of Leila with her cute little boots on .
  14. I have seen a border collie with almost no canines at all due to being tennis ball obsessed. Id probably try a rubber type ball instead.
  15. RIP Georgie Another little doggy angel in heaven. Sorry for you loss
  16. My girl loves the tunnel the best aswell. Her pet hate is the weave poles, which suprise suprise is mine aswell .
  17. I agree with poodlefan! Not all dogs are social butterflies and for such a small dog it would be very scary. I have two small dogs who hate going to dog parks because they dont want to play with strange dogs they dont know. They only play between themselves and they do have a few doggy friends but they still dont have any intrest in playing with them either. I know with my pomX that when is gets caught in a over friendly dog suituation she snaps in their face to tell them to back off, and if really pushed i know she would try to make herself more scary. Personally i hate dog parks anyway. But good luck with the little guy
  18. Thanks guys, i thought it would be easier this morning but im still in tears , his brother is still calling for him ;) i have him on my shoulder while im typing this hoping time with mum will take his mind off his missing mate. Hes been trying to pull out my earrings so i think its working.
  19. This morning my little cockatiel boy Cherokee passed away, the vet thinks he may have had a tumor as body function was normal. He passed away in the vet surgery with me there, the stress tipped him over and he passed quickly. He was 13yrs old and i handraised him from a baby, he was my gerogous gentle little boy, and he loved his mummy. He will also be very sadly missed by his brother Sonoma who has been calling for him all day. He will be buried in the yard under some lovely native trees. It also feels so surreal, i cant belive he is gone :rolleyes: ;) Ill miss you forever my little man My Babies, Cherokee on the left and Sonoma on the right.
  20. Myself i use heartgard monthly chews, i just dont like the thought of anything staying in the system for a year like the proheart does. But thats just me.
  21. My fav's are Aloveen shampoo and conditioner Dermcare Natural Shampoo Plush Puppy shampoo and the conditioner (cant remember the name of it)
  22. I'll second that, get them to ignore her untill she settles.
  23. Hugs for you They do become just like another family member.
  24. I have two toy dogs which i have on and electronic collar containment system, they only wear the collars when they are outside, which being inside dogs isnt much. They are both about 4kg and the collars are tiny and waterproof. From what i have experienced with my system and the photos of Rufus, there has got to be neglect by the owner. BTW I am constanly getting people thinking that they are cruel when i tell them what i have, they have both only had two corrections in the 7months i have had it, and that was in the beginning, i would much prefer that than having my two dogs being hit by a car or attacked by other dogs (we do have fencing aswell but they can escape it).
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