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Everything posted by Alibi

  1. I too would keep it to the smaller breeds if you are renting, as i have found alot of places specify small dogs only. what about a australian silky terrier, very active but loves to be with u on your lap too.
  2. vets all natural that you add to raw meat is great too.
  3. Alibi

    Puppy Preschools

    What are you serious??? Didn't the breeders specify that you need to complete Puppy School, and at least one full session of Obedience? As well as this continual socialisation, Vets, kennels, grooming, dog baths etc As much handling and exposure as you can manage. I think it can be very different when you are talking about a toy breed puppy rather than a large pup. If the pre-school is badly run it can do a small pup more harm than good as a tiny pup is at a large risk of being treated as a chew toy by much larger pups without the right care. Also not all breeders specify you must complete what you have stated, everyone has different ideas on socilisation as i think tollersowned idea is a fantastic option if you know dogs like that for a pup. I am soon getting a puppy and my breeder while giving ideas on soclisation has not demanded that i have to do anything he says to do as its not a case of one shoe fits all type of thing. Edited to add, the photo of your pup Tralee, that is a huge pup, im not sure a 1kg pom pup would get much out of a play session with a large pup like that bouncing on it in play except that other dogs are scary.
  4. Thanks Rilla, im trying not to have a favourite yet as i have second pick of the three, im lucky that they all have the most beautiful personalities so whichever one i end up with i will be smitten. How is your litte border pup going, we need more photos!
  5. I hate waiting. Just want to know with tubby griffon gremlin will be mine :D
  6. My sister has a young red with black mask female chihuahua, ill see it she is keen. Im not sure how good she is at staying though.
  7. I have noticed some people saying they wouldnt take on a pup anymore than 12wks due to their past dogs ending up with behavioral problems due to missing out on certain socialisation at a crucial stage before they picked them up. I have also lots of breeds now being desexed before they go to their new owner which means they leave the breeder later than usual, as well as lots of toy breeds being kept longer by the breeder (12wks plus) due to their tiny and fragile size. So whats your ideal age of a puppy to take home and why?
  8. I say go for it, if your ready for another and you really like this pup then why not :) Btw i have had two girls together (toy breeds) and they were fantastic, never had a problem between them.
  9. Do what your heart and head tell you, sounds like your not going to jump into anything without thinking twice so whatever you decide will be right.
  10. I loved having two but now im down to none but soon to be at one, and will probably stay at one for quite awhile.
  11. Sounds like you have a real decision on your hands, there are always other pups out there but if you think you will regret not snapping her up then do it
  12. Are you still wanting to show? Would she be show potential if you do?
  13. I am getting a smooth little female, im not sure which she will be yet, there are three females and i have second pick.
  14. It turns out im now going to be a griffon mum After soooo much thinking i just decided i would go see visit the different breeds and fell in love with the griffons. I have another 5 and a bit weeks till i pick my pup up and the wait is killing me.
  15. Just adding mine is a single tank without a heater which works fine as i just bucket warm water into it. I wouldnt be without my hydrobath, especially i used to own two very hairy little dogs and it made life so much easier with knotts etc as the jet would pretty much brush the coat for me and get rid of all the dead hair.
  16. I have a conumura midi hydrobath and love it! I would go fiberglass over the plastic barf shop ones just going from seeing the second hand ones advertised as they dont look like they wear as well (but then that could be how they are treated too).
  17. Rilla looks like butter wouldnt melt in her mouth there, soooo sweet :) Inka, your pup could pass for a little teddy bear, such a cutie. Arrrhh the wait is a pain, i have 6 weeks left to wait, such a long time till i get my pup. But am going to visit the puppies again this weekend but i wont know which one will be mine till they are ready to leave the breeders.
  18. but wasnt the op the only one at the park which would unless the small dog had been dumped mean they are both her dogs?
  19. I would recomend visiting breeders once you have a short lisit to get a good feel of the breeds. After i did this i went with a breed which was further down on my list as when i met them it was love at first sight.
  20. i will second the griffon bruxellois. they come in a short and long coat and while some people think they are odd looking are cute as a button.
  21. I agree it makes it harder for dog lovers from non dog lovers when people do things like that. Here in brisbane im sure dogs are no longer allowed to sit with their owners at cafes due to OH&S reasons and things like that wouldnt help the cause.
  22. Will be getting some pics when i go back to visit in a fortnight. Kicking myself because i forgot my camera after charging it and getting it ready. I have been given the option of picking the show name myself, arrrhhh im so indecisive with it :laugh:
  23. She is so pretty sjp. Its hard to wait but so worth it.
  24. quesada your boy is beautiful! I bet you will get lots of blank stares when your out and people ask what breed :laugh: I now have put down a deposit on a griffon pup, now only 7 1/2 weeks to go (will get to take her home at 10weeks)
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