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Everything posted by Alibi

  1. Omg I love his expression in the second photo lol. I can't believe there has been no interest he looks so sweet!
  2. You can buy the van already mix with the roo too, mine prefers it over me making it. I think it's because they add some offal in with it, or it could be just that I'm a terrible cook lol.
  3. If you read the information on these dogs they are not just looking over the back fence and making up stories on the care they are or are not receiving. They are talking to the owners who themselves are admitting to how they are treating these dogs.
  4. What a fantastic cause, looking through the wall of shame tears your heart out for those poor dogs.
  5. Like thick bone with a hard honeycomb in the centre.
  6. I feel proud when my puppy met a small oodle puppy that was the same size as her that was snarling and yapping in her face and her only reaction was to quietly and very politely lie down and invite it to play.
  7. I would think most vets would charge a consult fee on top of that so might make it over $100.
  8. I have to go for earthy browns lol much easier.
  9. Sacrifices I have had to make are no more white sheet sets and having to pay an extra $10 a week in rent as the property manager says it was to cover any potential damage *rolls eyes* I don't know what bond is for then, plus you wouldn't even a dog lives here as we are clean freaks.
  10. I obviously didn't put out enough good vibes for my last dog as she passed from cancer, if only I knew good vibes could have prevented it
  11. I would put her in the car and get her checked over, at least see what her temperature is.
  12. The problem is that every vet in my town has a policy that you have to pay upfront anyway and insurance just refunds what ever amount your particular insurance company says directly to you. So even if I have pet insurance I will still need to have enough savings for treatment and may not have enough for the best treatment at the time. I know Petplan says they will pay straight to the vet, but it is up to the policy of each clinic. That's very true, I am lucky I have funds I can raid and pay back, but it does make it hard for those who don't.
  13. I'm with pet plan and pay about $50 per month, it's peace of mind knowing if something happens she can have the best treatment without worrying about the money.
  14. I'm with pet plan and pay about $50 per month, it's peace of mind knowing if something happens she can have the best treatment without worrying about the money.
  15. Thanks for the link, I hadn't considered a petloo, but for that price I might just get that one. I have this for my pup and has been the best thing ever! No more playing with and moving the pee pads and I only have to clean it every couple of days.
  16. It takes me awhile to bond with a new pup, it's the stress and that feeling of being abit over whelmed with it. My pup is now 10 months and there is definitely a bond there and it strengthens every day. Don't worry it's normal and will happen.
  17. I had the compost panels for my pup who at the massive size of 1kg was able to climb it and get out . Guess they don't call them monkey dogs for nothing.
  18. I have had quite a few incidents of large dogs rushing and running over the top and rolling my on lead little 3kg dog, the owners all ignored the fact even though she yelped each time she was flattened as they were being 'friendly'. I now have to body block these friendly dogs as she now gets scared and flattens herself on the ground. I figure if I get knocked over when I get slammed into when protecting her the owners may take more seriously. She loves other dogs and I want to keep it that way but I can she is has become more timid after these incidents. It really works both ways, no matter what size dog and how friendly it is it needs to be under control.
  19. I saw this last nite was such a touching story and what beautiful friends you have.
  20. I saw this last nite was such a touching story and what beautiful friends you have.
  21. Small breed, smooth coat griffon bruxellois.
  22. I have and can highly recommend the spotty potty for a much cheaper version of the pet loo. I originally was just using the pads for her but she would play with them and rip them up, and then someone at puppy preschool told me about the spotty potty. I bought mine through the pet warehouse for $70 plus pads, it's a really generous size and quite flat, I would link it but am on my phone. I bought an extra grass mat and swap them when I clean it.
  23. Yes I would have thought it was a reasonable question too Sheena. On this forum it seems to depend on who asks it though :) Seen other - milder - claims on other threads receive very aggressive demands for all sorts of documented "proof". Not sure who cut off your fingers, but I do my own research so I'm not sure why you can't do yours. In the time you've spent here bitching about people not giving you proof, you could have researched You can't believe everything that's written on the Internet so I would require more proof than that. I can find heaps of 'proof' aliens are real on the net does that make it proof? I put drugs in my system that my doctor tells me too without researching it, does that make me daft?
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