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Everything posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. I think it doesn't really matter what name you choose, or how long it is, as long as it shortens well. Preferably to one easily said syllable. Some names do, some don't. Pick a couple you like and have a play. I know quite a few dogs that have long 'official' names but there call name on course is very short. Eg. Piccolo become Lo.
  2. My friend won one of these in a trial. It is actually pretty awesome, all the dogs I've seen try it loved it. Not sure if I'd use one, but I can see the merit in it.....
  3. Thank you! She is very smart and trainable! Thank you! I also love Black Dogs. Our first Dog Elbie is a black dog and he is most beloved. They are harder to photograph though Thanks Loreley! These pups have been through so much - I want the very best of homes for them both! :) Also, Loki is a spunk! We thought he had gone to Koolie Rescue :) Haha. I will take your word for it. I know the right home is out there for her, I have this stupid feeling that I have failed her because I haven't got more applications for her. To be fair, she has received a couple of applications but they wouldn't have suited one another. Are you sure you don't want her? She is soooo cute and smart :) My husband would keep her if we could but we have three dogs already so have no room. Alas, I am not going to be fostering for a very long time after these two ... These two have been the most emotionally draining - when I thought we would lose them to parvo, I thought my heart would break. They've been given the all clear now but it's going to take me a long time to 'forget' how I felt when they fell sick and while they were sick. Gah! I am sooo tempted! But sadly no I'm sure she will find a wonderful home :D
  4. Hmmmmm..... Must say I love a black dog too! Though I do also like a little bit of a 'quirk'. I think smudge has both! I would snap her up in a heartbeat if the timing was better she is the sort of dog that really appeals to me and all the work you are putting into her makes it even better! Oh well! You'll just have to keep fostering so one day I can snaffle one of your fabulous fosters! :D Another thought, if you think she would suit dogsports, you could try marketing her to people doing them, posting on some of the agility/ flyball etc groups and if you have the chance maybe showing her off at some trials? I know of quite a few dogs in the sport scene that have found homes that way.
  5. Lovely! Reminds me i need to go again! I miss living in sydney and going to the zoo we were zoo friends so I practically grew up there, we went every week :D
  6. Yep! I wish I cared as much about my diet as I do my pets I see so many people with fat dogs who either don't see a problem or egknowledge it but claim they can't do anything about it makes me sad. My four dogs are all different in terms of what they need to maintain weight. Rocky (almost 12yr old BC x)- gets 1 cup of RC Light + all his supplements. Sadie (9 1/2yr BC)- gets 1/2 to 3/4 cup of RC light + supplements. Because both Rocky and Sadie are getting old and arthritic (and Sadie has a buggered cruciate) I like to keep them lean. Unfortunately Rocky gets fat looking at food...... Sigh. Tess (6 1/2yr terrier X)- gets 1/2 to 3/4 cup RC light. Tess doesn't really need to be on the light, but I already buy three types of dog food as it is! :p Reggie (2yr Kelpie)- gets 2 cups of RC puppy and 2 cups of RC 4800 + K9 showstopper and super fuel. Reggie is a skinny mini and a real pest to keep weight on. As is even when he is having a 'fat day' i.e. looking pretty darn good! I get comments on how skinny he is....... Training treats are not ever included in his allowance, and if we have had a big day he may get more food. He also quite often gets a bedtime 'snack' My guys also get raw/ bones 2-4 times a week instead of kibble.
  7. Yay for Nutmeg and Smudge! Go KTB They are both very pretty little girls. I think Nutmegs squiffy ear makes her even cuter! (If that is even possible :p )
  8. My boy dog must be broken then! He loves pretty much any toy, but if its pink...... OMG! It's the BEST TOY EVER! My latest purchases are a new bed, another coat (Reggie eats them, hhhmmmmm maybe I should get a pink one?) and a Kong Bounzer ( though this one is more for me ) Also more Royal Canin and I'm always buying more meat/ bone etc for them.
  9. I know when I order it takes at least 2 weeks, often longer. I'm in rural NSW though, so depending where you are it might differ
  10. Nawwwww! They're like you bring us new friends and were not allowed to play with them?!?! That's not fair! :p What are the two little girls? Kelpie/ BC? Or maybe a little cattle dog?
  11. Frida is stunning! *Steals Frida And Ollie still looks like a loveable teddybear The new two are very cute too! Which one is which? And what do your guys think?
  12. I've seen little foot operated dog water fountains..... Just sayin' :D
  13. Oh no! RIP baby Raiden. Lhok you have my deepest sympathy. sending you big hugs
  14. Just think out loud here, maybe the dog is feeling 'threatened by having someone on the course? Do you know if the dog does it to a familiar person(judge) ? I know a dog that got a fright when a judge 'suddenly appeared' as the dog came over an A frame. Ever since this dog has always kept an eye on any judge in the ring. Maybe along with LAT she could try getting someone to 'judge' training so the dog learns that the 'judge' is just another part of agility? (Not sure if any of that made sense )
  15. I have a female Eclectus parrot, 4 dogs and 4 cats ( and a few others :p ) the cats and dogs all have respect for Kira. They know she bites! She won't actively go after the dogs/ cats and they keep out of her way, so I guess you could say they live in 'harmony'. I would never leave them together unsupervised but am confident to have them all out if I'm around.
  16. She is beautiful! looking at that cheeky grin I bet she is a lot of fun!
  17. Thanks everyone, I think he has had a blast today..... Though he seems to think everyday is a blast, as long as a ball is involved in some way :laugh: he is such a fabulous dog, only problem is I think he has ruined me! I keep thinking I want my next dog to be just like him in this way or that way...... Or basically a Reggie clone It must be the weekend for awesome dogs birthdays pity we don't all live nearby, we could have had a massive party! :D stan's mum I agree, it is a great name. I'd send Reg down for a visit, but I think Stan would get worn out just watching him! :p though maybe Stan could teaching him in the secret ways of couch potato-ing?
  18. I don't know Reggies actual birthday, but today is from now on proclaimed to be his! So happy second Birthday my special boy! I love you to pieces! (Please excuse my shonky photography ) Dragon pillowpet ruthless leather collar and matching lead :love which are GORGEOUS! He has also spent a day at the park and has a (deboned) roast chicken waiting for him for dinner, along with many many cuddles and kisses. I am also making little 'doggy cupcakes' to take to a play date tomorrow.
  19. Hope she finds a great home. They are a gorgeous breed. I know a little male who does agility and he is such a fabulous and quirky little dog, so dainty but full of spark!
  20. OMG that first one! Ruby is gorgeous. Like all of your animals she looks like she has a fabulous sense of humour....... Or just a mum who likes to capture their most embarrassing moments :p
  21. I walk a female border collie who only has one dew claw, right right. It perplexes me........
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