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Posts posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. I live on a farm so the dogs have multiple water sources, but the one closest to the house would probably be something that would suit you. It is a big ole rectangular (ceramic?) sink. We have it sitting on a base of bricks, it still has the drain attached so this allows for easy emptying when the plug is pulled.

    I love it! It holds more than enough water for 5 dogs, it usually gets checked a couple of times a week, and i have never seen it below half way (even with the little terrier X using it for a swim!)

    the water stays nice and cool because its ceramic

    It's pretty dog proof

    And its really easy to clean/ empty because of the drain and plug.

    If I every move i will be either taking it with me or sourcing another.

    If you are interested in one, I think we got ours at a second hand/ building place. But you could also try your local tip/ recycling centre.

  2. Luka certainly is a very handsome boy :love: does he is still play with the frenchies? I can see an image in my head of him accidentally flattening one! Then wondering where it went! :p Though I imagine they probably still boss him around..... :D

    OT: Tdierikx, is there any recent piccies of the beautiful horse-puppy? :D

  3. Lol! i remember having to line dance to that song. all i learnt was that im a HORRIBLE line dancer......

    On the note of soft crates, they can be chewed or/and ripped. Once a dog knows how to get out then will keep doing it. It's much easier to start with a metal crate. Once they have learnt the 'sanctity' of the crate, most dogs will not even try to get out if they are put in a soft crate.

  4. Yep. My some of my guys sleep on the bed. Not all of them, it would be WAY too squishy with 5 dogs and 4 cats! :p My usual bed companions

    are Reggie, Smudge and Callie the cat.

    I don't think dogs sleeping on the bed is wrong or bad, but if i was having any dominance or control issues bed priviledges would be the first to go. My dogs wait to be invited on the bed and if i say get off the bed, my dogs get off. Unfortunately the cat is not as obedient! :p

  5. Go Miller!

    Lupin is very cute! LOVE that mask! Can you tell us a bit more about him?

    Smudge is doing well. I am pet/Housesitting for a friend i do agility with for three weeks at the moment. So Reggie and Smudge have come too! They both get on with my friend's spethal little white fluffer Roxy. Roxy is a bit of a bossy boots and is a bit strange. :laugh: she and Smudge sometimes have barking competitions..... Sigh.

    My friend also has native hopping mice. Reggie and Smudge both think the miceys are pretty awesome.

  6. I grew up near Manly and the beaches down around Clontarf etc, but I am not a big fan of the beach.

    Too much sun to burn me to a crisp (i dont tan, I lobster), sand (to get in all my things, it NEVER comes out! And it steals and buries your stuff so you can't find it), and evil stingy, bitey death inducing things in the water. Sharks, meh. it's the little things that worry me! Like jellyfish, rockfish, those little conch shells that stab you with poison, blue bottles..... :eek:

    Oh and not to mention the ocean itself! Flattening you with waves, dragging you out to sea, drowning.......... Ahem :o (I'm not paranoid.... Much)

    If its calm clear water where I can see the bottom, I might go in..... and I have to have 'beach only' clothing and shoes (thanks ever so much evil invading sand <._< )

    Reggie has been to the beach once..... The waves tried to eat him. There they were all innocent then when he wasn't looking BAM! They attacked! :laugh:

  7. Orange, Central West NSW :D

    I love it here. Only problem is there is NOTHING training related in Orange :( only puppy classes and a couple of private trainers who really only do very basic sit, stay, heel, come classes in 'courses' that cost an arm and a leg.... Sigh.

    So 3 days a week I drive 60km to Bathurst for flyball and agility/ obedience and back :D I'm not nuts (much :p )

    If you're ever down this way....... You're more than welcome to drop in! That goes for any DOLers :D we could have a big party!

  8. The "special" BC is 'Indigo Moon' and she is a lilac. She isn't mine, but i walk/ entertain her and her sister 'Magic Holiday' who is a red and white. ( Her mum calls her a 'wheaten')

    I love my local parks. I am really lucky to have lots of beautiful, and safe, place to take my dogs :) though technically we could just romp on our 9 acres.... :p

    I'm not spoilt.

    Much...... :o

    Smudge and Reggie are besties. smudge is a little turd to Reggie but he puts up with all her "Landshark" abilities, loudmouthed-ness and her constant pinching of his things. :D

  9. Yep. I love getting water shots. Unfortunately my timing is usually poor, or if I get a shot its blurry :p . So I'm pretty pleased with this lot.

    The park is beautiful. Massive and grassy with three huge ovals with a creek running through, heaps of trees and a bush track end with a dam. It's big enough that you can avoid people/ dogs you don't like. I went at about 2pm Thursday and only saw one other person, peak times are busy but during the day and early mornings are lovely and quiet. :)

    Unfortunately it's not fully fenced, but most of the road is fenced off and its a quiet road. It's a lovely spot. :D

  10. Some of you may have seen in KTB's foster thread that little Smudge now lives with me :D

    Smudge is doing really well. I'm sure she has grown, but I see her as soo little, might be because I'm used to my huge boofa Reggie! :p

    Smudge and Reggie are the best of friends. Smudge spends most of her time chasing/ following Reggie around or chomping on various bits of him. I'm surprised he has any neck fur left.....

    Yesterday we went to the park and I finally remembered to take my camera! So now to bombard you with photos!

    The Gang. Starring Reggie the Kelpie, Smudge the Kelpie/BC/ ACD, and featuring Holiday and Indigo the BCs.



    My two beasts





    Smudge the kamikaze cannon ball


    What do you mean I'm "Special" ? Of course I am!


  11. I agree with Showdog's list.

    I dog walk and house/petsit for a few friends and acquaintances. I don't run it as a business per se, but have found my clientele base has come mostly from word of mouth and recommendation. I started for one friend, who mentioned it to another etc, and from my dog training friends. These people have seen me interact with my dogs and others, and know and trust me to handle their dogs and follow instruction.

    I think the most important thing for me if I was handing over my dogs to someone is that I have confidence in their abilities to handle and protect my dogs, and follow my instructions.

    So maybe if you can approach friends, neighbours and or people who do training with you? Also you could try your local dog park and petshops, some people there maybe be interested or know who is.

  12. Hi its the chews I was going to buy?

    the supplier only sells the tablets for small or medium dogs..

    Hi fluff1234,

    The Drontal 35kg tablets are perfectly safe to half and are scored to facilitate halving them. As has already been mentioned they have a high safety margin but given you've estimated his bodyweight at 11.5kg I would be inclined to wait until he tops 15kg before giving half a 35kg and just do as you've planned with the 1.5 10kg tab for now.

    The chews should not be halved or portioned anytime.


    The packaging for the chews recommends dosing to the nearest half chew. Quoted from the packaging " 1 chew for every 10kg of body weight. round off doses to the nearest half chew above."

    Also off packaging (for 10kg chews)

    Dosage rate:

    3.1 to 5 kg- half chew

    5.1 to 10 kg- 1 chew

    10.1 to 15 kg- 1 1/2 chews

    15.1 to 20 kg- 2 chews

    I have followed these instructions and have never had a problem.

    In regards to heartworm, all the heartworm products I have ever seen are either daily, weekly or monthly. We dont have heartworm in my area so i havent really researched it thoroughly. You can get also get the yearly injection from a vet.

  13. The 10 kg tablets treat 10kg per tablet/chew. The 35 kg tablets treat 20 up to 35 kg per tablet/ chew.

    So for example my 27 kg BCx and my 21.5kg kelpie each get 1 35kg chew. My 16 kg BC gets 2 10 kg chews and my 7.5kg terrier x gets 1 10kg chew.

    The chews have fairly large safety margins so it is hard to over dose until you give WAY to much.

    Your dog would definitely be fine with 1 1/2 10 kg chews.

    I personally wouldn't give 1/2 a 35 kg chew. Maybe when heavier.....

  14. In took in a crate, but she was allowed to romp around the store when there weren't any customers. Gah! I wish I could get the photos to load :mad she it soo cute.

    Tonight she curled up on the couch with my dad. (He is in love :p )

    I forgot to ask, does smudge know what a clicker is?

  15. :D smudge is settling in nicely! She is such a sweetie.

    We had a big day today.We met the chickens and the sheep, tried to make friends with the cats, explored some of the farm, visited the dogs I dog walk and went to work. :D

    She was very well behaved! At work she met lots of people, a Rottweiler puppy and a tiny little fluffy puppy. We checked out the new dog toys, inspect the cat bowls for food, checked out the beds room and taste tested some treats.

    She is now curled up in the cats bed at the end of the couch. I think she is pooped!

    I'm trying to upload some photos but the iPad is not cooperating :mad

  16. I have a large (1kg) bucket of treats that live in my car in the 'magical dog bucket of magicalness'.

    It contains all sorts of different commercial treats as well as cat biscuits and a little bit of kibble. They never know what they are getting so it keeps them guessing.

    I also use 'squishy treats' eg. Cheese, chicken, sausage, any left over meat really.

    I have found that the BEST treats are always SOMEONE ELSE's! :p doesn't matter if I have cabanossi and they have normal dog biscuits, if its not theirs........... Sigh.

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