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Posts posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. :eek: goodness!

    A referral sounds like a good idea. I wouldn't worry too much normally but the tooth is pushing into the gum on the inside of her upper canine. It doesn't seem to bother her but it looks (to me) owie! And that it will cause problems later.

    I have been worrying about having it removed though, being such a major tooth. The local vet was a bit apprehensive about taking it out and took her out the back to consult with another vet, who conferred that it was better to come out. Obviously they don't have access to all the fandangled dentistry stuff a specialist would have though.

    I am in Orange nsw, so there isn't any local veterinary dentistry locally (that I know of) is there anyone you would recommend? My happy to travel. Maybe somewhere in Sydney or Canberra?

  2. Slightly OT. (Hope you don't mind Kelpiecuddles!)

    Smudge my kelpie X 7 month old pup has a gairly large over bite and a very maloccluded lower left canine. (which will be coming out when she is desexed.) :(

    Any ideas how much this will cost? Obviously being a major tooth with large root system it is not going to be cheap.

    Also has anyone had a young dog with a removed canine? Do they cope ok? Have trouble picking stuff up? Further teeth problems?

  3. Naww! So cute!

    I suppose super gluing something to my dogs head is cheating/ frowned upon? :p

    I've tried putting things on Reggie's head, He goes cross eyed and falls over. Then bats his head just incase whatever it was didn't fall off.....Sigh. He is a wee bit special.

    We'll work on it for Christmas!

  4. Science diet has a 'pet nutrition training program' that they push on vets and pet stores that sell their product, they tried to push it on me but I just took the book and never returned it to them :p

    I must say I have done the hills nutrition thing. It was required by work ( and I got free pizza and movies tickets! Lol) I filled in the quiz at the end in accordance to my beliefs on nutrition. Hence I think I got most of them wrong! :laugh: one thing in particular that annoyed me was how they were going on about corn being a great and important ingredient and also low allergen. And in the next breath talking about how all the other brands use fillers and inferior ingredients/ formulas and that Hills is THE BEST FOOD EVER! *insert rolly eye man.

    I just bite my tongue at these things now.......

  5. Sounds like you're doing the right thing.

    Not saying this is always the case, but in my personal experience, a lot of vets' nutrition education has been sponsored by the big food companies, Hills in particular. This seems to result in a limited perspective of what is 'right' in the ways of nutrition. So vets quite often seems to push what food they know.

    That or some vet surgeries get special deals/ paid by a company to push a certain food/ brand.

  6. Im still young (almost 21) so I may change my mind yet :p but I love my working breeds.

    I have grown up with (and still currently have) a BCx, BC, terrier mix, a Kelpie and a Kelpie/ BC/ACDx.

    I would love to own so many different types of dog, but I have come to realise that I really am addicted to the working breeds. My next dog (not for a good while now) will probably be a BC or a Kelpie. Though I must say I adore Malinois...... I just think they might be too much dog for me!

  7. Thank you everyone for the well wishes, as you can see by the photo she was having a ball :laugh: For some reason every time I get the camera out she gets the saddest look on her face, bit camera shy my girl lol

    Chequeredblackdog Stan NEVER shares unless forced to, in fact he scoffed his piece of pie that quickly the pastry got stuck on the roof of his mouth and he spent a few minutes walking around like a goober trying to get it off :o

    RP just a plain old beef pie from Darbys :)

    Jules Joey would be up there with my Chuck eating as many pies as they want :hug:

    Hey there Curly :wave: good to see you.

    Lol Stan, you make me laugh! :laugh: reading yours and Maddies antics always makes my day!

  8. :party: Happy birthday Maddie! :birthday:

    (P.S. so sweet to share your special pie, I bet Stan doesn't share his pie unless he has to! :p you'll have to remind him on his next birthday :D lol)

    If I ever get the chance to own a greyhound, I'd like ones just like you and Stan...... Well maybe without the fridge opening skill!

  9. Poor little guy.

    as said above, doing little bits often is a lot better and less stressful ( for you and him!) than letting it get out of hand and doing it all at once.

    Do you know if he is scared of the actual clippers themselves? Or is it just the 'threat' of pain that he is anticipating?

    I think he needs to learn that grooming, not just clipping is a fun and great thing. That it isn't going to hurt.

    If its the clippers scaring him, desensitising him to them slowly could work.

    Eg. This may not work for him, but is an example I have seen somewhere. (Claiming no credit!)

    - clippers off, let him approach them, no fuss is made. Feed him his dinner with clippers present, slowly moving them closer each meal.

    - when he is happy to eat next to them without worrying, move clippers right back to starting point and turn them on. Repeat as before.

    - when he is comfortable to be around the clippers, he him used to the turned off clippers being run over his body.

    - when he is happy with that, build up to having the turned on clippers closer and closer to him. When you actually progress to clipping him, do a teeny tiny bit and reward him heavily.

    Through the whole process make sure to reward him heaps, make it a fun 'game' and set him up to succeed.

    If it is just the noise of the clippers, cotton wool in his ears may help.

    Does he tolerate being patted/ stroked/ rubbed? With the grooming maybe start by 'grooming' him with your fingers/ hands. Progressing to a grooming glove and eventually a soft brush etc.

    It sounds like whatever you do, it is going to be a long process. Breaking it up into little achieveable steps that he can 'win' at might help.

  10. These guys also do contact equipment.

    My friend has a dogwalk from them. Good quality and lovely and light! I can easily lift a panel on my own.


    Depends how flash/ what design you want, but I've seen some good (and easy) ones out there.

    Otherwise if you know someone handy they could make one for you. Maybe a local woodwork club or metalworkers?

  11. Flat collar here. My older dogs i used a check chain for training/ walking because that was what I was told to use.

    My 2yr old Kelpie and current pup have only ever had flat collars and harnesses.

    Flats for general use, walking etc. it's all I've ever needed to use. And harness for car trips and flyball.

    I also walk two BCs, that their owners can only manage on their 'anti pull' harnesses (and still get their arms stretched), on flat collars. They get walked together and both walk quite nicely for me.

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