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Posts posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. I wish that option said "only of a certain type/look AND TEMPERAMENT". I care a damn sight more about how a dog behaves than what it looks like.

    I would only be interested in a certain type of dog. My breed of choice shows up in pounds a LOT.So I guess theoretically I could go to the pound if it was no longer possible to go to a breeder. Having one dog from the pound with a temperament issue I would be very careful though. If I did go down that route again I would take someone with me who I trust, who knows what I am looking for and who knows how to temperament test dogs in a shelter environment

    Both of these.

    I own dogs from a range of origins.

    Over time I have developed a 'criteria' of what I like/ don't like. If a dog fits these I don't care where it comes from ( generally speaking). Though what I'm after is more than likely going to be easier to find through a breeder or reputable rescue.

  2. Reggie is a dope:

    He likes to check if you're watching before he does silly things, the bigger the audience the more

    He swims in grass, on his side. He uses HUGE areas and particularly likes to 'swim' into/ over people's feet.....

    he performs!

    To roll, he doesn't get down gracefully, he throws himself at a ground. Sometimes from a gallop :eek:

    He thinks sprinklers contain acid rain. He flinches and jumps a foot if a drop hits him.

    He likes to be picked up and carried. (He is a 21.5kg, 58.5cm at the shoulder Kelpie :laugh: )

    One of his nicknames is 'donut dog' he likes to curl up in a ball and use his butt as a pillow.

    He is a big sook, when I'm cutting his nails he has to turn his head, he can't watch. Lol

    He is a big goofball by nature, its part of his charm. He can look so regal, and so retarded all in the same breath!

  3. I received my order today!! It came in a huuuge box. :D However I found the stuff inside all coated with a mysterious white powder. Mostly on the JW Cuz toys. I managed to wash most of it off but was having a bit of a Shapelle Corby moment there. :eek: Does anyone else's order have this?

    I've had white stuff on isqueak balls from Clean Run a couple of times. Not sure what it was, maybe they were older stock or sitting around for a while...don't know! I wiped it off anyway.

    No white stuff on this latest order though, they're all squeaky clean.

    Lol. :D

    Still waiting for mine. I ordered on the 20th and the 22nd, so hopefully it will be here soon!

  4. I know I've missed christmas :p

    I have a beautiful "cartoony" dog christmas ornament, that graces my tree every year. My godmother gave him to me when I was 12. Sadly he has lost an ear and a leg :cry: not that that effects his going on the tree

    Anyhoo, I have been thinking that I would like to collect more doggy ornaments for my tree. ( who knows maybe one day ill have a tree full of dog ornaments :D )

    I have had a look locally in the shops and can't see anything. I've also had a brief look online. There are some beautiful glass blown ones in various breeds, but I haven't decided exactly what I want?

    Has anyone seen/ have any gorgeous ones? I don't mind about breed or what material, just looking for some inspiration!

  5. Good to know. What about the super fuel? Is it safe to give to a young dog? I love it for my 2 1/2 year old Kelpie, he gets showstopper most days and super fuel on big days/ trials etc. that combo ( added to his normal diet) helps to keep weight on him.

    I've been thinking of giving my 8 month old Kelpie cross some super fuel when she has a big day/ training session, would this be a a bad idea?

  6. Smudge is about that too. She is a bit more 'solid' in build than the lithe graceful juniper. :p

    Smudge has a longer coat too so that add to her 'bulk'. Lol. I see her as tiny! I judge everything off my massive Reggie though! :o still hoping she has stopped growing and will measure as a 400 dog for agility.

    She is plenty fast enough to be competitive in 500s, I on the other hand will need to run a heck of a lot faster, or have EXCELLENT distance control and layering abilities! :o :laugh:

    She is perfect cuddle size! Though she thinks its funny to smash you in the head with her head after she has lulled you into a false sense of security. :laugh: little pest!

  7. Yep :D

    He's a big boy! And pretty much the whole package if I say so myself :o:love: no bias there at all......... *wink

    juniper is lovely! A petite mini- Reggie! :D so sweet and full of joy, I can hardly believe that she was such a nervous dog in the beginning. KTB has done a fabulous job with her! :thumbsup:

    I wouldn't swap Smudge for anything, but IF I didn't have her i would be VERY tempted!

  8. I can't remember if I've asked this before...... :o

    I want to order some skins and tails. Will they get through customs? I have looked at a couple of quarantine sites and all they say is yes they can be imported- IF they are correctly tanned/ processed....... ?

    Anyone got fur stuff from clean run?

    Yep I've had plenty of fur things from Clean Run and they have always made it through quarantine.

    Yay! That's awesome. I was pretty sure i knew people hadn't had problems, but I would be devastated if my (now rather large) order, which is also including a couple of other people's stuff, was seized :eek::cry::eek::cry:

  9. I can't remember if I've asked this before...... :o

    I want to order some skins and tails. Will they get through customs? I have looked at a couple of quarantine sites and all they say is yes they can be imported- IF they are correctly tanned/ processed....... ?

    Anyone got fur stuff from clean run?

  10. I don't know if "crush" is the correct term for it, but I've seen quotes a few of them!

    My Kelpie Reggie is often the focus of 'flirty' attention.

    My old boy Rocky certainly has a 'crush' on a BC at the dog park. Rocky whines and gets all excited when he sees Judge, he then follows him around.

    My friends JRT is a bit of a bitch and either doesn't like or is indifferent to most dogs, except Wombat. Who is a huge goofy, very 'not-standard BC, she goes NUTS for him.

    I think it's funny watching doggy "crushes". It usually rather cute!

  11. Meea, yep I get to both Erskine park and castle hill for agility, so if you do want to add stuff to my order..... Same goes for anyone else :)

    I have managed to cull my wish list to 4 pages :o I think I need to keep working at it!

  12. Y A Y!!!!!!!! :D

    I am happy to combine orders (though I doubt I will need any help reaching $200 :o ) I am in Orange, central western NSW, I travel through bathurst and do a decent bit of travel with flyball and agility, so just let me know! :D

    Do you get to Sydney or Sthn Highlands????

    I do go to sydney semi regularly, it often depends where trials/ comps are.

    Where abouts are you?

    Y A Y!!!!!!!! :D

    I am happy to combine orders (though I doubt I will need any help reaching $200 :o ) I am in Orange, central western NSW, I travel through bathurst and do a decent bit of travel with flyball and agility, so just let me know! :D

    Ahhh Don't tempt me!! I'm in Orange often. Hmmm what do I need???

    ......... Go on! You know you want to! :p muahahahahaha...... Ahem :o

    I also admit to having a wish list basket. It needs a heavy culling at present. :o I could get free shipping quite a few times over........ Hmmmmm I wonder if they have a limit on the sheer quantity of orders? Lol. I might need a shipping container :D

  13. Y A Y!!!!!!!! :D

    I am happy to combine orders (though I doubt I will need any help reaching $200 :o ) I am in Orange, central western NSW, I travel through bathurst and do a decent bit of travel with flyball and agility, so just let me know! :D

  14. Smudge's favourite toy is Reggie! He is the best all purpose toy, he runs so she can chase him, he tastes good when she noms him, he is a good pillow for sleeping...... And he doesnt wear out! lol.

    Reggie is her world, from the moment she met him she has been in love.

    She also likes things that squeak, balls and toilet paper rolls. And anything Reggie has/ wants :p

  15. Ill have to take some new ones! I've been very slack photo wise! :o

    The little munchkin has a good (informal) retrieve on her now. We haven't quite mastered putting it back in my hand though, and Only if Reggie is around though! She is still in love with him and if he is around nothing else exists!. :love: She has eyes only for him :love:

    The continuos nomming of Reggie is not as bad, but still present. :(

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