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Everything posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. Holy crap! that's terrible! Sending lots of good vibes to you, Stan and Maddie.
  2. As said, it depends on the dog.... my two are fine. Love my soft crates for trials. I was lugging my wire ones for a while, but carrying 34kg (17kg each) of crates any distance gets tiring....... I have K9+ crates too, they are great. Really easy to set/pack up and LIGHT :D Mine are currently being fixed though...... Some bastard animal ate through them while they were freshly washed and dried, FOLDED UP WITH NOTHING IN THEM! ARRRRRGGHHHH! I can understand a dog eating its way out.... But SERIOUSLY!!! My cats are prime suspects........ >
  3. Yep, will be at the flyball on 18/19 not sure about 20th.....
  4. Jumabaar, I wish I had classes like that in my area I'd love to do something like that with my dogs!
  5. PFL I don't know what to say sending you all my love and support.
  6. Sending hugs. My old dog died unexpectedly at home, so was not PTS, but the other dogs all said their respects. They weren't forced, but over the morning all found their way to him to say goodbye. When he was buried they all came and sat around the grave and watched us bury him. I'm not sure if they totally understood, but it touched me that they seemed to care so much.
  7. Rest easy now sweet Kibah, Im sure you're up there running free (and faster than all the others! :) ) I know many will miss you and reading about your wonderful adventures, including me.
  8. Run free Kibah Kirislin, sending lots of love for you and yours.
  9. She is gorgeous! In the last two she reminds me of Reg..... It's amazing how different and happy she looks from her 'before' pictures!
  10. Sending lots of love and support for this hard time.
  11. Sending lots of hugs to you and your family. Run free Stella
  12. Spin? Or 'sad face'(puts head down while dropping, it's very cute!) or if you've already got shake, teach him to differentiate between the two paws. My Kelpie did touch (right foot) and tap (left foot) as his puppy trick. Or to touch a 'target' with his nose?
  13. Lady I walk with ( and dogwalk for) has 2 for her BCs. They still pull her around like freight trains and don't seem to work well at all. I think alot of her problems might come from not using them properly though. I walk them on flat collars and they walk reasonably well for me, so I can't comment on the harnesses from first hand experience.
  14. Yep, usually direct them to the furminator, and its (not as good in my opinion) competitor/ rip off the Shedeze. Most of them baulk at the price..... Sigh. I know you can get them cheaper online, but I'm not suppose to tell people that....... :/ After Rockys experience I would NEVER shave/ have a dog shaved, despite our best efforts he still suffered from it, and I think that most people that are shaving their dogs because of shedding aren't the ones who are going to put in extra work to protect their poor naked dogs. I think I would rather see a shaved dog than a matted to the skin one though........
  15. Ahem.... I think we need more Tiny Pony! :D
  16. Poor little pug that's horrible. A sunburnt dog is no fun for anyone. We made the mistake of getting our previous (white) BC x clipped years ago (before I knew any better) and they clipped him WAY too short, much shorter than we asked for. The poor bugger ended up sunburnt ALL over, despite having to put copious amounts of sunscreen all over him, and sore and crusty. It was horrible. I regularly get people coming into work asking if there is a brush/ way to stop there dog from shedding sooooooo much...... Usually they say that no one told them that pugs/ labs/ JRTs shed........ Argh!
  17. I have tried one of these at flyball Nats in Melbourne, OMG it is awesome! I didn't have my dogs with me (just helping out) but I got to sit on it! :D I have back problems, and I feel soo good after. I've also tried the 'people version too, it is heated as well I would love one, but they certainly aren't cheap!
  18. Some sort of tug? I have a tug on a spring hanging from one of the big trees. You could do it on a pole/ fence if no trees. You could even hang bones etc on it too, so they have to work at getting it. I also like boxes of different sizes, from little to ones my dogs can get into. Hiding things- toys, food or other interesting things goes down well too. Though they mostly love hiding/ playing in them..... Then trashing them! :laugh: If he likes water, a clam shell? You can float stuff in it too.
  19. My boy Rocky, who we lost a week and a half ago, at 12 1/2. He was my first dog, and truly a wonderful soul.
  20. Thank you for all the well wishes. There is a big hole in my life at the moment. Everywhere I look I see something of Rockys or something he would have enjoyed/ for him. Feeding the dogs on Thursday night was very hard with his bowl sitting there empty and waiting. I keep automatically calculating servings etc for 5, not 4. And going to call him or check where he is before I remember he isn't there to check on any more. Not too mention I'm still ( and will be for a long time) picking his hair out of my clothes, furniture, car and occasional sandwich. We buried Rocky under a poplar tree on my property. From there he can look out over all his favourite haunts. His collar is hung on a branch, with a special 'memorial' dog tag. I'm thinking about doing/ getting done a head stone or plaque as well.
  21. Today I said goodbye to my old boy. Rocky was my first dog. From the humble beginnings of $20 5 week old ' purebred Border Collie' puppy bought from a cardboard box at the rotary Markets. He was the sweetest dog. Sharing his love (and copious amounts of hair) with anyone who would give him the time of day. Any that didnt fall for his charm were immediately 'goosed' with a nose in the crotch. The last couple of months he really got 'old', but I wasn't expecting him to go. the heat had really been knocking him around this week. Last night he wanted to sleep outside. This morning when we came out he was gone.... I can't express all my feelings, I don't know how. I can't remember if I have him a proper hug....... Farewell sweet boy, wait for me on the other side.
  22. I feel like such a dummy how do I track my order again? I can't remember
  23. My first one came yesterday. Second one still to come. Meea, your stuff in in the one to come.
  24. Naww : love: He is really absolutely totally gorgeous! I just want to smoosh that face! I would spend all my time either laughing at him or snuggling him. Are his ears as soft as they look?
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