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Everything posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. Yay! Thanks guys! Will have to check those sites out. Do the orbee balls float? They seem to have a hole in them and is there anywhere that stocks the entire range/ most of it? It seems that most stores only stock a couple of products.
  2. Recently I've seen the Planet Dog Orbee balls online and as a have a completely ball obsessed dog, I want to get some. They seems to be rather expensive! Are they any good? Worth the price? Any recommendations on where to get them (at a reasonable price?)
  3. Hmmm.... A chiro visit sounds interesting! Never seen one for myself, but I've seen an osteopath, she was WONDERFUL. So I can see the benefits in taking a dog, even just for a 'squizz' Might have to take my 10 year old BCx and 8 year old BC (who's recovering from a TTO for a ruptured cruciate.) Though I don't know if I'd find one in/around Orange (central western NSW)
  4. OH MY GOD! Your rxperience makes me so mad! I'm glad (for that stupid sh*t of a "vet nurse" that I wasn't there!)If I were you I would DEFINITELY have a " Word" to the practice owner! or at least someone in charge! The running of that "Puppy preschool" is more than terrible! I just hope neither of you were too traumatised by the whole situation!
  5. My Gawd! Could they GET any cuter! They are STUNNING, do the ones you're not keeping have homes yet? ;)
  6. Oh my god! That poor dog! I can't understand how someone could let a dog- actually ANY animal get that way!
  7. oh wow, I'm so glad that Sadie isn't 3 any more! It's bad enough now with her being 8, and having started to slow down (a bit ) and that it wasn't the 8 month old Kelpie, now THAT would have have driven me (more) insane!
  8. Ok, well my 8 year old BC Sadie has recently (3-ish weeks ago, on the 15th Dec) had a TTO surgery for her ruptured cruciate ligament. She has been doing really well, and has tolerated being crated/confined etc. But now she has decided that though she has a limp, she is 'fixed' and is champing at the bit to get out and do stuff! Obviously she CAN'T, so I need some ideas to keep her (and me) sane! She has had kongs etc, but isn't overly interested; She gets bones- but she can't have them everyday. She gets taken out for very slow, very gentle walks for no longer than a couple of minutes and if I'm outside doing something she is set up next to me on a blanket. I've though of doing something 'training' wise, but it has to be able to be done with her being pretty much inactive, so I'm not sure what would be suitable. Sigh Any ideas/suggestions?
  9. Gah! only 5?! Not fair! *Neapolitan mastiff (one day...... :D ) *Ibizan Hound *Whippet *Bloodhound *Xoloitzcuintle *Sealyham Terrier oops, that's 6...... though I could list more!
  10. She is gorgeous I wouldn't have realised she's blind! You must be so proud of her!
  11. Your guys look so cute with those doggles! and they don't seem to mind wearing them Also, where did you get those grenades? VERY cool. :D
  12. As above. It is cute, but kinda funny too! Though I've seen many 'interesting' haircuts. (Unfortunately some on my family's dogs! ) One of the most disturbing ones was a shaved SHAR PEI!! It just had it's head and foot fur intact
  13. I've been doing some reading on BH and am liking what I see. Where would be the closest distributor to Orange, nsw? ( sorry if this has been addressed, I too lazy to search through 80+ pages! lol)
  14. Yes, try a pet food/supplies store. I work at a Petbarn and I haven't heard anything about it being discontinued etc. and I wouldn't think it would be, it's fairly popular (at least at 'my' Petbarn). We definately stock it. Though this time of year we have trouble keeping alot of products on the shelves! Everyone goes mad!
  15. In my area pound, almost EVERYTHING is labelled as a "mastiff X" or the second favourite choices would probably be "cattle X" and "JRT X", but only if it can't POSSIBLY be described as a mastiff....... sigh ACD, kelpie/BC and bull breeds and their X's seem to dominate the medium-large dogs, with JRT and neglected looking maltese type X's seem abundant in the small. Husky's and X's crop up quite often too.
  16. Does The neapolitan mastiff have a thread, other than this one? Since I saw my first Neo, I have been infatuated with them. I have done a fair bit of research but wouold love to see/hear more info from those with first hand experience. P.S. Nancy, I remember seeing your bitch Stella (Rockamor?) as a pup at Orange show, she certainly helped to cement my admiration of Neos!
  17. I love both, but I must say dogs have to win. You just can't beat having your love RETURNED. With cats it seems mostly one way. Though I do ADORE one of my 4 cats in particular, though this maybe because I'm convinced she's a "cog"/"dat" She comes, sits and occupies the dogs and I on walks, as well as purrs, is squishable, catches mice and does zoomies! (though in trees as well as on the ground) Just the right mix of awesomeness is Beanie Cat! :D
  18. Well. Took Sadie to Geoff Freeth on tuesday, and she is booked in to have a TTO next thursday! Not looking forward to post op crate rest...... will have to come up with lots of entertainment for her.
  19. Reggie came from the RSPCA so the earliest photos I have of him are at 3-4 months. Baby Reggie http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7152/6458705735_9603157129.jpg Reggie yesterday, at the park (7ish months) http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7147/6458619831_28143e7a68.jpg Will have to find piccies of the other three......hmmmmm
  20. awwww! ......must resist..... too cute.....brain exploding
  21. Thanks for all the replies guys! Its good to know lots of people have had success with it. Am going to see other vet hopefully friday/monday. Doing lots of research too! Thanks Spotted Devil, I will try and get a hold of some L-lysine. Though thankfully the little bugger is improving in leaps and bounds!
  22. My 8 year old Border Collie (Sadie) has ruptured her left hind cruciate ligament! She came in hobbling monday night, but due to her having arthritis we thought maybe she'd twisted something/slept funny (as she's done before.) Well, took her to the vet tuesday morning and they said that she has definately ruptured her cruciate ligament poor baby! They are recommending surgery to replace the ligament with a synthetic one, which will be $1500 approx with them. Definately will get it done, but it has been suggested that a second vet might do surgery cheaper? So I'm interested in pricing if anyone else's dog has had it done? On another note, monday afternoon (yes, it's been an eventful couple of days!) I found a kitten at our back fence/paddock No idea where he's come from, maybe dumped in the reserve next door. Poor little bugger is about 4 weeks old and has a nasty case of cat flu. He now has antibiotics and eye ointment, and has been named "Angelo" by my sister. (will post photos when computer stops having tantrums) So at least Sadie has something to occupy her, she has adopted the little fellow and is truly smitten!
  23. SO many beautiful photos! (Is jealous) Sigh, have to put up with my point and shoot for now.... Ferocious Tess Kirabo Dishwasher Monster...... Little Fuzz Werecat! hmmm..... must find some of Reggie....
  24. What breed of dog is it? I live with my parents and we own a poultry stud. So we have between 50-300 chickens at any one time. We have a BC x(10), BC (8), terrier x god knows what (4) and a 7 month old Kelpie. The dogs have all been introduced to the chickens at a young age and supervised/ contained (via lead/locked up when we were out etc) until they can be trusted. The older three are and can be left out with the chickens. The BC sleeps in the shed with loose chickens at night and never touches them. Am working on the 7 month old Kelpie, he is probably 90% "chicken proof" but has a high prey drive. On a similar note, the BC when she was young was TERRIBLE for chasing our pyschotic wild Damara (Middle Eastern shedding) sheep. She would round them up and keep them bailed in a corner of the paddock literally ALL day. Probably would have been a great sheepdog! She no longer does this thanks to alot of hard work. She was locked up when unsupervised and had MANY supervised and controlled meetings with the sheep until it finally clicked that NOT chasing them was easier for her. Food andor another favourite reward is great here. Get the dog's focus off the chickens and reward, It can be a S L O W process. Seperation is also a good method of control and for some dogs may be the only answer for yours (and the chickens) peace of mind.
  25. Gah! Brain overload.....too much cool stuff to buy My dilemma now is that I want to get an interactive toy like the Nina Ottoson ones ( or similar) BUT I CAN'T DECIDE! Do any of you guys recommend something? It's for a 7(ish)month old smarty pants of a Kelpie. But preferably I want to be able to adjust/alter it, As he gets frustated easily.
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