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Everything posted by Chequeredblackdog
Nawwh! Thwy grow up so fast! Reggie came from the RSPCA, in a litter of 7 boys and I keep thinking I see his brothers! maybe he is a pretty 'averge' Kelpie? Though I wouldn't think there a huge amount of really tall kelpies (I swear he's been stretched!) with giant tails, lots of 'ticking' and humongous ears that look like him?
I think he's gorgeous too! (Though I might be a little biased!) Kavik he and Kaos look(ed) very similar as babies! How old is Kaos?
She truly is beautiful! She is a very lucky dog to have someone so dedicated to her!
Mr Reg is now 9(ish?) months old and I think he needs a photo thread! :D well here's the handsome boy! Standing to attention! (i.e waiting for a ball) Sitting on Tess And some older ones Ball dog With the gang and Baby Reggie!
Only one of my four 'steal' (apart from things like bones), and that one is Reggie. He will steal pretty much much anything not nailed down.... sigh. In his stashes Ive found: wrappers, socks, my sister's prized stuffed animals, paper,coathangers, a jar of honey,pegs, tv remotes, shoes (no pairs ever though, he always has to have a collection!) a calculator, books, cutlery, fruit...... thats all I can think of now lol. Luckily he never (ok, RARELY) shreds/eats/destroys!
Beautiful dogs and pictures! (is jealous)
What Courses To Get Into Pet Industry?
Chequeredblackdog replied to heroeswit's topic in General Dog Discussion
It does kind of depend what you want to do, but a Cert 2 animal studies is a fairly basic/standard point to start from.I did it last year through TAFE. From there you can get basic level jobs like kennel work, petshop stuff etc. It can also lead to captive animal work and vet nursing. TAFE also has a flexible delivery system, i.e distance, part time etc. I've done a couple of courses through them and am pretty happy with the deliver/content/workload and support. -
Still Researching Raw Feeding
Chequeredblackdog replied to mumtoshelley's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
My dogs get prodominately raw, and two of them are on diets. (Sadie is on a fairly severe one too! As she's had a cruciate surgery and hasn' t been able to exercise.) I've found that to stop them from begging etc. the best thing is to bulk out their meals. I do this with Low GI veggies. Sadie's meals look TINY without the bulking out (and I'm sure she'd think so too!) But with the added veggies she's happy and she's losing weight too. Also breaking up her quota into smaller more frequent meals (usually 3 if I'm home.) has helped too. edited cos I a retard! >.< -
I think there are a couple of threads on this, And Joint guard seems fairly popular. I personally use pernaease. Its fairly similar to sashas blend but almost half the price. It seems to do fairly well for my older arthritic dog. All my guys also get fish oil most days. The best thing I've found that helps my boy ( not sn additive though) Iis a course of cartroohen shots. He bounces like a puppy again after these!
Generally I find taxidermy rather fascinating and artistic, but a lot of those were (as per website' name) crappy! or creepy to say the least
My Two Cavalier King Charles
Chequeredblackdog replied to mumoftwo's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Nawww they're beautiful! and may I say happy looking dogs! I can never achieve that look after a bath.... You can almost see the thought bubble " God damn! I worked HARD to get stinky!" -
Mcdonalds Risky Radio Ad ( Usa )
Chequeredblackdog replied to Firey's topic in General Dog Discussion
Well... I didn't thinkeven mc chuckies was THAT dumb! -
Possible Luxating Patellas?
Chequeredblackdog replied to Chequeredblackdog's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks for all the input, I hqve been thinking about taking Reggie to a different vet (possibly the one who did a tto crucite surgery on my BC). I also think i shall keep a record/ diary of his happenings to. Sometimes his gait seems 'off' to me but I may just be paranoid! When I got him from the rspca he was rather skinny and certainly looked like he needed some tlc. In general he is a very soft dog, doesn't like being yelled at or manipulated physically ( eg mqde to sit) . he also cries if he gets snapped at by other dogs and creates a hell of a ruckus over vaccinations! sigh..... so maybe he has/ also has a low pain tolerance? ( Or is just a giant sook!) -
:laugh: wow!
Uuuuummmmm........ (rather speechless) lol
Help! Wahl Pocket Pro Trimmer
Chequeredblackdog replied to Chequeredblackdog's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks guys :) I'll have another go at it today. I can kinda of see wait I need to do....... it's just actually being able to do it! I'm not the best with machinery/clipper type things. Darkrai, I'm in Orange, nsw -
Help! Wahl Pocket Pro Trimmer
Chequeredblackdog replied to Chequeredblackdog's topic in General Dog Discussion
Hmmm , thanks guys. I'll have a fiddle but I think I might just buy a new one ( AND NOT PULL IT APART!!!!!) -
What's Wrong About Giving Dogs Human Names?
Chequeredblackdog replied to W Sibs's topic in General Dog Discussion
I've always had prodominately human names for my pets. My first pets were Sophie (angelfish) and Sally (cat) when I was 4... my parents were perplexed, lol. Dogs: Rocky- (Balboa) he's wuss! Though my dad wanted to call him weetbix... Sadie Tess Reggie (Reginald) Cats: Sally Misty (sister's cat) Brutus Calliope (Callie) Angelo-my vets love his name, said thry've never had an Angelo before! Misc. Lucy, Jack, Button, Abbey, Augustus, Ferdinand, Domino, Fred, Pepper and Squeak, Houdini, Tigger, Barry, Vanda, George, Zeus, Hades, Neptune, Josephine, Napoleon, Patches, Pretty Mamma, Bambi, Paulo, Beast, Jiggly, Wiggly, Giggly, Squiggly and Quiggley, Ouchie Peck, Kirabo, Ayo abd Ife, Sherlock, Willis...... -
Reggie my Kelpie pup (now 8 months old) I got him from the RSPCA at 10-12 weeks. Since then he has a few incidences with his joints. (patellas and elbows) The first one happened when he was 4-ish months old, he was lying at my feet in front of the couch, and when he went to get up he SCREAMED for a whole minute. His left hind leg was stiff and very resistant to manipulation A couple of minutes later he was fine. This happened twice, and I though it could be either his hips or knees. A vet visit wasn't particularly productive, vet thinking it could be a luxating patella (it was loose but not slipping in and out) but said that it was usually only found in small breeds? He was given a course of cartrophen shots and I was told to keep an eye on him, that hopefully he would grow out of it. Now it seems to be a rare occurence for him, but sometimes he still has some problems eg. slamming into a chair = screaming and stiff leg, sometimes getting up (maybe too quickly?) and it has also happened during a couple of rough play sessions. Well, to sum up my extended rambling post = Does the diagnosis of luxating patellas sound plausible? Should/can I be doing anything to help prevent it re occuring? and will it effect his ability to play/do obedience, agility etc?
Help! Wahl Pocket Pro Trimmer
Chequeredblackdog replied to Chequeredblackdog's topic in General Dog Discussion
hmmm..... I'll see if I can find my camera! -
Ok, so I've pulled apart my Wahl Pocket Pro Trimmer because it was all clogged up and I can't for the live of me figure out how to put it back together! I can't remember if it had a manual, but it did I can't find it, so that's no help either. Does anyone else have one and know how to put it back together? ETA: pulled apart= clogged http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=wahl+pocket+pro+trimmer&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-au:IE-SearchBox&biw=1024&bih=361&tbm=isch&tbnid=e88CsshagS8xCM:&imgrefurl=http://www.agroterra.co.uk/p/wahl-pocket-pro-trimmer-3033717/3033717&docid=SM6kmaO9aTEn2M&imgurl=http://images.agroterra.co.uk/5445_masterfitz.JPG&w=308&h=376&ei=YbMnT6a3C86WmQXOzoSkAw&zoom=1 and this is what mine look like! (hopefully those pics work >.<)
Mums Girl "tess" Has Pyo :-(
Chequeredblackdog replied to k9angel's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Really hope Tess makes a full recovery! -
My huge curly BCx Rocky LOVES getting dirty and we live on alot of red dirt..... sigh. Luckily, he'll be red, brown, a shade of disgusting something or other then next day he shows up SPARKLING WHITE!!!! confusing much? I LOVE the fact my kelpie dries clean to! That and he dries quickly, especially compared to Rocky (the sponge dog!)
Wow! Suziwong66 you are very talented! That bed is AWESOME! I' d love to make something that cool..... unfortunately I' m rather sewingmachine challenged ( understatement of the year!)