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Posts posted by Chequeredblackdog

  1. As far as I know they are not. Apparently they are trying to become a registered breed though. They arent going to be known as aussie bulldogs. rhey will be aussie bosdogs.

    Im sure someone with more.info can better inform you! :)

  2. Not quite breed misidentification, but sort of - my black pug often gets accused of being a cross because "pugs aren't black, they are brown".

    I don't think I've ever seen a brown pug? :confused:

    And anyway I would have thought that a pug being a pug is fairly obvious? (to me anyway)They are rather unique!

  3. My Afghans:

    Yes, they *are* Afghans, how clever of you to know! Yes, they are both Afghans, but you don't often see them in this grey colour.

    Actually, they are far too *smart* to do tricks, they believe it is demeaning...

    In fact, no, they can go a couple of weeks without seeing a brush when clipped off like this - although you do have to watch for change of seasons, you need to thoroughly brush them at least once a week.

    No, they eat very little, they are "good doers" and especially when you feed good quality dry food, it is amazingly cost efficient!

    Bye, no, not at all, I *love* sharing my dogs with people.

    To Children:

    Why, certainly you may pat my dogs, they *love* cuddles from children - and you are very clever to have asked me first.

    No, not a poodle/oodle - they are Afghan Hounds.

    Yes, they are big! But they love to cuddle on the lounge, they are like big fluffy cushions.

    Yes, they can do tricks: Bluey does Sit, and Speak, and Drop. Miffy does Stand There And Look Beautiful.

    No, I am afraid you may not take one for a walk, they are *very* strong and I would hate for you to get pulled off your feet.

    Bye, thankyou for having such lovely manners with my dogs, they really enjoyed meeting you.

    BEST trick EVER! :rofl: :rofl:

  4. Wow! thank you for all that information! I am in no rush to launch him into a sport, I want him to enjoy whatever he does and for him to (hopefully) have few problems later in life, as foremost he is a pet :D

    I will definitely focus on his foundations (which in themselves sound fun!) Is there any books/websites etc that would help? (I'm a newbie at all this so will need as much help as I can get! :o )

    Kavik- He is a big boy, probably closer to 59cm than 60cm. Though I could be a little off... he's a bit of a wriggle butt... :o As he is so lean and leggy (and has whopping big ears) I've had lots of people ask if he's crossed with something.... A sighthound has been suggested! :laugh:

    In regards to finding a sports/ greyhound vet, how would I go about that? I don't know any Greyhound people or really anyone in the area (Orange) who does dog sports.

    I'm taking my BC to the vet next thursday for a follow up appointment for her cruciate surgery. I was planning to take Reggie along to, maybe the vet will know where the Greyhound people go :confused: No harm in asking!

  5. I've forgotten to check this thread :o

    Nekhbet- I didn't think about the strain on joints in regards to doing flyball. Is it really that bad for them? He LOVES chasing balls and would run all day after one (I try to limit 'ball-time') and I thought he would love Flyball. Is there a way to minimise damage or is it really best to avoid completely?

    He is fed a combo of raw and dry (Holistic Select)and is very lean. So far he seems to be the type of dog that runs all fat off. At last measurement (a couple of months ago) he was 59-60cm, and is roughly 20kg. We are working on building up his muscle.

    Is there any particular type of exercise that will help? He gets walked onlead, as well as having a couple of offleash stints a week at the dogpark. We also do daily training sessions that include bits of obedience, some balance/awareness, ball chasing, "treat hunting" or tugging.

    Sheena-I didn't know they had to be 18 months to trial in agility :o Thank you for the link, I've tried looking into agility before, but it found it all rather overwhelming. :o

  6. My family bought Rocky as a 'purebred Border Collie' apparently his parents were star sheepdogs and show champions lol.


    Mind you they were selling him by walking through the local markets with a box, for $20! :eek:

    Rocky has been identified as a: Maremma, a Lab cross, a GR cross, a sheep and a lady once compared him to her old house's shag carpet :eek::rofl:

    I always welcome discussion on Rocky (he does too, cos it usually means he gets pats!) and often introduce him as a 'supposed to be Border Collie'.

    Where I work (pet supplies) we often get people come in with their super-duper designer breeds or 'purebred' whatever. Which they usually paid ridiculous amounts for. It can be very amusing.

    The best one I had when I first started, an older, quite serious gent (who I later found out is a regular) came in with his dog, which looked very much like a BC cross Husky. I asked if that was what is was, by God he acted offended! and proceeded to tell me all about his rare 'French mountain shepherd dog' I can't remember the exact name he called it. I was rather shocked at this point and just when along with him. Just as I was starting to believe him that MAYBE it WAS a rare breed, that I had just never heard of, he burst out laughing :eek: and proceeded to tell me how gullible I was! :o Apparently he likes to (mis)inform people quite often....sigh.

  7. I don't know many of the previous members names, but I could try to find out. I don't know about starting another group, it sounds too complicated for me :o

    When I get my licence (hopefully soon! :o I will have to really pull my finger out!) I will definitely have to check out the Bathurst Club! It sounds good. Though I usually have to work saturdays >.<

    Does anyone know of a flyball club in the area? Does Bathurst run one?

    I think I might have to wait until I get my licence to have much fun!

  8. I'm not too fussed about the travelling, if I have to, but presently I don't have a licence. :o :o My parents don't mind taxi-ing me around a bit, they are quite happy to drive me around for things in town/ not too far out, but asking them to drive an hour one way then hang around and then drive back is a bit much for a regular basis.

    I AM working on my licence am NEARLY there :o , so hopefully in the next month I should be able to drive myself around :D :eek: (if they'll let me borrow the car!)

  9. I'm not sure if this is the best place to put this (if not please move :) )

    I am struggling to find things to do with my dog in Orange. This includes obedience, agility, flyball and just general fun stuff.

    As far as I know there are only two places that do obedience/training. I have tried both.

    One is run by a Delta accredited trainer.

    She is OK but isn't exactly what I want, very 'positive-only' 'the Delta way is the only way' and only runs classes in 'blocks' of 4-6 weeks, usually at times I have to work.

    The other is run by the Orange and District Kennel and Obedience Club ODKOCI. I used to go out there years ago and it was great fun. The would often have 40+ people, most of which were lovely. The also used to have 'fun days' where the agility equipment was brought out, you could participate in 'doggy dancing' and trick classes. They also were trying to start up a flyball team.

    Recently I have been back out there and it is definitely not the same. they are lucky to get more than 10 people (and that includes 4+ instructors who often swap and participate in classes) The running committee are the ones who are alot of the reason I left last time. Very uppity about themselves, their dogs and how things should be done. One in particular is very quick to jump down people's throats, especially when the dog is not co-operating and many people don't even last one training session. I've seen a few leave in tears.

    The fly ball equipment has apparently disappeared, some of the agility equipment is still there but when I asked about it, was 'stomped on' so haven't been game to ask again. :(

    I've heard that there is an obedience/agility club in Bathurst, but it is an hour drive to get there. Same with a herding class.

    Sorry for my rambling :o

    So if anyone has any suggestions on other places that are available in the area I would be ecstatic!

  10. Reggie is alomst 12 months olds and I am interested in giving him ago with a couple of dog sports (namely flyball and agility) He has done basic obedience and currently we attend obedience training weekly, where he is coming along nicely. We have also been working on his body awareness and general fitness/stamina.

    As a pup he had (unconfirmed) possible patella issues, which he seems to have grown out of, but he is still quite a soft dog. I was wondering if it would be worth getting him fully vetted? (eg, scanned, bloods, gaits, joints etc) before commencing anything that might put him under increased strain? I'm assuming this would give me an indicator if he is suseptible to future injuries/ problems or is unsuitable for certain sports.

  11. It might be more economical, but it's VERY hard to get the correct dosage, especially for a small dog. Personally I would use the correct recommended size. It's safer.

    I work in pet retail and sometimes if the pup is going to outgrow the 'size' very quickly, you can have a bit of leeway with a larger 'size' pack eg. If your pup is a large breed already at 8kg and growing quickly, it's not much use buying a pack of 'up to 10kg'. We would recommend the '10-20kg size' etc.

    Otherwise we advise that sometimes you can single doses etc through your vet.

  12. Then maybe try leaving it on for longer periods of time, don't try to pick it up, just ignore the lead and carry on as usual.

    I suppose the idea would be to try an de-sensitize him to the lead. Is he wary of the lead if it isn't attached to him? Has he had any bad experiences with a lead?

  13. Thanks again Espinay, I will definitely have a look at the brushes and dryer. :D

    Sheena- The coconut oil sounds interesting. Where would I get cold pressed virgin coconut oil? Is it good for anything else? (arthritis, other health aspects etc) He already gets fish oil daily, would adding more oil be too much for his digestive system?

  14. Thank you Espinay!

    He is due for a course of cartrophen shots, so I'll get the vet to give him a thorough check.

    He was clipped a couple of years ago, though he currently has a clipped butt :o (from his anus to his penis) Because he is a VERY lazy dog and can get messy. I'm not to fussed with his butt being shiney! :laugh:

    I don't have access to a dryer, but will do some investigating around town.

    I will also definitely look at upgrading my grooming equipment! Plush Puppy sounds good! I don't think it's available locally where I am so will do some internet browsing.

    If I plan to buy a dryer, can you recommend one? (and/or somewhere to get it from?)

    Again, thank you! :D

  15. Thanks guys, I think he is probably just not a shiney dog. Oh well. I will try some of the ideas.

    I do 'furminate'Rocky's coat mostly help help manage the INSANE amount of hair he sheds! I have tried a couple of colour enhancing type shampoos but havent fpund that they work particuarly well.

    Oh well. He is rather handsome (might be biased!)

    As for being a BCx, we bought he as a BC. Mind you we got him for $20 at a market as a tiny puppy, Before we knew any better.

    He clearly has something else in him! We had people say Lab, Goldie, Maremma and a sheep! I think either Goldie or lab. People are welcome to add other ideas :)

  16. I've always admired a 'shiny' dog, and have no problem getting my B&T Kelpie to shine. But I can't get a shine to get my white (well, cream) Border Collie cross to have that soft shiny look/feel. :(

    Rocky who is 11, desexed, a fatty (he IS on a diet, but is the kind of dog who stays fat LOOKING at food), fed a combo of raw and dry (Holistic select or Nutro), plus fish oil daily (mostly for arthritis) as well as an egg and sardines a couple of times a week.

    He gets brushed a couple of times a week, and swims in the creek at the dog park a few times a week as well.

    His hair is kind of soft, but VERY woolly and THICK. He has been compared to sheep and even a shag carpet in his time. :o

    Unfortunately he has been clipped in the past, could this have effected his coat? Though he has never been really shiny.

    Maybe he's coat type is just the sort that is incapable of the 'shiny factor'? Is that possible?

    Any ideas?

    Pics of the beast!



    and a close up


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